--- a
+++ b/doc/upplay-mingw.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+= Building upplay with MinGW
+First install http://www.mingw.org/[MinGW] and 
+http://www.qt.io/download/[Qt 5.5].
+Also install http://www.jrsoftware.org/isinfo.php[innosetup], this will be
+used to create the installer.
+Start a command window running the Bash shell,
+using `C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\msys.bat`
+*Change the PATH* to use the tools wich come with Qt 5.5, not the ones from
+the MinGW install (which is mostly there to provide bash and tar
+    export PATH=c:/qt/tools/mingw492_32/bin:$PATH
+== libupnp
+Clone it from https://github.com/medoc92/pupnp16, use the default branch
+pupnp16-fixes, and follow the instructions in README_MINGW.txt
+== curl 7.43.0
+Download http://curl.haxx.se/download/curl-7.45.0.tar.gz[curl]
+Extract it:
+    cd c:\temp
+    tar xf curl-7.45.0.tar.gz
+Have a look at curl-7.45.0/docs/INSTALL: MinGW32 section
+- *Do not* run configure, just "make mingw32"
+    cd curl-7.45.0
+    make mingw32
+== expat
+    cd expat-2.1.0
+    configure
+    make
+=== libupnpp
+Copy windows/config_windows.h to libupnpp/config.h
+Then use windows/qmk/libupnpp.pro, possibly adjusting paths 
+=== upplay
+Open upplay.pro with Qt Creator. Possibly adjust the paths to
+libupnp/curl/expat and libupnpp, build.
+Then use the windows/mkinstdir.sh to create an installation directory, and
+use the innosetup file windows/innosetup/upplay-setup.iss to create the