no value up_current_id = "eu.alfred.personalization_manager.controller.CURRENT_UP_ID"
no value up_current_email = "eu.alfred.personalization_manager.controller.CURRENT_UP_EMAIL"
no value up_current_password = "eu.alfred.personalization_manager.controller.CURRENT_UP_PASSWORD"
no value up_current_userid = "eu.alfred.personalization_manager.controller.CURRENT_UP_USERID"
no Swedish translation for app_name = "ALFRED Profile"
no value up_first_name_hint = "John…"
no Swedish translation for up_first_name_text = "First name"
no Swedish translation for up_middle_name_text = "Middle name"
no value up_middle_name_hint = "Larry…"
no Swedish translation for up_save_button_text = "Save"
no Swedish translation for up_id_text = "User Profile ID"
no value up_id_hint = "Auto generated…"
no Swedish translation for up_last_name_text = "Last name"
no value up_last_name_hint = "Smith…"
no Swedish translation for up_preferred_name_text = "Preferred name"
no value up_preferred_name_hint = "Johnny…"
no Swedish translation for up_gender_text = "Gender"
no Swedish translation for up_gender_male_text = "Male"
no Swedish translation for up_gender_female_text = "Female"
no Swedish translation for up_date_birth_text = "Date of birth"
no Swedish translation for up_phone_text = "Phone"
no Swedish translation for up_mobile_phone_text = "Mobile phone"
no value up_phone_hint = "+31 555 00 11 XX"
no value up_mobile_phone_hint = "+31 955 00 11 XX"
no Swedish translation for up_username_text = "User Name"
no value up_username_hint = ""
no Swedish translation for up_email_text = "e-mail"
no value up_email_hint = ""
no Swedish translation for action_save_title = "Save"
no Swedish translation for action_delete_profile_title = "Delete profile?"
no Swedish translation for action_delete_contact_title = "Delete contact?"
no Swedish translation for action_new_profile_title = "Create"
no Swedish translation for activity_name = "Your Profile"
no Swedish translation for up_contact_street = "Street"
no value up_contact_street_hint = "Av. United Nations"
no Swedish translation for up_contact_number = "Number"
no value up_contact_number_hint = "45, 6B, XII…"
no Swedish translation for up_contact_postalCode = "Postal code"
no value up_contact_postalCode_hint = "74300"
no Swedish translation for up_contact_city = "City"
no value up_contact_city_hint = "Utrecht"
no Swedish translation for up_contact_state = "State/Province"
no value up_contact_state_hint = "Utrecht"
no Swedish translation for up_contact_country = "Country"
no value up_contact_country_hint = "The Netherlands"
no Swedish translation for up_status_citizenship_text = "Citizenship"
no Swedish translation for up_citizenship_hint = "British, Dutch, French, Swedish..."
no Swedish translation for up_nationality_hint = "Spanish, German, Irish..."
no value up_social_security_number_hint = "8800–123–0000000"
no value up_health_insurance_hint = "Partial, all assured…"
no Swedish translation for up_nationality_text = "Nationality"
no Swedish translation for up_language_text = "Language"
no Swedish translation for up_social_security_number_text = "Social Security Number"
no Swedish translation for up_marital_status_text = "Marital status"
no Swedish translation for up_education_level_text = "Educational level"
no Swedish translation for up_employment_status_text = "Employment status"
no Swedish translation for up_living_situation_text = "Living situation"
no Swedish translation for up_health_insurance_text = "Health insurance"
no Swedish translation for up_mobility_level_text = "Mobility level"
no Swedish translation for select_one = "Select one"
no Swedish translation for up_profession_text = "Profession"
no value up_profession_insurance_hint = "Teacher, engineer, lawyer…"
no value up_health_id_text = "ID"
no value up_health_id_hint = "Auto…"
no value up_health_userID_text = "userID"
no value up_health_userID_hint = "Provided…"
no Swedish translation for up_health_bloodType_text = "Blood type"
no Swedish translation for up_health_chronicalConditions_text = "Chronical Conditions"
no value up_health_chronicalConditions_hint = "Asthma, diabetes, glaucoma…"
no Swedish translation for up_health_medicationsTaking_text = "Medications taking"
no value up_health_medicationsTaking_hint = "Ibuprofen, Phenergan, Ambien CR…."
