/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2009 IBM Corporation and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ // Note: Mozilla/Firefox does not allow unprivileged scripts to invoke the cut, // copy and paste commands. The Javascript must either be signed // (see http://www.mozilla.org/projects/security/components/signed-scripts.html), // or the users must change their preferences // (see http://www.mozilla.org/editor/midasdemo/securityprefs.html). // Alternatively, the users can use the ctrl-x, ctrl-c and ctrl-v keys. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Note: The SWT component in eclipse 3.4.X and above has a bug that // keyReleased event can't be notified to listener. See (https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=280146). // This issue has blocked EPF upgrade to As a workaround, capture keyReleased event in // Javascript. Once this issue is resolved in SWT, we need to resume it var STATUS_NOP = 0; var STATUS_INITIALIZED = 1; var STATUS_MODIFIED = 2; var STATUS_GET_TEXT = 3; var STATUS_KEY_DOWN = 4; var STATUS_KEY_UP = 5; var STATUS_SELECT_TEXT = 6; var STATUS_SELECT_CONTROL = 7; var STATUS_SELECT_NONE = 8; var STATUS_EXEC_CMD = 9; var STATUS_FOCUS_GOT = 11; var STATUS_FOCUS_LOST = 12; var STATUS_INITIALIZATION_FAILED = 13; var KEY_BACKSPACE = 8; var KEY_TAB = 9; var KEY_ENTER = 13; var KEY_PAGE_UP = 33; var KEY_PAGE_DOWN = 34; var KEY_END = 35; var KEY_HOME = 36; var KEY_ARROW_LEFT = 37; var KEY_ARROW_UP = 38; var KEY_ARROW_RIGHT = 39; var KEY_ARROW_DOWN = 40; var KEY_A = 65; var KEY_B = 66; var KEY_C = 67; var KEY_F = 70; var KEY_I = 73; var KEY_S = 83; var KEY_U = 85; var KEY_V = 86; var KEY_X = 88; var KEY_Z = 90; var CMD_COPY = "copy"; var CMD_CUT = "cut"; var CMD_FIND_TEXT = "findText"; var CMD_PASTE = "paste"; var CMD_SAVE = "save"; var CMD_SAVE_ALL = "saveAll"; var TABLE_HEADERS_NONE = 0; var TABLE_HEADERS_COLS = 1; var TABLE_HEADERS_ROWS = 2; var TABLE_HEADERS_BOTH = 3; var BOLD = 1; var ITALIC = BOLD << 1; var UNDERLINE = ITALIC << 1; var SUBSCRIPT = UNDERLINE << 1; var SUPERSCRIPT = SUBSCRIPT << 1; var editorId; var editorCSS; var baseHREF; var supportRichTextEditing = true; var editorDoc; var selection; var selectionRange; var readOnly = false; var initialized = false; var modified = false; var checkResizeElement; var selectionInfo = null; //BinBinLi&ShiJin 2013-12-03 Enhancement42506 Add or delete rows/columns to existing table in RTE var STATUS_SELECT_TABLE = 51; var currentSelectedTable = null; var isWebKit = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("webkit") > 0; // Initializes the editor. function initEditor(id, css, baseURL) { editorId = id; editorCSS = css; baseHREF = baseURL; try { log ("initEditor() in progress..."); enableRichTextEditing(''); initialized = true; setStatus(STATUS_INITIALIZED, null); window.onerror = handleOnError; } catch (e) { log("ERROR initEditor() exception:" + e.name + "\nmessage:" + e.message); supportRichTextEditing = false; setStatus(STATUS_INITIALIZATION_FAILED, null); //alert("name:" + e.name + "\nmessage:" + e.message) } } function handleOnError (e) { log(" global exception:" + e.name + "\nmessage:" + e.message + "\nstack:"+ e.stack); } function log (msg) { console.log("LOG:"+msg); window.status = "LOG:"+msg; } var excludeModify = new Array(16, KEY_ARROW_DOWN, KEY_ARROW_LEFT, KEY_ARROW_RIGHT, KEY_ARROW_UP, KEY_END, KEY_HOME, KEY_PAGE_DOWN, KEY_PAGE_UP, KEY_TAB); function keyReleased(event) { var keyCode = event.keyCode; if (keyCode == 0 && !document.all) { keyCode = event.charCode; switch (keyCode) { case 98: keyCode = KEY_B; break; case 99: keyCode = KEY_C; break; case 102: keyCode = KEY_F; break; case 105: keyCode = KEY_I; break; case 115: keyCode = KEY_S; break; case 117: keyCode = KEY_U; break; case 118: keyCode = KEY_V; break; case 120: keyCode = KEY_X; break; case 122: keyCode = KEY_Z; break; } } var ctrlKey = event.ctrlKey; var shiftKey = event.shiftKey; var altKey = event.altKey; if ( !ctrlKey && !altKey ) { var modified = true; for (var i = 0; i < excludeModify.length; i++ ) { if ( keyCode == excludeModify[i] ) { modified = false; break; } } if ( modified == true ) { setTimeout("setStatus(STATUS_MODIFIED, null);", 10); } } } /** * Handle the key pressed : on + insert a
instead of closing the

* @see http://wadmiraal.net/lore/2012/06/14/contenteditable-hacks-returning-like-a-pro/ * @see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18552336/prevent-contenteditable-adding-div-on-enter-chrome **/ function keyEnterPressed(event, shiftKey, ctrlKey) { try { log ("keyEnterPressed(): shift="+shiftKey+", ctrl="+ctrlKey); if (! shiftKey) { // Convert


