--- a
+++ b/src/mediaserver/cdplugins/uprcl/uprclinit.py
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (C) 2017 J.F.Dockes
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+import sys
+import os
+import conftree
+import threading
+import subprocess
+import time
+from timeit import default_timer as timer
+from rwlock import ReadWriteLock
+import uprclfolders
+import uprcltags
+import uprcluntagged
+import uprclsearch
+import uprclhttp
+import uprclindex
+from uprclcontrol import runbottle
+from uprclutils import uplog, findmyip, stringToStrings
+# The recoll documents
+g_rcldocs = []
+g_pathprefix = ""
+g_httphp = ""
+g_dblock = ReadWriteLock()
+g_rclconfdir = ""
+# Create or update Recoll index, then read and process the data.
+def _update_index():
+    uplog("Creating/updating index in %s for %s" % (g_rclconfdir, g_rcltopdirs))
+    # We take the writer lock, making sure that no browse/search
+    # thread are active, then set the busy flag and release the
+    # lock. This allows future browse operations to signal the
+    # condition to the user instead of blocking (if we kept the write
+    # lock).
+    global g_initrunning
+    g_dblock.acquire_write()
+    g_initrunning = True
+    g_dblock.release_write()
+    start = timer()
+    uprclindex.runindexer(g_rclconfdir, g_rcltopdirs)
+    # Wait for indexer
+    while not uprclindex.indexerdone():
+        time.sleep(.5)
+    fin = timer()
+    uplog("Indexing took %.2f Seconds" % (fin - start))
+    global g_rcldocs
+    g_rcldocs = uprclfolders.inittree(g_rclconfdir, g_httphp, g_pathprefix)
+    uprcltags.recolltosql(g_rcldocs)
+    uprcluntagged.recoll2untagged(g_rcldocs)
+    g_dblock.acquire_write()
+    g_initrunning = False
+    g_dblock.release_write()
+# This runs in a thread because of the possibly long index initialization.
+def _uprcl_init_worker():
+    #######
+    # Acquire configuration data.
+    global g_pathprefix
+    # pathprefix would typically be something like "/uprcl". It's used
+    # for dispatching URLs to the right plugin for processing. We
+    # strip it whenever we need a real file path
+    if "UPMPD_PATHPREFIX" not in os.environ:
+        raise Exception("No UPMPD_PATHPREFIX in environment")
+    g_pathprefix = os.environ["UPMPD_PATHPREFIX"]
+    if "UPMPD_CONFIG" not in os.environ:
+        raise Exception("No UPMPD_CONFIG in environment")
+    upconfig = conftree.ConfSimple(os.environ["UPMPD_CONFIG"])
+    global g_httphp
+    g_httphp = upconfig.get("uprclhostport")
+    if g_httphp is None:
+        ip = findmyip()
+        g_httphp = ip + ":" + "9090"
+        uplog("uprclhostport not in config, using %s" % g_httphp)
+    global g_rclconfdir
+    g_rclconfdir = upconfig.get("uprclconfdir")
+    if g_rclconfdir is None:
+        uplog("uprclconfdir not in config, using /var/cache/upmpdcli/uprcl")
+        g_rclconfdir = "/var/cache/upmpdcli/uprcl"
+    global g_rcltopdirs
+    g_rcltopdirs = upconfig.get("uprclmediadirs")
+    if g_rcltopdirs is None:
+        raise Exception("uprclmediadirs not in config")
+    pthstr = upconfig.get("uprclpaths")
+    if pthstr is None:
+        uplog("uprclpaths not in config")
+        pthlist = stringToStrings(g_rcltopdirs)
+        pthstr = ""
+        for p in pthlist:
+            pthstr += p + ":" + p + ","
+        pthstr = pthstr.rstrip(",")
+    uplog("Path translation: pthstr: %s" % pthstr)
+    lpth = pthstr.split(',')
+    pathmap = {}
+    for ptt in lpth:
+        l = ptt.split(':')
+        pathmap[l[0]] = l[1]
+    host,port = g_httphp.split(':')
+    if True:
+        # Running the server as a thread. We get into trouble because
+        # something somewhere writes to stdout a bunch of --------.
+        # Could not find where they come from, happens after a sigpipe
+        # when a client closes a stream. The --- seem to happen before
+        # and after the exception strack trace, e.g:
+        # ----------------------------------------
+        #   Exception happened during processing of request from ('192...
+        #   Traceback...
+        #   [...]
+        # error: [Errno 32] Broken pipe
+        # ----------------------------------------
+        # 
+        # **Finally**: found it: the handle_error SocketServer method
+        # was writing to stdout.  Overriding it should have fixed the
+        # issue. Otoh the separate process approach works, so we kept
+        # it for now
+        httpthread = threading.Thread(target=uprclhttp.runHttp,
+                                      kwargs = {'host':host ,
+                                                'port':int(port),
+                                                'pthstr':pthstr,
+                                                'pathprefix':g_pathprefix})
+        httpthread.daemon = True 
+        httpthread.start()
+    else:
+        # Running the HTTP server as a separate process
+        cmdpath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), 'uprclhttp.py')
+        cmd = subprocess.Popen((cmdpath, host, port, pthstr,g_pathprefix),
+                               stdin = open('/dev/null'),
+                               stdout = sys.stderr,
+                               stderr = sys.stderr,
+                               close_fds = True)
+    _update_index()
+    uplog("Uprcl: init done")
+def uprcl_init():
+    # This lock and counter are used as a read/write lock 
+    global g_initrunning
+    g_initrunning = True
+    initthread = threading.Thread(target=_uprcl_init_worker)
+    initthread.daemon = True 
+    initthread.start()
+    # Start the control/config interface
+    ctlthread = threading.Thread(target=runbottle)
+    ctlthread.daemon = True 
+    ctlthread.start()
+def ready():
+    g_dblock.acquire_read()
+    if g_initrunning:
+        return False
+    else:
+        return True
+def start_update():
+    if not ready():
+        g_dblock.release_read()
+        return
+    idxthread = threading.Thread(target=_update_index)
+    idxthread.daemon = True 
+    # We need to release the reader lock before starting the index
+    # update operation, so that there is a small window for
+    # mischief. I would be concerned if this was a highly concurrent
+    # or critical app, but here, not so much...
+    g_dblock.release_read()
+    idxthread.start()