# defined to emulate the session object from the tidal module, which is
# defined in the tidalapi part (we want to keep the qobuz api/ dir as
# much alone as possible.
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import json
from upmplgmodels import Artist, Album, Track, Playlist, SearchResult, \
Category, Genre
from upmplgutils import *
from qobuz.api import raw
class Session(object):
def __init__(self):
self.api = None
self.user = None
def login(self, username, password):
self.api = raw.RawApi()
data = self.api.user_login(username = username, password = password)
if data:
self.user = User(self, self.api.user_id)
return True
return False
def get_media_url(self, trackid, format_id=5):
# Format id: 5 for MP3 320, 6 for FLAC Lossless, 7 for FLAC
# Hi-Res 24 bit =< 96kHz, 27 for FLAC Hi-Res 24 bit >96 kHz &
# =< 192 kHz
url = self.api.track_getFileUrl(intent="stream",
track_id = trackid,
format_id = format_id)
uplog("get_media_url got: %s" % url)
return url['url'] if url and 'url' in url else None
def get_album_tracks(self, albid):
data = self.api.album_get(album_id = albid)
album = _parse_album(data)
return [_parse_track(t, album) for t in data['tracks']['items']]
def get_playlist_tracks(self, plid):
data = self.api.playlist_get(playlist_id = plid, extra = 'tracks')
#uplog("PLAYLIST: %s" % json.dumps(data, indent=4))
return [_parse_track(t) for t in data['tracks']['items']]
def get_artist_albums(self, artid):
data = self.api.artist_get(artist_id=artid, extra='albums')
if 'albums' in data:
albums = [_parse_album(alb) for alb in data['albums']['items']]
return [alb for alb in albums if alb.available]
return []
def get_artist_similar(self, artid):
data = self.api.artist_getSimilarArtists(artist_id=artid)
if 'artists' in data and 'items' in data['artists']:
return [_parse_artist(art) for art in data['artists']['items']]
return []
def get_featured_albums(self, genre_id='None', type='new-releases'):
#uplog("get_featured_albums, genre_id %s type %s " % (genre_id, type))
if genre_id != 'None':
data = self.api.album_getFeatured(type=type,
genre_id=genre_id, limit=100)
data = self.api.album_getFeatured(type=type, limit=100)
albums = [_parse_album(alb) for alb in data['albums']['items']]
if albums:
return [alb for alb in albums if alb.available]
return []
def get_featured_playlists(self, genre_id='None'):
if genre_id != 'None':
data = self.api.playlist_getFeatured(type='editor-picks',
genre_id=genre_id, limit=100)
data = self.api.playlist_getFeatured(type='editor-picks',
if data and 'playlists' in data:
return [_parse_playlist(pl) for pl in data['playlists']['items']]
return []
# content_type: albums/artists/playlists. type : The type of
# recommandations to fetch: best-sellers, most-streamed,
# new-releases, press-awards, editor-picks, most-featured
# In practise, and despite the existence of the
# catalog_getFeaturedTypes call which returns the above list, I
# could not find a way to pass the type parameter to
# catalog_getFeatured (setting type triggers an
# error). album_getFeatured() and playlist_getFeatured() do accept type.
def get_featured_items(self, content_type, type=''):
#uplog("FEATURED TYPES: %s" % self.api.catalog_getFeaturedTypes())
limit = '40'
data = self.api.catalog_getFeatured(limit=limit)
#uplog("Featured: %s" % json.dumps(data,indent=4)))
if content_type == 'artists':
if 'artists' in data:
return [_parse_artist(i) for i in data['artists']['items']]
elif content_type == 'playlists':
if 'playlists' in data:
return [_parse_playlist(pl) for pl in data['playlists']['items']]
elif content_type == 'albums':
if 'albums' in data:
return [_parse_album(alb) for alb in data['albums']['items']]
return []
def get_genres(self, parent=None):
data = self.api.genre_list(parent_id=parent)
return [Genre(id=None, name='All Genres')] + \
[_parse_genre(g) for g in data['genres']['items']]
def _search1(self, query, tp):
limit = 200
slice = 100
if tp == 'artists':
limit = 20
slice = 20
elif tp == 'albums' or tp == 'playlists':
