A new version of LocalStamp has been released, version 1_0_1. It solves some detected issues.

In order to use it you have to obtain this new version, using runtime-tool.sh script from the SDK (this script is located in the tools directory of the SDK):

./runtime-tool.sh install -n eslap://eslap.cloud/local-stamp/1_0_1

And then obtain the last version of the local-stamp-start.sh script available in the SDK git repository.

Moreover, any partner developing or using a Java based component also has to update their Java images, in order everything works properly. This can be done with the following commands:

./runtime-tool.sh  install -n eslap://eslap.cloud/runtime/java/1_0_0
./runtime-tool.sh  install -n eslap://c2netproject.eu/runtime/java/1_0_0

Although this LocalStamp image version (1_0_1) can coexist with the previous (1_0_0) we recommend to remove the older one, using the following command.

docker rmi eslap.cloud/local-stamp:1_0_0
Posted by Ruben de Juan 2016-11-03
  • Julien Lesbegueries
    Julien Lesbegueries

    After launching
    ./runtime-tool.sh install -n eslap://eslap.cloud/local-stamp/1_0_1

    I don't succeed in launching my local stamp:
    Using image eslap.cloud/local-stamp:1_0_1
    Local Stamp log in /tmp/local-stamp.log
    Local Stamp workdir in /tmp/local-stamp
    Using config: {
    "daemon": true,
    "kibana": true,
    "autoUnregister": false,
    "autoUndeploy": false,
    "stopLogger": false,
    "destroyLogger": false
    Error launching Local Stamp (HTTP code 404) no such container - No such container: local-stamp-logger

    If someone can help me?
    Thank you