RichNoteChangeHandler.failures = Modelio failed doing maintenance operations on some rich notes. \nYou should save the project, close it, find the problem cause and fix it before opening the project again. RichNoteChangeHandler.failures.hint = You should save the project, close it, find the problem cause and fix it before opening the project again. RichNoteChangeHandler.failures.title = Problems on rich notes. RichNoteChangeHandler.failures.explanation = Modelio failed doing maintenance operations on some rich notes. ScopeRichTextCellEditor.CannotCreateRichNote = Cannot create rich note ScopeRichTextCellEditor.InvalidMimeType = Invalid MIME type ScopeRichTextCellEditor.InvalidMimeTypeDetails = The "{0}" MIME type cannot be found.\nPlease select another rich note format in the project preferences. ScopeRichTextCellEditor.UnsupportedFormatDetails = The "{0}" format is not supported on your machine.\nPlease:\n - select another format in the project preferences,\n - or install the required software. ScopeRichTextCellRenderer.NoRichNote = exception.DirectoryNotEmptyException = The ''{0}'' directory is not empty. exception.AccessDeniedException = Access to ''{0}'' denied. exception.AtomicMoveNotSupportedException = Atomic move of ''{0}'' not supported. exception.FileAlreadyExistsException = The ''{0}'' file already exist. exception.FileSystemLoopException = Cycle in the directory structure on ''{0}''. exception.NoSuchFileException = The ''{0}'' file does not exist. exception.NotDirectoryException = ''{0}'' is not a directory. exception.NotLinkException = ''{0}'' is not a symbolic link. DocumentFormatNotEditable = ''{0}'' rich notes cannot be edited in Modelio.\nEnsure the required software is installed. CreateDocumentDlg.Abstract.Label = Abstract CreateDocumentDlg.Abstract.Tooltip = You can enter here a short description of the Rich Note. CreateDocumentDlg.dlg.DefaultName = Rich Note CreateDocumentDlg.dlg.Message = Choose the Rich Note type and its MIME format. CreateDocumentDlg.dlg.Title = Create a Rich Note CreateDocumentDlg.DocType.Label = Rich Note type CreateDocumentDlg.DocType.Missing = The Rich Note type must be specified. CreateDocumentDlg.MimeType.Label = MIME format CreateDocumentDlg.MimeType.Missing = The MIME format must be specified. CreateDocumentDlg.Name.Label = Rich Note name CreateDocumentDlg.PerformFinish.TransactionName = Rich Note creation CreateDocumentDlg.EnterRichNoteAbstract =