CatalogDialog.AddButton.label = Add macro... CatalogDialog.AddButton.tooltip = Add a macro to catalog CatalogDialog.CatalogGroup = Catalogs CatalogDialog.CatalogReadOnly = (read only) CatalogDialog.DeleteButton.label = Delete CatalogDialog.DeleteButton.tooltip = Delete the selected macro CatalogDialog.Description = You can edit the macro catalogs and add, remove or edit references to Python/Jython script files. CatalogDialog.EditButton.label = Edit... CatalogDialog.EditButton.tooltip = Edit the selected macro CatalogDialog.JyFilterNames = Jython files CatalogDialog.PyFilterNames = Python files CatalogDialog.RunButton.label = Run CatalogDialog.RunButton.tooltip = Run the selected macro CatalogDialog.Title = Macros catalog ConsoleHelp = The following variables are accessible:\n- IModelingSession modelingSession : the opened session\n- Collection selectedElements : the selected elements list\n- ISelection selection: the SWT selection\nmodelingSession.getModel().getRoot() gives access to the root package.\n MacroDialog.AddScriptButton = Add file... MacroDialog.AddScriptButtonTooltip = Add a script file to the macro catalog. MacroDialog.AddScriptFromConsoleButton = New from console... MacroDialog.AddScriptFromConsoleButtonTooltip = Create a new macro from the script view content. MacroDialog.applicable.label = Applicable on: MacroDialog.applicable.tooltip = Choose the metaclasses on which the macro can be run. MacroDialog.ApplicableOnLabel = Applicable on: MacroDialog.ApplicableOnTooltip = Click to modify the elements on which the macro can be run.\nEmpty means the macro can be run on any element or even if no element is selected. MacroDialog.ApplyButton = Apply MacroDialog.catalog.label = Catalog: MacroDialog.CatalogGroup = Catalogs MacroDialog.CatalogLabel = Catalog: MacroDialog.DeleteScriptButton = Delete MacroDialog.description = Macro configuration MacroDialog.description.label = Description: MacroDialog.DescriptionLabel = Description: MacroDialog.EditMacroButton = Edit... MacroDialog.EditMacroButtonTooltip = Edit macro informations MacroDialog.Error.CannotReadFile = Error parsing ''{0}'' macro catalog : \n\n{1}\n\nAn empty catalog will be used instead. MacroDialog.Error.FileNotReadable = The ''{0}'' file cannot be found or you don''t have the rights to read it. MacroDialog.Error.PathEmpty = The script file path is missing. MacroDialog.icon.label = Icon path: MacroDialog.IconPathFilterExtensions = *.png MacroDialog.IconPathFilterNames = PNG files MacroDialog.IconPathLabel = Icon path : MacroDialog.inmenu.label = Show in contextual menu MacroDialog.intoolbar.label = Show in toolbar = Macro name: MacroDialog.NameLabel = Macro name : MacroDialog.NewScriptName = Macro MacroDialog.path.label = Macro path: MacroDialog.PathLabel = Macro path : MacroDialog.RunScriptButton = Run MacroDialog.ScriptGroup = Macro MacroDialog.ScriptPathFilterExtensions = *.py MacroDialog.ScriptPathFilterNames = Python macros MacroDialog.ShowInContextualMenu = Show in contextual menu MacroDialog.ShowInToolbar = Show in tool bar MacroDialog.title = Macro configuration Menus.Edit.Clear = Clear all\ Ctrl+Del Menus.Edit.Copy = Copy\ Ctrl+C Menus.Edit.Cut = Cut\ Ctrl+X Menus.Edit.Delete = Delete\ Menus.Edit.Paste = Paste\ Ctrl+V Menus.Edit.Redo = Redo\ Ctrl+Y Menus.Edit.SelectAll = Select all\ Ctrl+A Menus.Edit.ShiftLeft = Unindent\tShift+Tab Menus.Edit.ShiftRight = Indent\tTab Menus.Edit.Undo = Undo\ Ctrl+Z MetaclassChooserDialog.AddButton = Add >> MetaclassChooserDialog.Description = Choose the metaclasses on which the macro can be run. MetaclassChooserDialog.RemoveButton = << Remove MetaclassChooserDialog.Title = Choose applicable metaclasses MacroDialog.error.invalidscriptpath = Invalid script path. MacroDialog.error.invalidiconpath = Invalid icon path. MacroDialog.error.title = Error