AutoSize = Fit to content BottomAlign = Align bottom CenterHAlign = Align center horizontally CenterVAlign = Align center vertically CopyImage = Copy diagram as graphic GridCommand = Show/Hide grid LeftAlign = Align Left MaskCommand = Mask selection Print = Print diagram Restyle = Clone graphic options RightAlign = Align Right SameHeight = Set to the same height SameSize = Set to the same size SameWidth = Set to the same width SaveImage = Save diagram in a file TopAlign = Align top ZoomIn = Zoom in ZoomOut = Zoom out ZoomToDefault = Zoom to 1:1 Constraint.label = Constraint Constraint.tooltip = Create a constraint = Create diagram CommandCreation.description = Create diagram OpenWizard.label = Diagram creation wizard OpenWizard.tooltip = Diagram creation wizard ContributorCategoryType.UML = UML/BPMN ContributorCategoryLabel.UML = UML/BPMN CreateDiagramMenu.label = Create diagram CreateDiagramMenu.tooltip = Create diagram CreateDiagramItem.label = Diagram creation wizard... CreateDiagramItem.tooltip = Diagram creation wizard CreateActivityDiagram.label = Create an Activity diagram CreateActivityDiagram.tooltip = Create an Activity diagram CreateBpmnProcessCollaborationDiagram.label = Create a Bpmn Process Collaboration diagram CreateBpmnProcessCollaborationDiagram.tooltip = Create a Bpmn Process Collaboration diagram CreateBpmnSubProcessDiagram.label = Create a Bpmn Sub-Process diagram CreateBpmnSubProcessDiagram.tooltip = Create a Bpmn Sub-Process diagram CreateClassDiagram.label = Create a Class diagram CreateClassDiagram.tooltip = Create a Class diagram CreateCommunicationDiagram.label = Create a Communication diagram CreateCommunicationDiagram.tooltip = Create a Communication diagram CreateCompositeDiagram.label = Create a Composite Structure diagram CreateCompositeDiagram.tooltip = Create a Composite Structure diagram CreateDeploymentDiagram.label = Create a Deployment diagram CreateDeploymentDiagram.tooltip = Create a Deployment diagram CreateObjectDiagram.label = Create an Object diagram CreateObjectDiagram.tooltip = Create an Object diagram CreateSequenceDiagram.label = Create a Sequence diagram CreateSequenceDiagram.tooltip = Create a Sequence diagram CreateStateDiagram.label = Create a State Machine diagram CreateStateDiagram.tooltip = Create a State Machine diagram CreateUseCaseDiagram.label = Create a Use Case diagram CreateUseCaseDiagram.tooltip = Create a Use Case diagram