--- a
+++ b/src/cdplugins/pycommon/upmplgutils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# # de shared by the tidal, qobuz and gmusic plugins. This assumes a
+# certain formats for track, albums, and artist objects (as defined in
+# practise in models.py, but if it quacks...), and also for permanent
+# URLs, and implements utility functions for translating to what our
+# parent expects or sends on the pipe.
+from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals
+import posixpath
+import re
+# Transform a Track array into an array of dicts suitable for
+# returning as a track list
+def trackentries(httphp, pathprefix, objid, tracks):
+    entries = []
+    for track in tracks:
+        if not track.available:
+            continue
+        li = {}
+        li['pid'] = objid
+        li['id'] = objid + '$' + "%s" % track.id
+        li['tt'] = track.name
+        li['uri'] = 'http://%s' % httphp + \
+                    posixpath.join(pathprefix,
+                                   'track?version=1&trackId=%s' % \
+                                   track.id)
+        #msgproc.log("URI: [%s]" % li['uri'])
+        li['tp'] = 'it'
+        if track.album:
+            li['upnp:album'] = track.album.name
+            if track.album.image:
+                li['upnp:albumArtURI'] = track.album.image
+            if track.album.release_date:
+                li['releasedate'] = track.album.release_date 
+        li['upnp:originalTrackNumber'] =  str(track.track_num)
+        li['upnp:artist'] = track.artist.name
+        li['dc:title'] = track.name
+        li['discnumber'] = str(track.disc_num)
+        li['duration'] = track.duration
+        entries.append(li)
+    return entries
+# Container entry
+def direntry(id, pid, title):
+    return {'id': id, 'pid' : pid, 'tt': title, 'tp':'ct', 'searchable' : '1'}
+# Directory entries from list of (name,id) pairs
+def direntries(objid, ttidlist):
+    content = []
+    for tt,id in ttidlist:
+        content.append(direntry(objid + '$' + id, objid, tt))
+    return content
+# Extract trackid from URL. Supposes that our permanent URLs look like
+# track?version=1&trackId=<trackid>
+def trackid_from_urlpath(pathprefix, a):
+    if 'path' not in a:
+        raise Exception("No path in args")
+    path = a['path']
+    # pathprefix + 'track?version=1&trackId=trackid
+    exp = posixpath.join(pathprefix, '''track\?version=1&trackId=(.+)$''')
+    m = re.match(exp, path)
+    if m is None:
+        raise Exception("trackuri: path [%s] does not match [%s]" % (path, exp))
+    trackid = m.group(1)
+    return trackid