var blockStyle = editorDoc.queryCommandValue('formatBlock'); log ("keyEnterPressed(): blockstyle="+blockStyle); if (blockStyle == "div" || blockStyle == "") { editorDoc.execCommand('formatblock', false, "p"); blockStyle = editorDoc.queryCommandValue('formatBlock'); log ("keyEnterPressed(): fixed blockstyle ="+blockStyle); } return ; } else { // insert
instead of closing tag var doxExec = false; try { // Gecko doxExec = document.execCommand('insertBrOnReturn', false, true); } catch (error) { // IE throws an error if it does not recognize the command... } if (doxExec) { // Hurray, no dirty hacks needed ! return true; } // Standard : Webkit (and others) else if (window.getSelection) { var selection = window.getSelection(); if (selection.rangeCount == 0 && editorDoc.getSelection) selection = editorDoc.getSelection(); log ("keyEnterPressed(): Standard : Webkit (and others)"); event.preventDefault(); //Prevent default browser behavior event.stopPropagation(); var range = selection.getRangeAt(0); // Add
to the end of the field for chrome and safari to allow further insertion if(isWebKit) { if ( !editorDoc.body.lastChild || editorDoc.body.lastChild.nodeName.toLowerCase() != "br" ) { log("keyEnterPressed(): insert BR at end."); editorDoc.body.appendChild(document.createElement('br')); } } var br = document.createElement('br'), textNode = document.createTextNode("\u00a0"); //Passing " " directly will not end up being shown correctly range.deleteContents(); range.insertNode(br); range.setStartAfter(br); // range.collapse(false) does not work on webkit range.setEndAfter(br); // This is needed on Webkit, in the other case the cursor stays before the
range.insertNode(textNode); range.selectNodeContents(textNode); selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange(range); window.setSelection (selection); return false; } // IE else if ($.browser.msie) { event.preventDefault(); var range = document.selection.createRange(); range.pasteHTML('
'); // Move the caret after the BR range.moveStart('character', 1); return false; } } } catch (e) { log("ERROR keyEnterPressed() exception:" + e.name + "\nmessage:" + e.message); } // Last resort, just use the default browser behavior and pray... return true; } /** * Handles the key events. * @param event the key event */ function keyPressed(event) { var keyCode = event.keyCode; if (keyCode == 0 && !document.all) { keyCode = event.charCode; switch (keyCode) { case 97: keyCode = KEY_A; break; case 98: keyCode = KEY_B; break; case 99: keyCode = KEY_C; break; case 102: keyCode = KEY_F; break; case 105: keyCode = KEY_I; break; case 115: keyCode = KEY_S; break; case 117: keyCode = KEY_U; break; case 118: keyCode = KEY_V; break; case 120: keyCode = KEY_X; break; case 122: keyCode = KEY_Z; break; } } var ctrlKey = event.ctrlKey; var shiftKey = event.shiftKey; try { //log ("key pressed:" + keyCode + ", shift=" + shiftKey + ", ctrl=" + ctrlKey); switch(keyCode) { case KEY_A: case KEY_ARROW_DOWN: case KEY_ARROW_LEFT: case KEY_ARROW_RIGHT: case KEY_ARROW_UP: case KEY_END: case KEY_HOME: case KEY_PAGE_DOWN: case KEY_PAGE_UP: break; case KEY_ENTER: keyEnterPressed(event, shiftKey, ctrlKey); break; case KEY_TAB: if ( readOnly || !ctrlKey) break; var editorWindow = document.getElementById(editorId).contentWindow; var editorDocument = editorWindow.document; var tabText = "    "; if(document.all ){ // IE specific event.keyCode = -1; event.returnValue=false; //IE: cancel the default behavior var rng=editorDocument.selection.createRange(); rng.pasteHTML(tabText); //insert 4 spaces for one tab key } else { // Other browsers event.preventDefault(); editorDoc.execCommand("insertHTML","",tabText); } setTimeout("setStatus(STATUS_MODIFIED, null);", 10); break; case KEY_BACKSPACE: if (!readOnly) { setTimeout("setStatus(STATUS_MODIFIED, null);", 10); } break; case KEY_B: case KEY_U: case KEY_I: if (!readOnly && ctrlKey) { setTimeout("setStatus(STATUS_MODIFIED, null);",10); } break; case KEY_C: if (ctrlKey) { setStatus(STATUS_KEY_DOWN, CMD_COPY); } else if (!document.all && readOnly) { event.preventDefault(); } break; case KEY_F: if (ctrlKey) { if (document.all) { event.keyCode = -1; event.returnValue = false; } else { event.preventDefault(); } setStatus(STATUS_KEY_DOWN, CMD_FIND_TEXT); } else if (!document.all && readOnly) { event.preventDefault(); } break; case KEY_S: if (!readOnly && ctrlKey) { if (document.all) { event.keyCode = -1; event.returnValue = false; } else { event.preventDefault(); } if (shiftKey) { setStatus(STATUS_KEY_DOWN, CMD_SAVE_ALL); } else { setStatus(STATUS_KEY_DOWN, CMD_SAVE); } } else if (!document.all && readOnly) { event.preventDefault(); } break; case KEY_V: if (ctrlKey) { if (document.all) { event.keyCode = -1; event.returnValue = false; if (!readOnly) { setStatus(STATUS_KEY_DOWN, CMD_PASTE); } } else { if (!readOnly) { // Workaround Mozilla/Firefox paste issues. setTimeout("setStatus(STATUS_KEY_DOWN, CMD_PASTE);", 10); } else { event.preventDefault(); } } } else if (!document.all && readOnly) { event.preventDefault(); } break; case KEY_X: if (ctrlKey) { setStatus(STATUS_KEY_DOWN, CMD_CUT); } else if (!document.all && readOnly) { event.preventDefault(); } break; case KEY_Z: if (!readOnly && ctrlKey) { setTimeout("setStatus(STATUS_MODIFIED, null);", 10); } else if (!document.all && readOnly) { event.preventDefault(); } break; default: if (!document.all && readOnly) { event.preventDefault(); } } } catch (e) { log("keyPressed() exception:" + e.name + "\nmessage:" + e.message) } } function selChanged(event) { updateSelection(); } function enableRichTextEditing(html) { var doc = document.getElementById(editorId).contentWindow.document; doc.designMode = "on"; var htmlSrc = ''; if (editorCSS != null && editorCSS != '') { htmlSrc += ''; } if (baseHREF != null && baseHREF != '') { htmlSrc += ''; } if (!document.all && html == '') { // Mozilla/Firefox will only display the caret if
is added to the HTML body. // Adding
also enables the backspace and delete key by default. Otherwise, the // user need to enter some text before these 2 keys start to function. html = "
"; } htmlSrc += '

