upmpdcli is an UPnP Media Renderer front-end to MPD, the Music Player Daemon. The last version supports both pure UPnP and the OpenHome ohMedia services.


upmpdcli is not audited for security issues, and, as far as I know, it may be full of exploitable bugs. Do not run it on an Internet-facing host.


See the man page for command line details. In most situations, upmpdcli will be run as follows:

upmpdcli -D -c /etc/upmpdcli.conf

The -D option tells upmpdcli to fork and run in background. The -c option specifies a configuration file.

The configuration file has a simple name = value format.

The configuration parameters can be set from the command line, a configuration file, or the environment in this order of priority. It would be rather confusing to use a mix of methods, so you should probably chose one.

All parameters have defaults, and a typical installation needs no modification of the configuration file. If several instances of upmpdcli run on the same network, it may be useful to give them distinct names (friendlyname parameter). The other parameters are only useful in special situations.

The following parameters can be set:


Command line


Config variable

Configuration file name

-c config


Host name or IP address where MPD runs

-h mpdhost



TCP port for MPD

-p mpdport



MPD password


Do we own the MPD queue and fearlessly clear it

-o 0/1


UPnP "friendly name" for the device. This gets displayed in network search results.

-f friendlyname



Log file name. Leave empty for stderr

-d logfilename


Verbosity level (0-4)

-l loglevel


UPnP network interface

-i iface



UPnP IP address (if interface not set)


UPnP port

-p port



OpenHome support switch

-O 0/1


OpenHome ohMedia services

The support for ohMedia services (play queue managed by the player instead of on the control point) is set to off by default in the software, and on in the configuration file (which normally does not overwrite the previous one during an upgrade). If you are upgrading to a version supporting OpenHome and you want to enable the services, you need to set the option in the configuration file.

Boot time startup

upmpdcli will try to change its uid to user upmpdcli if it is started by root. It will refuse to run if the user does not exist.

If started by root, upmpdcli will also write its process id to /var/run/upmpdcli.pid.

There are boot-time startup scripts in the debian/ directory inside the source tree (for Debian/Ubuntu/Mint/Raspbian etc.). There is also a systemd service file under systemd/ (for Fedora et al.).

The boot scripts are installed by the pre-built packages, so will just have to edit the configuration file after installing them, all the rest should just work.


For building from source, you will need a recent C++ compiler (C++11), and the development packages for libupnp version 1.6, and libmpdclient.

If you are using the source from Github, you will also need the autoconf/automake/libtool trio. Use the autogen.sh script to set things up.

Otherwise, the procedure is standard and there are currently no specific configure options:

configure --prefix=/usr
sudo make install