no Swedish translation for up_health_abilityLevel_text = "Mod. Rankin Scale"
no Swedish translation for up_health_knownAllergies_text = "Known allergies"
no value up_health_knownAllergies_hint = "Pollen, mites, apricots…"
no Swedish translation for up_health_notableMedicalIncidents_text = "Notable medication incidents"
no value up_health_notableMedicalIncidents_hint = "Stroke, seizure, broken hip…"
no Swedish translation for up_health_surgeries_text = "Surgeries"
no value up_health_surgeries_hint = "Bursectomy, angioplasty, arthrotomy…"
no Swedish translation for up_health_vaccinations_text = "Vaccinations"
no value up_health_vaccinations_hint = "Hepatitis A, polio, rabies…"
no Swedish translation for up_health_dietaryRequirements_text = "Dietary Requirements"
no value up_health_dietaryRequirements_hint = "Low sodium, gluten intolerant, lacto vegetarian…"
no Swedish translation for up_health_pulseAtRest_text = "Pulse at rest"
no value up_health_pulseAtRest_hint = "80"
no Swedish translation for up_health_breathingRateAtRest_text = "Breathing rate at rest"
no value up_health_breathingRateAtRest_hint = "40"
no Swedish translation for up_health_bodyTemperatureAtRest_text = "Body temperature at rest"
no value up_health_bodyTemperatureAtRest_hint = "36ºC"
no Swedish translation for up_health_selfRatedHealth_text = "Self-rated Health"
no value up_health_selfRatedHealth_hint = "Normal…"
no Swedish translation for up_health_visionAcuityScore_text = "Vision acuity Score"
no value up_health_visionAcuityScore_hint = "3"
no Swedish translation for up_health_hearingAcuityScore_text = "Hearing acuity score"
no value up_health_hearingAcuityScore_hint = "4"
no Swedish translation for up_health_lifestyleHealthRelated_text = "Lifestyle health related"
no value up_health_lifestyleHealthRelated_hint = "Smoker, alcohol, sedentarism…"
no Swedish translation for up_health_weight_text = "Weight"
no value up_health_weight_hint = "72 kg"
no Swedish translation for up_health_height_text = "Height"
no value up_health_height_hint = "172 cm"
no Swedish translation for up_health_painLevel_text = "Pain level"
no value up_health_painLevel_hint = "Middle, low, sporadic…"
no value up_health_functionalReachScore_text = "Functional Reach Score"
no value up_health_functionalReachScore_hint = "Risk of fall off…"
no value up_health_fiveXSitToStandTestScore_text = "Five X sit to stand test score"
no value up_health_fiveXSitToStandTestScore_hint = "Normal…"
no value up_health_timedUpAndGoTestScore_text = "Time up and go test score"
no value up_health_timedUpAndGoTestScore_hint = "Normal…"
no value up_health_manualDynamometerGripStrengthScore_hint = "Normal…"
no value up_health_handStrengthLevel_hint = "Normal…"
no value up_health_sixMinuteWalkTestScore_hint = "Normal…"
no value up_health_muscleGrading_hint = "Normal…"
no value up_health_dailyLivingActivitiesScore_hint = "Normal…"
no value up_health_cognitionLevel_hint = "Normal…"
no value up_health_societyParticipationScore_hint = "Normal…"
no value up_health_physicalActivityLevel_hint = "Normal…"
no value up_health_fallRiskScore_hint = "Normal…"
no value up_health_rangeOfMotionScore_hint = "Normal…"
no value up_health_manualDynamometerGripStrengthScore_text = "M. Dyn. Grip Strength Score"
no value up_health_handStrengthLevel_text = "Hand Strength Level"
no value up_health_sixMinuteWalkTestScore_text = "6 min Walk Test Score"
no Swedish translation for up_health_muscleGrading_text = "Muscle Grading"
no Swedish translation for up_health_dailyLivingActivitiesScore_text = "Daily Living Activities Score"
no Swedish translation for up_health_cognitionLevel_text = "Cognition Level"
no value up_health_societyParticipationScore_text = "Society Participation Score"
no value up_health_physicalActivityLevel_text = "Physical ActivityLevel"
no value up_health_fallRiskScore_text = "Fall Risk Score"
no value up_health_rangeOfMotionScore_text = "Range Of Motion Score"
no Swedish translation for up_contact_postal_address = "Postal Address"
no Swedish translation for edit_contact_activity_name = "Edit Contact"
no Swedish translation for edit_new_contact_activity_name = "New Contact"
no Swedish translation for tab_personal_title = "Personal"
no Swedish translation for tab_contacts_title = "Contacts"
no Swedish translation for tab_health_title = "Health"
no Swedish translation for tab_personal_header_other = "More info"
no Swedish translation for tab_personal_header_postal_address = "Postal Address"
no Swedish translation for tab_personal_header_residential_address = "Residential Address"
no Swedish translation for tab_personal_header_contact_info = "Contact info"
no Swedish translation for contact_header_general = "General"
no Swedish translation for up_relation_text = "Relation"
no Swedish translation for contact_item_image_description = "Contact icon"
no Swedish translation for delete_contact_attempt_title = "Delete contact?"
no Swedish translation for delete_contact_attempt_message = "This contact will be deleted."
no Swedish translation for exit_edited_contact_attempt_title = "Do you want to exit?"
no Swedish translation for exit_edited_contact_attempt_message = "Changes will be lost."
no Swedish translation for delete_profile_attempt_title = "Delete profile?"
no Swedish translation for delete_profile_attempt_message = "This will delete your entire profile."