' + html + '

'; doc.open(); doc.write(htmlSrc); doc.close(); modified = false; if ("attachEvent" in doc) { // Internet Explorer way doc.attachEvent("onkeydown", keyPressed); doc.attachEvent("onkeyup", keyReleased); doc.attachEvent("onselectionchange", selChanged); // for DnD (internal) doc.body.attachEvent("ondrop", checkModified); // for image/table resizing: doc.body.attachEvent("onresizeend", checkModified); } if ("addEventListener" in doc) { doc.addEventListener("keypress", keyPressed, true); doc.addEventListener("keyrelease", keyReleased, true); doc.addEventListener("keypress", selChanged, false); doc.addEventListener("mouseup", selChanged, false); doc.addEventListener("dragdrop", checkModified, false); // check mouseup event for image/table resizing doc.addEventListener("mouseup", checkModified, false); } // Add focus listeners on plenty places because depending on the Browser and platforms // the focus event arrives on different objects I didn't have time to determine. addFocusListener(document); addFocusListener(doc); addFocusListener(doc.body); addFocusListener(window); w = window; while (w.top != w.self) { w = w.top; } addFocusListener(w); setStatus(STATUS_EXEC_CMD, 1); } /** * Called by Java, remove all listeners added by enableRichTextEditing() * to avoid crash in Linux SWT Webkit when the editor is destroyed. */ function dispose() { /* window.status = "dispose(): removing listeners" console.log("dispose(): removing listeners") var doc = document.getElementById(editorId).contentWindow.document; if ("attachEvent" in doc) { // Internet Explorer way doc.detachEvent("onkeydown", keyPressed); doc.detachEvent("onkeyup", keyReleased); doc.detachEvent("onselectionchange", selChanged); // for DnD (internal) doc.body.detachEvent("ondrop", checkModified); // for image/table resizing: doc.body.detachEvent("onresizeend", checkModified); } if ("addEventListener" in doc) { doc.removeEventListener("keypress", keyPressed, true); doc.removeEventListener("keyrelease", keyReleased, true); doc.removeEventListener("keypress", selChanged, false); doc.removeEventListener("mouseup", selChanged, false); doc.removeEventListener("dragdrop", checkModified, false); // check mouseup event for image/table resizing doc.removeEventListener("mouseup", checkModified, false); } removeFocusListener(document); removeFocusListener(doc); removeFocusListener(doc.body); removeFocusListener(window); w = window; while (w.top != w.self) { w = w.top; } removeFocusListener(w); */ log("dispose(): listeners removed") setStatus(STATUS_EXEC_CMD, 1); } /** * Remove focust listeners added by addFocusListener(). * @param anitem the DOM element whose focus listenre s must be removed */ function removeFocusListener(anitem) { // IE 9 and lower: if ('onfocusin' in item) item.onfocusin = item.onfocusout = null; // All others: else item.onpageshow = item.onpagehide = item.onfocus = item.onblur = null; } function addFocusListener(anitem) { var hidden = "hidden"; var item = anitem; // IE 9 and lower: if ('onfocusin' in item) item.onfocusin = item.onfocusout = onchange; // All others: else item.onpageshow = item.onpagehide = item.onfocus = item.onblur = onchange; function onchange (evt) { //log("addVisibilityListener.onchange on "+item+": "+evt+" type="+evt.type); var v = 'visible', h = 'hidden', evtMap = { focus:v, focusin:v, pageshow:v, blur:h, focusout:h, pagehide:h }; evt = evt || window.event; if (evt.type in evtMap) { if (evtMap[evt.type] == v) { jsendFocusGot(evt) } else { jsendFocusLost(evt); } } } } function jsendFocusGot(event) { //setTimeout("setStatus(STATUS_FOCUS_GOT, null);", 10); setStatus(STATUS_FOCUS_GOT, null); sendFocusGot(); /*selectionInfo = getSelectionInfo();*/ if (selectionInfo != null) { //setTimeout("setSelection(selectionInfo);", 10); setSelection(selectionInfo); } else { log("jsendFocusGot(): no selection"); } } /** * Call the "sendFocusLost()" Java callback . * @param event the focus lost event */ function jsendFocusLost(event) { //log ("jsendFocusLost() : stored selection is " + printSelection(selectionInfo)) ; selectionInfo = getSelectionInfo(); //log ("jsendFocusLost() : new stored selection is " + printSelection(selectionInfo)) ; setStatus(STATUS_FOCUS_LOST, null); // test the Java callback function still exist before calling it. if (typeof(sendFocusLost) == "function") sendFocusLost(); } // this one is for modification check on drag n drop within the RTE // checkModified listener function checkModified(event) { setTimeout("setStatus(STATUS_MODIFIED, null);", 10); } // Sets the height of the editor. function setHeight(height) { if (initialized) { document.getElementById(editorId).height = height + "px"; } } // Sets the status. // Note: By default, Firefox disables changes to the status bar. For this to work, the user // must set the global preference "dom.disable_window_status_change" to false. // For Firefox 1.0.x, this setting can be made in /usr/firefox-1.0.7/defaults/pref/firefox.js. function setStatus(type, value) { console.debug("status :"+ type+ " " + value) var status = '$$$' + type; if (value != null && value != '') { status += ('$' + value); } window.status = status; window.status = '$$$' + STATUS_NOP; } // Returns the HTML source. function getHTML() { var html = document.getElementById(editorId).contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML; if (html == "


