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+This file is for anyone working on integrating CoffeeLint with another project.
+What kinds of things can I build?
+CoffeeLint is [exposed as a library][API] that you could use in build tools, or
+in the browser. Anywhere you can run Javascript. You can also build [your own
+rules][CustomRules], or custom reporter.
+CoffeeLint is also a command line tool, so most non-javascript integrations run
+that and parse the output. There are built in reporters for `csv`, `jslint`,
+`checkstyle`, and `raw`.
+Which version of CoffeeLint should I depend on?
+CoffeeLint follows [Semantic Versioning][semver], so any breaking change to the
+API will be a major version change. I recommend depending on `^1.x` where x is
+the current version.
+How do I list my editor/build plugin on coffeelint.org?
+Coffeelint.org uses `gh-pages`, just send a pull request with your addition and
+it'll get reviewed. The list of plugins is in `index-bottom.html`. `rake
+updatehtml` will regenerate `index.html` with your changes.
+How can people find my rule?
+All rules need to include the `coffeelintrule`. Coffeelint.org directs users to
+[https://www.npmjs.org/search?q=coffeelintrule][rules] to locate available
+Does my rule need to be built into CoffeeLint?
+Built in rules use the same APIs as 3rd party rules. The only benefit of built
+in rules is that they get included with CoffeeLint and are exposed to a wider
+audience. Most new rules are set to `ignore` by default. My general guide line
+is that if you can demonstrate the rule prevents a type of error it can be
+`warn` or `error` by default. I think `no_debugger` is a good example of such a
+[semver]: semver.org
+[rules]: https://www.npmjs.org/search?q=coffeelintrule
+[API]: http://www.coffeelint.org/#api
+[CustomRules]: http://www.coffeelint.org/#api