The C2NET Solver Manager module does { description of the module }
This page includes the Code developed to implement this module.
Additionally, this page includes a Tickets entry to handle specific issues regarding this module as a whole (which may include management, integration, new features, etc.).
Module Development:
Development Status: Solver Manager
Responsible: UPV
Other Participants:
- OPT-001: Algorithms selector manager
- OPT-002: Plans selector manager
- OPT-003: Plans characterisation
- OPT-004: Algorithms Repository Manager
- OPT-009: Algorithms input data Checker
- OPT-010: Manager to trigger the optimisation calculation
- OPT-011: Manager for the Recalculation of an optimized Plan
- OPT-012: Optimised Plans Validation Manager: Manual or Automatic
- OPT-013: Data-Sets selector manager
- OPT-014: Configuration options to define the recalculation period
- OPT-015: Manager for the detection of automatically changes in input Plans or Data-Sets
- OPT-016: Editor of a Plan version
- OPT-017: Manager of an Optimised Version of a Plan
- OPT-018: Manager of warning messages to inform about the recalculation
- OPT-019: Manager of manual validation actions
- OPT-020: Last optimised and validated Plan Recorder
- OPT-021: Manager of warning messages to inform about a validated plan
- OPT-022 Manager for Plans visualisation
- OPT-023: Computation manager
- OPT-024: Deletion of a plan manager
- OPT-031: Tool to calculate production plans
- OPT-032: Tool to calculate replenishment plans
- OPT-033: Tool to calculate delivery plans
- OPT-034: POMA Bricks infrastructure support
Requires: (none)
Dependents: (none)