") { html = ""; } if (html != null && html != '') { var regEx = new RegExp("\"file\:([^=]*)(/resources/)([^\"]+)\"", "g"); html = html.replace(regEx, "\"./resources/$3\""); regEx = new RegExp("\"file\:([^=]*)/#([^\"]+)\"", "g"); html = html.replace(regEx, "\"#$2\""); } return html; } //Returns the HTML source to the Java layer function getText() { var html = getHTML(); setStatus(STATUS_GET_TEXT, html); return html; } function setInnerHTML(html) { if (document.all) { // IE has problem setting complex HTML set via doc.body.innerHTML. enableRichTextEditing(html); } else { if (html == '') { // Mozilla/Firefox will only display the caret if
is added to the HTML body. html = "
"; } var doc = document.getElementById(editorId).contentWindow.document; if (doc.body != null) { doc.body.innerHTML = html; } else { // Mozilla/Firefox can take a while to initialize document.body // after document.write(). try { setTimeout("setInnerHTML('" + html + "');", 10); } catch (e) { } } } } // Sets the HTML source. function setText(html) { if (supportRichTextEditing) { html = decodeString(html); selectionInfo = getSelectionInfo(); setInnerHTML(html); if (selectionInfo != null) { setTimeout("setSelection(selectionInfo);", 10); } modified = false; setStatus(STATUS_EXEC_CMD, 1); } } /** Set the browser selection. */ function setSelection(selectionInfo) { if (!supportRichTextEditing) { return; } contentWindow = document.getElementById(editorId).contentWindow; editorDoc = contentWindow.document; try { if (document.all) { var startOffset = selectionInfo.start; var len = selectionInfo.len; if (startOffset == 0 && len == 0) { return; } var tempRange = editorDoc.body.createTextRange(); tempRange.moveStart('character', startOffset); tempRange.collapse(); tempRange.moveEnd('character', len); tempRange.select(); tempRange.scrollIntoView(); } else { selection = this.window.getSelection(); var startContainer = selectionInfo.startContainer; var start = selectionInfo.start; var endContainer = selectionInfo.endContainer; var end = selectionInfo.end; var tempRange = document.createRange(); tempRange.setStart(startContainer, start); tempRange.setEnd(endContainer, end); selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange(tempRange); contentWindow.focus(); } } catch (e) { log("ERROR in setSelection(): " + e.name + ": "+ e.message); } } /** * Get the browser selection. */ function getSelectionInfo() { if (!supportRichTextEditing) { return null; } contentWindow = document.getElementById(editorId).contentWindow; editorDoc = contentWindow.document; var tempSelRange; try { if (document.all) { selection = editorDoc.selection; if (selection != null) { tempSelRange = selection.createRange(); } // length of selection var tempSelLen = tempSelRange.text.length; // create new range var tempRange = editorDoc.body.createTextRange(); // set end of new range to start of selection // this will throw an exception if tempSelRange is not in editor.doc.body (ie, at the start of the RTE). tempRange.setEndPoint("EndToStart", tempSelRange); // length of new range is the start offset var tempText = tempRange.text; // IE counts newlines as 2 characters for length property, but they count as 1 when using moveStart so remove the \r to make the count the same tempText = tempText.replace(/\r/g, ""); var startOffset = tempText.length; return {start:startOffset, len:tempSelLen, text:tempRange.text, range:tempRange}; } else { selection = contentWindow.getSelection(); if (selection != null) { tempSelRange = selection.getRangeAt(selection.rangeCount - 1).cloneRange(); } return {startContainer: tempSelRange.startContainer, start:tempSelRange.startOffset, endContainer: tempSelRange.endContainer, end:tempSelRange.endOffset, text:selection, range:tempSelRange}; } } catch (e) { log("ERROR: getSelectionInfo() : " + e.name + " " + e.message); return null; } } function printSelection(sel) { if (sel == null) { return ""; } return "{start="+ sel.start+", end="+sel.end + ", length="+ sel.len+", text='" + sel.text+"'}" } // Decodes the HTML passed from the Java layer. function decodeString(str) { if (str != null && str != '') { if (document.all) { str = str.replace(/%sq%/g, "'"); str = str.replace(/%EOL%/g, "\n"); } else { str = str.replace(/%sq%/g, "'"); str = str.replace(/%EOL%/g, ""); str = str.replace(/\n/g, ""); } } return str; } // updates selection without notifying the Java layer of the selection state function internalUpdateSelection() { if (!supportRichTextEditing) { return false; } contentWindow = document.getElementById(editorId).contentWindow; editorDoc = contentWindow.document; if (document.all) { selection = editorDoc.selection; if (selection != null) { selectionRange = selection.createRange(); reformatElementLinks(); } } else { selection = contentWindow.getSelection(); if (selection != null) { selectionRange = selection.getRangeAt(selection.rangeCount - 1).cloneRange(); if (selectionRange.startContainer.nodeName == "HTML" && selectionRange.endContainer.nodeName == "HTML") { // Mozilla selects the whole document when there's no RTE content, so select just the body selectionRange = editorDoc.createRange(); selectionRange.setStart(editorDoc.body, 0); selectionRange.setEnd(editorDoc.body, 0); } } } return true; } /** * Updates the current selection and selection range. */ function updateSelection() { log("Start updateSelection() "); if (!supportRichTextEditing) { return false; } contentWindow = document.getElementById(editorId).contentWindow; editorDoc = contentWindow.document; var tempSelRange; var selOffsetStart = 0; var selectedText = ""; var fontName = ""; var fontSize = ""; var blockStyle = ""; var textFlags = 0; if (document.all) { selection = editorDoc.selection; if (selection != null) { selectionRange = selection.createRange(); if (selectionRange != null) { if(selection.type != "Control") { tempSelRange = selectionRange.duplicate(); } else { setStatus(STATUS_SELECT_CONTROL, null); if (selectionRange(0).tagName == "TABLE") { currentSelectedTable = selectionRange(0); setStatus(STATUS_SELECT_TABLE, null); } } } reformatElementLinks(); } } else { selection = contentWindow.getSelection(); if (selection != null) { selectionRange = selection.getRangeAt(selection.rangeCount - 1).cloneRange(); var tableNode = null; if (selectionRange.startContainer && selectionRange.endContainer && selectionRange.startContainer == selectionRange.endContainer && selectionRange.startContainer.nodeType == 1) { setStatus(STATUS_SELECT_CONTROL, null); if (selectionRange.startContainer.tagName == "TD") { tableNode = selectionRange.startContainer; } else if (selectionRange.endOffset - selectionRange.startOffset == 1 && selectionRange.startContainer.childNodes[selectionRange.startOffset].tagName == "TD") { tableNode = selectionRange.startContainer.childNodes[selectionRange.startOffset]; } } if (tableNode != null){ currentSelectedTable = tableNode; while(currentSelectedTable.nodeName != "TABLE") { currentSelectedTable = currentSelectedTable.parentNode; } setStatus(STATUS_SELECT_TABLE, null); } else { tempSelRange = selectionRange.cloneRange(); } } } if (tempSelRange != null) { try { if (document.all) { if (selectionRange.text) { selectedText = selectionRange.text; } /* for getting selection offset - commented because we can't select the * proper location in the HTML source tab because JTidy's reformatting of the HTML var html = getHTML(); var tempSelLen = tempSelRange.htmlText.length; tempSelRange.moveStart('character', -html.length); selOffsetStart = tempSelRange.htmlText.length - tempSelLen; */ var selParent = tempSelRange.parentElement(); fontName = tempSelRange.queryCommandValue('fontName'); fontSize = tempSelRange.queryCommandValue('fontSize'); blockStyle = tempSelRange.queryCommandValue('formatBlock'); if (blockStyle == "Normal") { if (selParent.className == "quote") { blockStyle = ""; } else if (selParent.className == "codeSample") { blockStyle = ""; } else { blockStyle = "