no Swedish translation for action_logout_title = "Logout"
no Swedish translation for action_settings_title = "Settings"
no Swedish translation for pref_dev_options_title = "Server options"
no value pref_db_url_title = "Users Database URL"
no value pref_db_url_summary = "Location of MongoDB for User Profiles"
no value pref_db_url_default = ""
no Swedish translation for pref_user_id_title = "Current User ID"
no value pref_user_id_summary = "Hexadecimal identifier"
no Swedish translation for pref_activity_name = "Settings"
no Swedish translation for up_anniversary_date_text = "Anniversary Date"
no value up_myers_briggs_indicator_text = "Myers-Briggs Indicator"
no Swedish translation for contact_header_dev = "Developer"
no value up_user_id_text = "#dev My User ID"
no value up_alfred_user_id_text = "#dev Auth server Username"
no value up_user_id_hint = "#dev Manual input"
no value up_alfred_user_id_hint = "#dev Manual input"
no value up_user_contact_id_text = "#dev Contact ID"
no value up_user_contact_id_hint = "#dev Manual input"
no value up_user_contact_pos_text = "#dev Contact Position"
no value up_user_contact_pos_hint = "#dev Manual input"
no Swedish translation for up_edit_access_rights_text = "Edit Access Rights"
no Swedish translation for up_edit_access_rights_dialog_title = "Edit Access Rights"
no Swedish translation for attr_up_profession = "Profession"
no Swedish translation for attr_up_mobilePhone = "Mobile Phone"
no Swedish translation for attr_up_socialSecurityNumber = "Social Security Number"
no Swedish translation for attr_up_phone = "Phone"
no value attr_up_myersBriggsIndicator = "Myers-Briggs Indicator"
no Swedish translation for attr_up_gender = "Gender"
no Swedish translation for attr_up_firstName = "First Name"
no Swedish translation for attr_up_residentialAddress = "Residential Address"
no Swedish translation for attr_up_prefferedName = "Preferred Name"
no Swedish translation for attr_up_middleName = "Middle Name"
no Swedish translation for attr_up_dateOfBirth = "Date of Birth"
no value attr_up_id = "Id"
no Swedish translation for attr_up_employmentStatus = "Employment Status"
no Swedish translation for attr_up_postalAddress = "Postal Address"
no Swedish translation for attr_up_selfDescrPersonalityChar = "Self Description Personality"
no Swedish translation for attr_up_socialMediaProfiles = "Social Media Profiles"
no Swedish translation for attr_up_anniversaryDate = "Anniversary Date"
no Swedish translation for attr_up_interests = "Interests"
no Swedish translation for attr_up_healthInsurance = "Health Insurance"
no Swedish translation for attr_up_email = "E-mail"
no Swedish translation for attr_up_nationality = "Nationality"
no Swedish translation for attr_up_maritalStatus = "Marital Status"
no Swedish translation for attr_up_culturalOrFamilyNeeds = "Cultural or Family Needs"
no Swedish translation for attr_up_citizenship = "Citizenship"
no Swedish translation for attr_up_educationLevel = "Educational Level"
no Swedish translation for attr_up_nextOfKin = "Next of Kin"
no Swedish translation for attr_up_lastName = "Last Name"
no Swedish translation for attr_up_alfedAppInstalationDate = "Alfred App Installation Date"
no Swedish translation for attr_up_alfredUserName = "User Name"
no Swedish translation for attr_up_language = "Language"
no Swedish translation for splash_bt_register = "Register"
no value splash_bt_login = "Login"
no Swedish translation for splash_tv_email = "e-mail"
no Swedish translation for splash_tv_password = "password"
no value splash_tv_email_hint = ""
no Swedish translation for splash_tv_password_hint = "Your password"
no Swedish translation for splash_fill_all_fields = "Please, fill all fields"
no Swedish translation for splash_logging_in = "Verifying credentials"
no Swedish translation for splash_login_success = "Login success"
no Swedish translation for splash_tv_name = "Complete Name"
no value splash_tv_name_hint = "John Smith"
no Swedish translation for splash_bt_no_account = "No account?"
no Swedish translation for splash_bt_already_registered = "Already registered?"
no Swedish translation for logout_attempt_title = "Logout?"
no Swedish translation for logout_attempt_message = "Do you really want to close this session?"
no Swedish translation for splash_tv_firstname = "First name"
no Swedish translation for splash_tv_firstname_hint = "First name"
no Swedish translation for splash_tv_middlename = "Middle name"
no Swedish translation for splash_tv_middlename_hint = "Middle name"
no Swedish translation for splash_tv_lastname = "Last name"
no Swedish translation for splash_tv_lastname_hint = "Last name"
no Swedish translation for up_email_info = "This is your username. Cannot be changed."
no Swedish translation for contact_notification_create_success = "%s is now in your contact list"
no Swedish translation for contact_notification_update_success = "%s's info has been saved"
no Swedish translation for contact_notification_delete_success = "OK, %s is no longer your contact"
no Swedish translation for contact_permissions_update_success = "Access rights for %s have been saved"
no Swedish translation for progress_overlay_text_content = "Connecting to server"
no Swedish translation for progress_overlay_text_content_login = "Connecting to server"
no Swedish translation for progress_overlay_text_content_register = "Connecting to server"
no Swedish translation for pref_user_username_title = "Current Username"
no Swedish translation for pref_user_username_summary = "Alfred Username"
no Swedish translation for up_health_loading_resources_text = "Loading resources"