--- a/src/mediaserver/cdplugins/uprcl/uprclhttp.py
+++ b/src/mediaserver/cdplugins/uprcl/uprclhttp.py
@@ -1,253 +1,112 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (C) 2017 J.F.Dockes
+#   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#   (at your option) any later version.
-# Copyright (C) 2017 J.F.Dockes
+#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#   GNU General Public License for more details.
-# HTTP Range code:
-#  Portions Copyright (C) 2009,2010  Xyne
-#  Portions Copyright (C) 2011 Sean Goller
-#  https://github.com/smgoller/rangehttpserver/blob/master/RangeHTTPServer.py
+#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#   along with this program; if not, write to the
+#   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+#   59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 from __future__ import print_function
-import SocketServer
-import BaseHTTPServer
 import os
-import posixpath
-import urllib
-import urlparse
-import shutil
-import mimetypes
-import sys
+import time
+import bottle
-import mutagen
+from uprclutils import uplog, embedded_open
+import uprclinit
-    from cStringIO import StringIO
-except ImportError:
-    from StringIO import StringIO
+def main():
+    sub =  bottle.request.forms.get('sub')
+    #uplog("Main: sub value is %s" % sub)
+    if uprclinit.updaterunning():
+        status = 'Updating'
+    else:
+        status = 'Ready'
-from uprclutils import uplog,printable,embedded_open
+    if sub == 'Update Index':
+        uprclinit.start_update()
+    if sub:
+        headers = dict()
+        headers["Location"] = '/'
+        return bottle.HTTPResponse(status=302, **headers)
+    else:
+        return {'title':status, 'status':status,
+                'friendlyname':uprclinit.g_friendlyname}
+def static(filepath):
+    #uplog("control: static: filepath %s datadir %s" % (filepath, datadir))
+    return bottle.static_file(filepath, root=os.path.join(datadir, 'static'))
-__version__ = "0.1"
+# Object for streaming data from a given subtree (topdirs entry more
+# or less). This is needed just because as far as I can see, a
+# callback can't know the route it was called for, so we record it
+# when creating the object.
+class Streamer(object):
+    def __init__(self, root):
+        self.root = root
-class RangeHTTPRequestHandler(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
+    def __call__(self, filepath):
+        embedded = True if 'embed' in bottle.request.query else False
+        if embedded:
+            # Embedded image urls have had a .jpg or .png
+            # appended. Remove it to restore the track path name.
+            i = filepath.rfind('.')
+            filepath = filepath[:i]
+            apath = os.path.join(self.root,filepath)
+            ctype, size, f = embedded_open(apath)
+            fs = os.stat(apath)
+            lm = time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT", time.gmtime(fs.st_mtime))
+            bottle.response.set_header("Last-Modified", lm)
+            bottle.response.set_header("Content-type", ctype)
+            bottle.response.set_header("Content-Length", size)
+            return f
+        uplog("Uprcl: streaming: %s" % os.path.join(self.root,filepath))
+        return bottle.static_file(filepath, root=self.root)
-    """Simple HTTP request handler with GET and HEAD commands.
-    The MIME type for files is determined by calling the .guess_type() method.
+# Bottle handle both the streaming and control requests.
+def runbottle(host='', port=9278, pthstr='', pathprefix=''):
+    global datadir
+    uplog("runbottle: host %s port %d pthstr %s pathprefix %s" %
+          (host, port, pthstr, pathprefix))
+    datadir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
+    datadir = os.path.join(datadir, 'bottle')
+    bottle.TEMPLATE_PATH = (os.path.join(datadir, 'views'),)
-    The GET and HEAD requests are identical except that the HEAD
-    request omits the actual contents of the file.
-    """
-    server_version = "RangeHTTP/" + __version__
-    def do_GET(self):
-        """Serve a GET request."""
-        f, start_range, end_range = self.send_head()
-        if f:
-            #uplog("do_GET: Got (%d,%d)" % (start_range,end_range))
-            f.seek(start_range, 0)
-            chunk = 0x1000
-            total = 0
-            while chunk > 0:
-                if start_range + chunk > end_range:
-                    chunk = end_range - start_range
-                try:
-                    self.wfile.write(f.read(chunk))
-                except:
-                    break
-                total += chunk
-                start_range += chunk
-            f.close()
-    def do_HEAD(self):
-        """Serve a HEAD request."""
-        f, start_range, end_range = self.send_head()
-        if f:
-            f.close()
-    def send_head(self):
-        """Common code for GET and HEAD commands.
-        This sends the response code and MIME headers.
-        Return value is either a file object (which has to be copied
-        to the outputfile by the caller unless the command was HEAD,
-        and must be closed by the caller under all circumstances), or
-        None, in which case the caller has nothing further to do.