"; } } else if (blockStyle == "Heading 1") { blockStyle = "

"; } else if (blockStyle == "Heading 2") { blockStyle = "

"; } else if (blockStyle == "Heading 3") { blockStyle = "

"; } else if (blockStyle == "Heading 4") { blockStyle = "

"; } else if (blockStyle == "Heading 5") { blockStyle = "

"; } else if (blockStyle == "Heading 6") { blockStyle = "
"; } else if (blockStyle == "" || blockStyle == null) { blockStyle = "

"; } if (tempSelRange.queryCommandValue('bold') == true) { textFlags |= BOLD; } if (tempSelRange.queryCommandValue('italic') == true) { textFlags |= ITALIC; } if (tempSelRange.queryCommandValue('underline') == true) { textFlags |= UNDERLINE; } if (tempSelRange.queryCommandValue('subscript') == true) { textFlags |= SUBSCRIPT; } if (tempSelRange.queryCommandValue('superscript') == true) { textFlags |= SUPERSCRIPT; } setStatus(STATUS_SELECT_TEXT, /* selOffsetStart + "$" + */ fontName + "$" + fontSize + "$" + blockStyle + "$" + textFlags + "$" + selectedText); } else { if (selectionRange != null) { selectedText = selectionRange.toString(); } var selParent = selection.focusNode; fontName = editorDoc.queryCommandValue('fontName'); if (fontName == "") { fontName = "default"; } fontSize = editorDoc.queryCommandValue('fontSize'); if (fontSize == "") { fontSize = "default"; } blockStyle = editorDoc.queryCommandValue('formatBlock'); if (blockStyle == "p") { if (selParent.parentNode.className == "quote") { blockStyle = ""; } else if (selParent.parentNode.className == "codeSample") { blockStyle = ""; } else { blockStyle = "

"; } } else if (blockStyle == "h1") { blockStyle = "

"; } else if (blockStyle == "h2") { blockStyle = "

"; } else if (blockStyle == "h3") { blockStyle = "

"; } else if (blockStyle == "h4") { blockStyle = "

"; } else if (blockStyle == "h5") { blockStyle = "

"; } else if (blockStyle == "h6") { blockStyle = "
"; } else if (blockStyle == "") { blockStyle = "