# I think that qobuz actually imposes a limit of
# 20 for album searches.
limit = 50
slice = 20
offset = 0
ar = []
al = []
pl = []
tr = []
while offset < limit:
data = self.api.catalog_search(query=query, type=tp,
offset=offset, limit=slice)
ar_ = [_parse_artist(i) for i in data['artists']['items']]
ar_ = []
al_ = [_parse_album(i) for i in data['albums']['items']]
al_ = [alb for alb in al_ if alb.available]
al_ = []
pl_ = [_parse_playlist(i) for i in data['playlists']['items']]
pl_ = []
tr_ = [_parse_track(i) for i in data['tracks']['items']]
tr_ = []
offset += slice
uplog("_search1: got %d artists %d albs %d tracks %d pl" %
(len(ar), len(al), len(tr), len(pl)))
return SearchResult(artists=ar, albums=al, playlists=pl, tracks=tr)
def search(self, query, tp):
if tp:
return self._search1(query, tp)
cplt = SearchResult()
res = self._search1(query, 'artists')
cplt.artists = res.artists
res = self._search1(query, 'albums')
cplt.albums = res.albums
res = self._search1(query, 'tracks')
cplt.tracks = res.tracks
res = self._search1(query, 'playlists')
cplt.playlists = res.playlists
return cplt
def _parse_artist(json_obj):
artist = Artist(id=json_obj['id'], name=json_obj['name'])
return artist
def _parse_genre(data):
return Genre(id=data['id'], name=data['name'])
def _parse_album(json_obj, artist=None, artists=None):
if artist is None and 'artist' in json_obj:
artist = _parse_artist(json_obj['artist'])
#if artists is None:
# artists = _parse_artists(json_obj['artists'])
available = json_obj['streamable'] if 'streamable' in json_obj else false
#if not available:
# uplog("Album not streamable: %s " % json_obj['title'])
kwargs = {
'id': json_obj['id'],
'name': json_obj['title'],
'num_tracks': json_obj.get('tracks_count'),
'duration': json_obj.get('duration'),
'artist': artist,
'available': available,
#'artists': artists,
if 'image' in json_obj and 'large' in json_obj['image']:
kwargs['image'] = json_obj['image']['large']
if 'releaseDate' in json_obj:
kwargs['release_date'] = datetime.datetime(*map(int, json_obj['releaseDate'].split('-')))
except ValueError:
return Album(**kwargs)
def _parse_playlist(json_obj, artist=None, artists=None):
kwargs = {
'id': json_obj['id'],
'name': json_obj['name'],
'num_tracks': json_obj.get('tracks_count'),
'duration': json_obj.get('duration'),
return Playlist(**kwargs)
def _parse_track(json_obj, albumarg = None):
artist = Artist()
if 'performer' in json_obj:
artist = _parse_artist(json_obj['performer'])
elif 'artist' in json_obj:
artist = _parse_artist(json_obj['artist'])
elif albumarg and albumarg.artist:
artist = albumarg.artist
album = None
if 'album' in json_obj:
album = _parse_album(json_obj['album'], artist)
album = albumarg
available = json_obj['streamable'] if 'streamable' in json_obj else false
#if not available:
#uplog("Track no not streamable: %s " % json_obj['title'])
#artists = _parse_artists(json_obj['artists'])
kwargs = {
'id': json_obj['id'],
'name': json_obj['title'],
'duration': json_obj['duration'],
'track_num': json_obj['track_number'],
'disc_num': json_obj['media_number'],
'artist': artist,
'available': available
#'artists': artists,
if album:
kwargs['album'] = album
return Track(**kwargs)
class Favorites(object):
def __init__(self, session):
self.session = session
def artists(self):
r = self.session.api.favorite_getUserFavorites(
user_id = self.session.user.id,
type = 'artists')
#uplog("%s" % r)
return [_parse_artist(item) for item in r['artists']['items']]
def albums(self):
r = self.session.api.favorite_getUserFavorites(
user_id = self.session.user.id,
type = 'albums')
#uplog("%s" % r)
albums = [_parse_album(item) for item in r['albums']['items']]
return [alb for alb in albums if alb.available]
def playlists(self):
r = self.session.api.playlist_getUserPlaylists()
return [_parse_playlist(item) for item in r['playlists']['items']]
def tracks(self):
r = self.session.api.favorite_getUserFavorites(
user_id = self.session.user.id,
type = 'tracks')
#uplog("%s" % r)
return [_parse_track(item) for item in r['tracks']['items']]
class User(object):
def __init__(self, session, id):
self.session = session
self.id = id
self.favorites = Favorites(self.session)
def playlists(self):
return self.session.get_user_playlists(self.id)