CreateElementMenu.icon = icons/uml.png CreateElementMenu.label = Create element AddStereotype.label = Add stereotype AddStereotype.tooltip = Add stereotype(s)... SelectInExplorer.label = Select in explorer SelectInExplorer.tooltip = Select in explorer Mask.label = Mask selection Mask.tooltip = Mask selection Delete.label = Delete selection Delete.tooltip = Delete selection Align.label = Layout Align.tooltip = Layout Unmask.label = Unmask Unmask.tooltip = Unmask UnmaskChildLinks.label = Child generalizations UnmaskChildLinks.tooltip = Child generalizations UnmaskNonStructuringLinks.label = Non Structuring links towards unmasked elements UnmaskNonStructuringLinks.tooltip = Non Structuring links towards unmasked elements UnmaskNonStructuringLinksAndNodes.label = Non Structuring links UnmaskNonStructuringLinksAndNodes.tooltip = Non Structuring links UnmaskNotesAndConstraints.label = Notes and Constraints UnmaskNotesAndConstraints.tooltip = Notes and Constraints UnmaskParentLinks.label = Parent generalizations UnmaskParentLinks.tooltip = Parent generalizations UnmaskStructuringLinks.label = Structuring links towards unmasked elements UnmaskStructuringLinks.tooltip = Structuring links towards unmasked elements UnmaskStructuringLinksAndNodes.label = Structuring links UnmaskStructuringLinksAndNodes.tooltip = Structuring links RedrawLink.label = Redraw Link RedrawLink.tooltip = Redraw completely the link RenameElement.label=Rename RenameElement.tooltip=Rename MoveToBackground.label = Move to background MoveToBackground.tooltip = Move the graphic to the background layer MoveToForeground.label = Move to foreground MoveToForeground.tooltip = Move the graphic to the foreground layer AutoSize = Fit to content BottomAlign = Align bottom CenterHAlign = Align center horizontally CenterVAlign = Align center vertically CopyImage = Copy diagram as graphic GridCommand = Show/Hide grid LeftAlign = Align Left MaskCommand = Mask selection Print = Print diagram Restyle = Clone graphic options RightAlign = Align Right SameHeight = Set to the same height SameSize = Set to the same size SameWidth = Set to the same width SaveImage = Save diagram in a file TopAlign = Align top ZoomIn = Zoom in ZoomOut = Zoom out ZoomToDefault = Zoom to 1:1 BpmnAdHocSubProcess.label = Ad-hoc Sub-Process BpmnAdHocSubProcess.tooltip = Create an Ad-hoc Sub-Process BpmnBoundaryEvent.label = Boundary Event BpmnBoundaryEvent.tooltip = Create a Boundary Event BpmnBusinessRuleTask.label = Business Rule BpmnBusinessRuleTask.tooltip = Create a Business Rule Task BpmnCallActivity.label = Call Activity BpmnCallActivity.tooltip = Create a Call Activity BpmnDataAssociation.label = Data Association BpmnDataAssociation.tooltip = Create a Data Association BpmnDataInput.label = Data Input BpmnDataInput.tooltip = Create a Data Input BpmnDataObject.label = Data Object BpmnDataObject.tooltip = Create a Data Object BpmnDataOutput.label = Data Output BpmnDataOutput.tooltip = Create a Data Output BpmnDataStore.label = Data Store BpmnDataStore.tooltip = Create a Data Store BpmnEndEvent.label = End Event BpmnEndEvent.tooltip = Create an End Event BpmnIntermediateCatchEvent.label = Catch Event BpmnIntermediateCatchEvent.tooltip = Create an Intermediate Catch Event BpmnIntermediateThrowEvent.label = Throw Event BpmnIntermediateThrowEvent.tooltip = Create an Intermediate Throw Event BpmnLane.label = Lane BpmnLane.tooltip = Create a Lane BpmnManualTask.label = Manual BpmnManualTask.tooltip = Create a Manual Task BpmnMessage.label = Message BpmnMessage.tooltip = Create a Message BpmnMessageFlow.label = Message Flow BpmnMessageFlow.tooltip = Create a Message Flow BpmnParticipant.label = Pool BpmnParticipant.tooltip = Create a Pool BpmnReceiveTask.label = Receive BpmnReceiveTask.tooltip = Create a Receive Task BpmnScriptTask.label = Script BpmnScriptTask.tooltip = Create a Script Task BpmnSendTask.label = Send BpmnSendTask.tooltip = Create a Send Task BpmnSequenceFlow.label = Sequence Flow BpmnSequenceFlow.tooltip = Create a Sequence Flow BpmnServiceTask.label = Service BpmnServiceTask.tooltip = Create a Service Task BpmnStartEvent.label = Start Event BpmnStartEvent.tooltip = Create a Start Event BpmnSubProcess.label = Sub-Process BpmnSubProcess.tooltip = Create a Sub-Process BpmnTask.label = Task BpmnTask.tooltip = Create a Task BpmnTransaction.label = Transaction BpmnTransaction.tooltip = Create a Transaction BpmnUserTask.label = User BpmnUserTask.tooltip = Create a User Task ComplexGateway.label = Complex Gateway ComplexGateway.tooltip = Create a Complex Gateway EventBasedGateway.label = Event Based Gateway EventBasedGateway.tooltip = Create an Event Based Gateway ExclusiveGateway.label = Exclusive Gateway ExclusiveGateway.tooltip = Create an Exclusive Gateway InclusiveGateway.label = Inclusive Gateway InclusiveGateway.tooltip = Create an Inclusive Gateway ParallelGateway.label = Parallel Gateway ParallelGateway.tooltip = Create a Parallel Gateway BpmnEditor.tooltip = Bpmn diagram = Bpmn diagram context BpmnDiagram.context.description = Bpmn diagram context description