"; } if (editorDoc.queryCommandState('bold') == true) { textFlags |= BOLD; } if (editorDoc.queryCommandState('italic') == true) { textFlags |= ITALIC; } if (editorDoc.queryCommandState('underline') == true) { textFlags |= UNDERLINE; } if (editorDoc.queryCommandState('subscript') == true) { textFlags |= SUBSCRIPT; } if (editorDoc.queryCommandState('superscript') == true) { textFlags |= SUPERSCRIPT; } setStatus(STATUS_SELECT_TEXT, /* selOffsetStart + "$" + */ fontName + "$" + fontSize + "$" + blockStyle + "$" + textFlags + "$" + selectedText); } } catch (e) { log ("updateSelection() error:" + e.name + " : " + e.message); } } else { log ("updateSelection(): no selection.") } return true; } // Sets focus to this editor. function setFocus() { if (!supportRichTextEditing) { return; } if (document.all) { iframe = document.getElementById(editorId); iframe.focus(); } else { contentWindow = document.getElementById(editorId).contentWindow; contentWindow.focus(); } setStatus(STATUS_EXEC_CMD, 1); } // Reformats element links created via drag & drop. function reformatElementLinks() { var linksReformatted = 0; var elements = editorDoc.getElementsByTagName('A'); for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { var element = elements[i]; if (element.className.toLowerCase() == 'elementlink' || element.className.toLowerCase() == 'elementlinkwithtype' || element.className.toLowerCase() == 'elementlinkwithusertext') { if (element.firstChild != null && element.firstChild.firstChild != null && element.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild != null) { var linkText = element.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.nodeValue; element.removeChild(element.firstChild); element.appendChild(editorDoc.createTextNode(linkText)); linksReformatted++; } } } if (linksReformatted > 0) { setStatus(STATUS_REFORMAT_LINKS, null); } } function restoreSavedSelection() { var curSel = getSelectionInfo(); if (curSel == null || curSel.text=='' || curSel.text==null) { //window.status = "formatText() : current selection is null."; if (selectionInfo != null) { //window.status = "formatText() : set current selection to " + printSelection(selectionInfo) ; setSelection(selectionInfo); //window.status = "formatText() : current selection is now " + printSelection(selectionInfo) ; } else { //window.status = "formatText() : no saved selection info either."; } } else { //window.status = "formatText() : current selection is " + printSelection(selectionInfo) ; } } // Formats the selected text. function formatText(command, option) { window.status = "formatText() : begin"; restoreSavedSelection(); if (!readOnly /*&& internalUpdateSelection()*/) { var success = false; // execCommand doc : http://help.dottoro.com/ljcvtcaw.php // list of commands: http://help.dottoro.com/larpvnhw.php success = editorDoc.execCommand(command, false, option) if (success) { setStatus(STATUS_EXEC_CMD, 1); setStatus(STATUS_MODIFIED, null); } else { window.status = "formatText("+command+") on " + printSelection(selectionInfo)+" failed!" ; } } } // Adds HTML. function addHTML(html) { if (!readOnly && html != "") { html = decodeString(html); if (internalUpdateSelection()) { if (document.all) { if (selectionRange.text != null) { selectionRange.pasteHTML(html); setStatus(STATUS_EXEC_CMD, 1); setStatus(STATUS_MODIFIED, null); } } else { selectionRange.deleteContents(); var documentFragment = selectionRange.createContextualFragment(html); selectionRange.insertNode(documentFragment); setStatus(STATUS_EXEC_CMD, 1); setStatus(STATUS_MODIFIED, null); } } } } // Adds an image. function addImage(url, height, width, alt) { if (internalUpdateSelection()) { if (document.all) { if (url != null && url != '') { formatText('insertimage', url); } if (selection != null && selection.type == 'Control' && selectionRange != null) { if (height != null && height != '') selectionRange.item().height = height; if (width != null && width != '') selectionRange.item().width = width; if (alt != null) selectionRange.item().alt = alt; } } else { var START_MARKER = "A_-_-_"; var END_MARKER = ":.:.:"; // mark img links with START_MARKER + id + END_MARKER in the id, for later recovery var elements = editorDoc.getElementsByTagName('img'); for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { var element = elements[i]; element.id = START_MARKER + element.id + END_MARKER; } if (url != null && url != '') { formatText('insertimage', url); } if (internalUpdateSelection()) { var regExID = new RegExp(START_MARKER + "(.*?)" + END_MARKER); var elements = editorDoc.getElementsByTagName('img'); for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { var element = elements[i]; var id = element.id; if (id != null && id != '') { RegExp.lastIndex=0; var matchArray = id.match(regExID); if (matchArray != null && matchArray.length > 0) { var newId = matchArray[1]; if (newId.length > 0) { element.id = newId; } else { element.removeAttribute('id'); } } } else { // no id, must be the new img if (height != null && height != '') element.height = height; if (width != null && width != '') element.width = width; if (alt != null) element.alt = alt; } } } } setStatus(STATUS_MODIFIED, null); } } // Adds a horizontal line. function addLine() { formatText('inserthorizontalrule', null); } // Adds a link. function addLink(url) { if (!readOnly && url != null && url != '' && internalUpdateSelection()) { if (document.all) { if (selectionRange.text == null || selectionRange.text == '') { selectionRange.text = url; setStatus(STATUS_EXEC_CMD, 1); setStatus(STATUS_MODIFIED, null); } else if (selectionRange.execCommand('createlink', false, url)) { setStatus(STATUS_EXEC_CMD, 1); setStatus(STATUS_MODIFIED, null); } } else { if (selection == null || selection == "") { var urlTextNode = editorDoc.createTextNode(url); insertNodeAtSelection(document.getElementById(editorFrameId).contentWindow, urlTextNode); } if (editorDoc.execCommand('createlink', false, url)) { setStatus(STATUS_EXEC_CMD, 1); setStatus(STATUS_MODIFIED, null); } } } } // Adds an ordered list. function addOrderedList() { formatText('insertorderedlist', null); } // Adds a table. function addTable(rows, cols, width, summary, caption, tableheaders) { if (readOnly) return; if (rows == 0) rows = 2; if (cols == 0) cols = 2; if (width == 0) width = "85%"; if (internalUpdateSelection()) { var table = editorDoc.createElement("table"); table.cellPadding = "2"; table.cellSpacing = "0"; table.border = "1"; table.width = width; table.title = ""; if (summary != null && summary != '') { table.summary = summary; } if (caption != null && caption != '') { table.title = caption; table.createCaption(); var captionNode = editorDoc.createTextNode(caption); table.caption.appendChild(captionNode); } tbody = editorDoc.createElement("tbody"); for (var i = 0; i < rows; i++) { tr = editorDoc.createElement("tr"); for (var j = 0; j < cols; j++) { if (i == 0 && (tableheaders == TABLE_HEADERS_COLS || tableheaders == TABLE_HEADERS_BOTH)) { th = editorDoc.createElement("th"); th.scope = "col"; th.id = ""; th.abbr = th.id; var headerNode = editorDoc.createTextNode(th.id); th.appendChild(headerNode); if (!document.all) { br = editorDoc.createElement("br"); th.appendChild(br); } tr.appendChild(th); } else if (j == 0 && (tableheaders == TABLE_HEADERS_ROWS || tableheaders == TABLE_HEADERS_BOTH)) { th = editorDoc.createElement("th"); th.scope = "row"; th.id = ""; th.abbr = th.id; var headerNode = editorDoc.createTextNode(th.id); th.appendChild(headerNode); if (!document.all) { br = editorDoc.createElement("br"); th.appendChild(br); } tr.appendChild(th); } else { td = editorDoc.createElement("td"); if (!document.all) { br = editorDoc.createElement("br"); td.appendChild(br); } tr.appendChild(td); } } tbody.appendChild(tr); } table.appendChild(tbody); if (document.all) { selectionRange.parentElement().appendChild(table); } else { selectionRange.insertNode(table); } setStatus(STATUS_EXEC_CMD, 1); setStatus(STATUS_MODIFIED, null); } } // Adds an unordered list. function addUnorderedList() { formatText('insertunorderedlist', null); } // Sets the background color of the selected text. function backColor(color) { if (color != null && color != '') { formatText('backcolor', color); } } // Toggles the 'bold' attribute of the selected text. function bold() { formatText('bold', null); } // Copies the selected text to the clipboard. function copy() { if (internalUpdateSelection()) { if (editorDoc.execCommand('copy', false, null)) { setStatus(STATUS_EXEC_CMD, 1); } } } // Cuts the selected text to the clipboard. function cut() { formatText('cut', null); } // Deletes the selected text. function deleteText() { formatText('delete', null); } // Finds text. function findText(text, dir, options) { if (text == null || text == "") { return; } else { text = decodeString(text); } if (internalUpdateSelection()) { if (document.all) { selectionRange.collapse(dir < 0); if (selectionRange.findText(text, dir, options)) { selectionRange.scrollIntoView(); selectionRange.select(); selectionRange.collapse(dir < 0); setStatus(STATUS_EXEC_CMD, 1); } } else { // find(text, caseSensitive, backwards, wrapAround, wholeWord, searchInFrames, showDialog) var caseSensitive = true; var backwards = false; var wholeWord = true; if ((options & 4) == 0) caseSensitive = false; if (dir == -1) backwards = true; if ((options & 2) == 0) wholeWord = false; if ( wholeWord ) { while ( contentWindow.find(text, caseSensitive, backwards, false, wholeWord, false, false) ) { var ffSelection = contentWindow.getSelection(); selectionRange = ffSelection.getRangeAt(0).cloneRange(); if (selectionRange.startOffset > 0 ) selectionRange.setStart(selectionRange.startContainer, selectionRange.startOffset -1); if (selectionRange.endOffset < selectionRange.endContainer.length ) { selectionRange.setEnd(selectionRange.endContainer, selectionRange.endOffset+1); } var newText = selectionRange.toString(); var regex = new RegExp("\\b"+text+"\\b"); if ( newText.match(regex)) { setStatus(STATUS_EXEC_CMD, 1); break; } } } else if ( contentWindow.find(text, caseSensitive, backwards, false, wholeWord, false, false) ) { setStatus(STATUS_EXEC_CMD, 1); } } } } // Sets the foreground color of the selected text. function foreColor(color) { if (color != null && color != '') { formatText('forecolor', color); } } // Formats the selected text using the given HTML heading tag. function formatBlock(tag) { if (tag != null && tag != '') { formatText('formatblock', tag); } } var INDENTED_LIST_BAD_HTML_IE = ".*