-        """
-        path,embedded = self.translate_path(self.path)
-        #uplog("HTTP: translated: embedded %s path: %s" %
-        #      (embedded, printable(path)))
-        if not path or not os.path.exists(path):
-            self.send_error(404)
-            return (None, 0, 0)
-        if not os.path.isfile(path):
-            self.send_error(405)
-            return (None, 0, 0)
-        f = None
-        try:
-            if embedded:
-                ctype, size, f = embedded_open(path)
-                fs = os.stat(path)
-                #uplog("embedded, got ctype %s size %s" %(ctype, size))
-            else:
-                ctype = self.guess_type(path)
-                f = open(path, 'rb')
-                fs = os.fstat(f.fileno())
-                size = int(fs[6])
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.send_error(404, "File not found")
-            return (None, 0, 0)
-        if "Range" in self.headers:
-            self.send_response(206)
-        else:
-            self.send_response(200)
-        self.send_header("Last-Modified", self.date_time_string(fs.st_mtime))
-        self.send_header("Content-type", ctype)
-        start_range = 0
-        end_range = size
-        self.send_header("Accept-Ranges", "bytes")
-        if "Range" in self.headers:
-            s, e = self.headers['range'][6:].split('-', 1)
-            sl = len(s)
-            el = len(e)
-            if sl > 0:
-                start_range = int(s)
-                if el > 0:
-                    end_range = int(e) + 1
-            elif el > 0:
-                ei = int(e)
-                if ei < size:
-                    start_range = size - ei
-        self.send_header("Content-Range",
-                         'bytes ' + str(start_range) + '-' +
-                         str(end_range - 1) + '/' + str(size))
-        self.send_header("Content-Length", end_range - start_range)
-        self.end_headers()
-        #uplog("Sending Bytes %d to %d" % (start_range, end_range))
-        return (f, start_range, end_range)
-    def translate_path(self, opath):
-        path = urllib.unquote(opath)
-        # pathprefix is something like /uprcl
-        path = path.replace(self.uprclpathprefix, '', 1)
-        q = urlparse.urlparse(path)
-        path = q.path
-        embedded = False
-        pq = urlparse.parse_qs(q.query)
-        if 'embed' in pq:
-            embedded = True
-        for fsp,htp in self.uprclpathmap.iteritems():
-            if path.startswith(fsp):
-                path = path.replace(fsp, htp, 1)
-                if embedded:
-                    # Embedded image urls have had a .jpg or .png
-                    # appended. Remove it to restore the track path
-                    # name.
-                    i = path.rfind('.')
-                    path = path[:i]
-                return path, embedded
-        # Security feature here: never allow access to anything not in
-        # the path map
-        uplog("HTTP: translate_path: %s not found in path map" % opath)
-        return None, None
-    def guess_type(self, path):
-        """Guess the type of a file.
-        Argument is a PATH (a filename).
-        Return value is a string of the form type/subtype,
-        usable for a MIME Content-type header.
-        The default implementation looks the file's extension
-        up in the table self.extensions_map, using application/octet-stream
-        as a default; however it would be permissible (if
-        slow) to look inside the data to make a better guess.
-        """
-        base, ext = posixpath.splitext(path)
-        if ext in self.extensions_map:
-            return self.extensions_map[ext]
-        ext = ext.lower()
-        if ext in self.extensions_map:
-            return self.extensions_map[ext]
-        else:
-            return self.extensions_map['']
-    if not mimetypes.inited:
-        mimetypes.init() # try to read system mime.types
-    extensions_map = mimetypes.types_map.copy()
-    extensions_map.update({
-        '': 'application/octet-stream', # Default
-        '.mp4': 'video/mp4',
-        '.ogg': 'video/ogg',
-        })
-class ThreadingSimpleServer(SocketServer.ThreadingMixIn,
-                            BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer):
-    # Override handle_error as the default version writes to stdout !
-    def handle_error(self, request, client_address):
-        # Actually, we generally don't care about errors...
-        return
-        uplog('-'*40)
-        uplog('Exception happened during processing of request from %s' %
-              str(client_address))
-        import traceback
-        traceback.print_exc() # XXX But this goes to stderr! (jf: yep :)
-        uplog('-'*40)
-def runHttp(host='', port=8080, pthstr='', pathprefix=''):
+    # All the file urls must be like /some/prefix/path where
+    # /some/prefix must be in the path translation map (which I'm not
+    # sure what the use of is). By default the map is an identical
+    # translation of all topdirs entries. We create one route for each
+    # prefix. As I don't know how a bottle method can retrieve the
+    # route it was called from, we create a callable for each prefix.
+    # Each route is built on the translation input, and the processor
+    # uses the translated path as root
     lpth = pthstr.split(',')
-    pathmap = {}
     for ptt in lpth:
         l = ptt.split(':')
-        pathmap[l[0]] = l[1]
-    # Set pathmap as request handler class variable
-    RangeHTTPRequestHandler.uprclpathmap = pathmap
-    RangeHTTPRequestHandler.uprclpathprefix = pathprefix
-    server = ThreadingSimpleServer((host, port), RangeHTTPRequestHandler)
-    while 1:
-        server.handle_request()
+        rt = l[0]
+        if rt[-1] != '/':
+            rt += '/'
+        rt += '<filepath:path>'
+        uplog("runbottle: adding route for: %s"%rt)
+        # We build the streamer with the translated 
+        streamer = Streamer(l[1])
+        bottle.route(rt, 'GET', streamer)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    if len(sys.argv) != 5:
-        print("Usage: uprclhttp.py <host> <port> <pthmap> <pthprefix>",
-              file=sys.stderr)
-        sys.exit(1)
-    runHttp(host=sys.argv[1], port = int(sys.argv[2]), pthstr=sys.argv[3],
-            pathprefix=sys.argv[4])
+    bottle.run(server='paste', host=host, port=port)