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# C2NET Service Implementation 

The C2NET cloud service is implemented and integrated in an incremental and iterative way. This implies to create an initial version of the C2NET service with a subset of its components, and then in new iterations to add new components while updating previously incorporated components by new versions. 

The incremental and iterative process for doing so has been composed by:

1. Initial C2NET service with basic set of PaaS 4 Manufacturing components:
   1. UCP
   1. CNM ✔
   1. ACS ✔
   1. DS.sql ✔ 
   1. MariaDBWrapper ✔
2. Incorporation of OPT components:
   1. OPC ✔
   1. SM ✔
   1. PM ✔
   1. Job ✔
   1. TaskExecutor (with the embedded OptimizationAlgorithms) ✔
3. Incorporation of DCF components:
   1. Pub/Sub ✔
   1. RM ✔ 
   1. DKMS ✔
   1. TPM
   1. Mobile Application.
4. Incorporation of COT components:
   1. OPP
   1. MPE-MD
   1. MPE-AA
5. New iterations for updating the component versions.