  • .*
  • "; // Indents the selected text. function indent() { formatText('indent', null); // fix for sub-lists var html = document.getElementById(editorId).contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML; if (document.all) { html = html.replace(INDENTED_LIST_BAD_HTML_IE, ""); } else { // firefox sometimes puts the same as IE, sometimes more junk html = html.replace(INDENTED_LIST_BAD_HTML_IE, ""); html = html.replace(INDENTED_LIST_BAD_HTML_MOZ, ""); } setText(html); } // Toggles the 'italic' attribute of the selected text. function italic() { formatText('italic', null); } // Center justifies the selected text. function justifyCenter() { formatText('justifycenter', null); } // Fully justifies the selected text. function justifyFull() { formatText('justifyfull', null); } // Left justifies the selected text. function justifyLeft() { formatText('justifyleft', null); } // Right justifies the selected text. function justifyRight() { formatText('justifyright', null); } // Outdents the selected text. function outdent() { formatText('outdent', null); } // Pastes text from the clipboard. function paste(sourceURL) { if (sourceURL == null) { sourceURL = ""; } else { sourceURL = decodeString(sourceURL); } if (document.all) { var START_MARKER = "A_-_-_"; var END_MARKER = ":.:.:"; // mark img and links with START_MARKER + src/href + END_MARKER in the id, for later recovery var elements = editorDoc.getElementsByTagName('img'); for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { var element = elements[i]; var id = element.id; element.id = START_MARKER + element.src + END_MARKER + id; } var elements = editorDoc.getElementsByTagName('a'); for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { var element = elements[i]; var id = element.id; element.id = START_MARKER + element.href + END_MARKER + id; } // change the of the document var oldBaseHREF = editorDoc.getElementsByTagName('base')[0].href; editorDoc.getElementsByTagName('base')[0].href = sourceURL; formatText('paste', null); // restore editorDoc.getElementsByTagName('base')[0].href = oldBaseHREF; } else { setStatus(STATUS_EXEC_CMD, 1); setStatus(STATUS_MODIFIED, null); } if (internalUpdateSelection()) { try { var regExRes = new RegExp("file\:([^=]+)(/resources/)(.+)", "g"); var regExRef = new RegExp("(.+)(#.+)"); var regEx = new RegExp("file\:([^=]+)/([^/]+)", "g"); var regExID = new RegExp(START_MARKER + "(.*?)" + END_MARKER + "(.*?)"); var elements = editorDoc.getElementsByTagName('img'); for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { var element = elements[i]; var id = element.id; if (id != null && id != '') { RegExp.lastIndex=0; var matchArray = id.match(regExID); if (matchArray != null && matchArray.length > 1) { element.src = matchArray[1]; if (matchArray.length > 2 && matchArray[2].length > 0) { element.id = matchArray[2]; } else { element.removeAttribute('id'); } continue; } } var src = element.src; if (src != null && src != '') { if (src.indexOf('about:./resources') != -1) { // fix for IE 7 when pasting from another RTE // IE7 resolves these as "about:./resources/" // so remove the "about:." src = src.replace("about:", ""); } if (src.indexOf('about:resources') != -1) { // fix for IE 7 when pasting from another RTE // IE7 sometimes resolves these as "about:resources/" // so remove the "about:" and put in "./" src = src.replace("about:", "./"); } if (src.indexOf('resources') != -1) { element.src = src.replace(regExRes, "./resources/$3"); } else { element.src = src.replace(regEx, "./resources/$2"); } } } var elements = editorDoc.getElementsByTagName('a'); for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { var element = elements[i]; var id = element.id; if (id != null && id != '') { RegExp.lastIndex=0; var matchArray = id.match(regExID); if (matchArray != null && matchArray.length > 1) { element.href = matchArray[1]; if (matchArray.length > 2 && matchArray[2].length > 0) { element.id = matchArray[2]; } else { element.removeAttribute('id'); } continue; } } var href = element.href; if (href != null && href != '') { // fix self-referencing hrefs if (href.indexOf('#') != -1) { RegExp.lastIndex=0; var matchArray = href.match(regExRef); if (matchArray != null && matchArray.length > 2) { var hrefFile = matchArray[1]; var ref = matchArray[2]; if (hrefFile == sourceURL) { element.href = ref; continue; } } } // fix hrefs already in resources if (href.indexOf('resources') != -1) { element.href = href.replace(regExRes, "./resources/$3"); } // fix hrefs not in resources else { element.href = href.replace(regEx, "./resources/$2"); } } } } catch (e) { } } } // Redo the previous command. function redo() { formatText('redo', null); } // Redo the previous command. function removeFormat() { formatText('removeformat', null); } function _replaceAllText(findText, replaceText, options) { // this is IE only if (document.all) { var tempRange = document.getElementById(editorId).contentWindow.document.body.createTextRange(); tempRange.moveStart('character', -10000000000); do { tempRange.collapse(); if (tempRange.findText(findText, 10000000000, options)) { tempRange.text = replaceText; tempRange.select(); } else { break; } } while (true); } } // Replaces all text. function replaceAllText(findText, replaceText, options) { if (readOnly || findText == null || findText == "") { return; } else { findText = decodeString(findText); } if (replaceText == null) { replaceText = ""; } else { replaceText = decodeString(replaceText); } if (document.all) { // TODO: Move the insertion point to the start of the HTML // and perform a search and replace in the forward direction. _replaceAllText(findText, replaceText, options); } else { // TODO: Emulate the IE implementation. var html = document.getElementById(editorId).contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML; var optionStr = "/g"; if ((options & 4) == 0) { optionStr += "i"; } var regExp = eval("/" + findText + optionStr); html = html.replace(regExp, replaceText); setText(html); } setStatus(STATUS_EXEC_CMD, 1); setStatus(STATUS_MODIFIED, null); } // Replaces text. function replaceText(replaceText, dir, options) { if (readOnly || !internalUpdateSelection()) { return; } if (replaceText == null) { replaceText = ""; } else { replaceText = decodeString(replaceText); } if (document.all) { selectionRange.text = replaceText; if (replaceText != "") { selectionRange.moveStart("word", -1); selectionRange.select(); selectionRange.collapse(dir < 0); } } else { selectionRange.deleteContents(); selectionRange.insertNode(editorDoc.createTextNode(replaceText)); } setStatus(STATUS_EXEC_CMD, 1); setStatus(STATUS_MODIFIED, null); } // Selects all text. function selectAll() { if (internalUpdateSelection()) { if (editorDoc.execCommand('selectall', false, null)) { if ( !document.all ) { updateSelection(); } setStatus(STATUS_EXEC_CMD, 1); } } } // Sets the font name for the selected text. function setFontName(name) { if (internalUpdateSelection()) { if (name != null) { if (name == '') { formatText('removeFormat'); } else { formatText('fontName', name); } } } } // Sets the font size for the selected text. function setFontSize(size) { if (internalUpdateSelection()) { if (size != null) { if (size == '') { formatText('removeFormat'); } else { formatText('fontSize', size); } } } } // Sets the font style for the selected text. function setFontStyle(style) { if (!readOnly && style != null && style != '' && internalUpdateSelection()) { try { if (document.all) { selectionRange.execCommand("removeformat"); selectionRange.parentElement().removeAttribute("className"); } } catch (e) { } if (style == "") { formatText('formatblock', '

