The C2NET Collaborative Network Manager (CNM) module does { description of the module }
This page includes two Git repositories:
- Code relates to the code developed to implement this module, and
- UI is code that will be integrated with the UCP for the User Interface.
Additionally, this page includes a Tickets entry to handle specific issues regarding this module as a whole (which may include management, integration, new features, etc.).
Module Development:
Development Status: CNM: Collaborative Network Manager
Responsible: Ikerlan
Other Participants:
- CNM-001: CRUD operations
- CNM-002: Network CRUD operations
- CNM-003: User CRUD operations
- CNM-004: Company CRUD operations
- CNM-005: Plan CRUD operations
- CNM-006: Data-Set CRUD operations
- CNM-007: Assignment of roles to users
- CNM-008: Assignment of permissions to plans
- CNM-009: Assignment of permissions to data-sets
- CNM-010: Management of plans versions
- CNM-011: Management of data-sets versions
- UCP-005 Provides Plans and data-sets management GUI
- CNM-012: Input Plans and Data-Sets matching Recorder
- CNM-013: Output Plans and Data-Sets matching Recorder
Requires: (none)
Dependents: (none)
Ticket: #4
Ticket: #75
Ticket: #76
Ticket: #77
Ticket: #78
Ticket: #79
Ticket: #80
Ticket: #81
Ticket: #82
Ticket: #83
Ticket: #84
Ticket: #85
Ticket: #130
Ticket: #181
Ticket: #182