Tobias Hardes

Interactive Assistant for Independent Living and Active Ageing

ALFRED – Personal Interactive Assistant for Independent Living and Active Ageing – is a project funded by the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Commission under Grant Agreement No. 611218. It will allow older people to live longer at their own homes with the possibility to act independently and to actively participate in society by providing the technological foundation for an ecosystem consisting out of four pillars:

User-Driven Interaction Assistant

Empowering people with age related dependencies to live independently for longer by delivering a virtual butler with seamless support for tasks in and outside the home. The virtual butler ALFRED will have a very high end-user acceptance by using a fully voice controlled and non-technical environment.

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        <div class="icon_with_title medium  icon_image center"><div class="icon_holder"><img src="" alt=""></div><div class="icon_text_holder"><div class="icon_text_inner" style=""><h4 style="">Personalized Social Inclusion</h4><p style="">Fostering active participation in society for the ageing population by suggesting and managing events and social contacts.</p></div></div></div>

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        <div class="icon_with_title medium  icon_image center"><div class="icon_holder"><img src="" alt=""></div><div class="icon_text_holder"><div class="icon_text_inner" style=""><h4 style="">Effective &amp; Personalized Care</h4><p style="">Improved care process through direct access to vital signs for carers and other medical staff as well as alerting in case of emergencies. The data is collected by unobtrusive wearable sensors monitoring the vital signs of older people.</p></div></div></div>

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    <div class="wpb_wrapper">
        <div class="icon_with_title medium  icon_image center"><div class="icon_holder"><img src="" alt=""></div><div class="icon_text_holder"><div class="icon_text_inner" style=""><h4 style=""> Physical &amp; Cognitive Impairments Prevention</h4><p style="">Prevailing age-related physical and cognitive impairments with the help of personalized, serious games.</p></div></div></div>

Tobias Hardes
Michael Krummen
Sven Abels