    '); if (document.all) { selectionRange.parentElement().className = "quote"; } else { selection.focusNode.parentNode.className = "quote"; } } else if (style == "") { formatText('formatblock', '

    '); if (document.all) { selectionRange.parentElement().className = "codeSample"; } else { selection.focusNode.parentNode.className = "codeSample"; } } else { if (!document.all && style == "

    ") { // A hack to get rid of the "className" attribute in Mozilla/Firefox. formatText('formatblock', '

    '); } formatText('formatblock', style); } } } // Sets whether the content can be edited. function setEditable(editable) { var doc = document.getElementById(editorId).contentWindow.document; if (editable != null && editable == 'true') { if (document.all) { doc.body.contentEditable = "true"; } else { doc.designMode = "on"; } readOnly = false; } else { if (document.all) { doc.body.contentEditable = "false"; } else { doc.designMode = "off"; } readOnly = true; } setStatus(STATUS_EXEC_CMD, 1); } // Toggles the 'strike-through' attribute of the selected text. function strikeThrough() { formatText('strikethrough', size); } // Toggles the 'subscript' attribute of the selected text. function subscript() { formatText('subscript', null); } // Toggles the 'superscript' attribute of the selected text. function superscript() { formatText('superscript', null); } // Toggles the 'underline' attribute of the selected text. function underline() { formatText('underline', null); } // Converts a link to normal text. function unlink() { formatText('unlink', null); } function ObjToString(object) { var ret = "Object " + object.name + " is [\n"; for (var prop in object) { ret += " " + prop + " is " + object[prop] + ";\n"; } return ret + "]"; } function addRow() { if (currentSelectedTable != null) { rowNums = currentSelectedTable.rows.length; cellNums = currentSelectedTable.rows[0].cells.length; var newRow = currentSelectedTable.insertRow(rowNums); for ( i = 0; i < cellNums; i++) { var newCell = newRow.insertCell(i); if (!document.all) { newCell.innerHTML = "
    "; } } setStatus(STATUS_MODIFIED, null); } } function addColumn() { if (currentSelectedTable != null) { rowNums = currentSelectedTable.rows.length; cellNums = currentSelectedTable.rows[0].cells.length; for (var i = 0; i < rowNums; i++) { var newCell = currentSelectedTable.rows[i].insertCell(cellNums); if (!document.all) { newCell.innerHTML = "
    "; } } setStatus(STATUS_MODIFIED, null); } } function deleteLastRow() { if (currentSelectedTable != null) { rowNums = currentSelectedTable.rows.length; if (rowNums == 1) { var parent = currentSelectedTable.parentNode; parent.removeChild(currentSelectedTable); currentSelectedTable = null; } else { currentSelectedTable.deleteRow(rowNums - 1); } setStatus(STATUS_MODIFIED, null); } } function deleteLastColumn() { if (currentSelectedTable != null) { rowNums = currentSelectedTable.rows.length; cellNums = currentSelectedTable.rows[0].cells.length; if (cellNums == 1) { var parent = currentSelectedTable.parentNode; parent.removeChild(currentSelectedTable); currentSelectedTable = null; } else { for (var i = 0; i < rowNums; i++) { currentSelectedTable.rows[i].deleteCell(cellNums - 1); } } setStatus(STATUS_MODIFIED, null); } }