/* Copyright (C) 2014 J.F.Dockes
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "libupnpp/config.h"
#include "libupnpp/soaphelp.hxx"
#include <stdio.h> // for sprintf
#include <stdlib.h> // for atoi
#include <iostream> // for operator<<, endl, etc
#include "libupnpp/log.hxx" // for LOGDEB, LOGERR, LOGDEB1
#include "libupnpp/upnpp_p.hxx" // for stringToBool
using namespace std;
namespace UPnPP {
class SoapIncoming::Internal {
std::string name;
std::map<std::string, std::string> args;
if ((m = new Internal()) == 0) {
LOGERR("SoapIncoming::SoapIncoming: out of memory" << endl);
delete m;
m = 0;
/* Example Soap XML doc passed by libupnp is like:
As the top node name is qualified by a namespace, it's easier to just use
action name passed in the libupnp action callback.
This is used both for decoding action requests in the device and responses
in the control point side
bool SoapIncoming::decode(const char *callnm, IXML_Document *actReq)
m->name = callnm;
IXML_NodeList* nl = 0;
IXML_Node* topNode = ixmlNode_getFirstChild((IXML_Node *)actReq);
if (topNode == 0) {
LOGERR("SoapIncoming: Empty Action request (no topNode) ??" << endl);
return false;
//LOGDEB("SoapIncoming: top node name: " << ixmlNode_getNodeName(topNode)
// << endl);
nl = ixmlNode_getChildNodes(topNode);
if (nl == 0) {
// Ok actually, there are no args
return true;
//LOGDEB("SoapIncoming: childnodes list length: " << ixmlNodeList_length(nl)
// << endl);
bool ret = false;
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < ixmlNodeList_length(nl); i++) {
IXML_Node *cld = ixmlNodeList_item(nl, i);
if (cld == 0) {
//LOGDEB1("SoapIncoming: got null node from nodelist at index " <<
// i << " ??" << endl);
// Seems to happen with empty arg list?? This looks like a bug,
// should we not get an empty node instead?
if (i == 0) {
ret = true;
goto out;
const char *name = ixmlNode_getNodeName(cld);
if (name == 0) {
DOMString pnode = ixmlPrintNode(cld);
LOGDEB("SoapIncoming: got null name ??:" << pnode << endl);
goto out;
IXML_Node *txtnode = ixmlNode_getFirstChild(cld);
const char *value = "";
if (txtnode != 0) {
value = ixmlNode_getNodeValue(txtnode);
// Can we get an empty value here ?
if (value == 0)
value = "";
m->args[name] = value;
m->name = callnm;
ret = true;
if (nl)
return ret;
const std::string& SoapIncoming::getName() const
return m->name;
bool SoapIncoming::get(const char *nm, bool *value) const
map<string, string>::const_iterator it = m->args.find(nm);
if (it == m->args.end() || it->second.empty()) {
return false;
return stringToBool(it->second, value);
bool SoapIncoming::get(const char *nm, int *value) const
map<string, string>::const_iterator it = m->args.find(nm);
if (it == m->args.end() || it->second.empty()) {
return false;
*value = atoi(it->second.c_str());
return true;
bool SoapIncoming::get(const char *nm, string *value) const
map<string, string>::const_iterator it = m->args.find(nm);
if (it == m->args.end()) {
return false;
*value = it->second;
return true;
string SoapHelp::xmlQuote(const string& in)
string out;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < in.size(); i++) {
switch(in[i]) {
case '"': out += """;break;
case '&': out += "&";break;
case '<': out += "<";break;
case '>': out += ">";break;
case '\'': out += "'";break;
default: out += in[i];
return out;
string SoapHelp::xmlUnquote(const string& in)
string out;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < in.size(); i++) {
if (in[i] == '&') {
unsigned int j;
for (j = i; j < in.size(); j++) {
if (in[j] == ';')
if (in[j] != ';') {
out += in.substr(i);
return out;
string entname = in.substr(i+1, j-i-1);
//cerr << "entname [" << entname << "]" << endl;
if (!entname.compare("quot")) {
out += '"';
} else if (!entname.compare("amp")) {
out += '&';
} else if (!entname.compare("lt")) {
out += '<';
} else if (!entname.compare("gt")) {
out += '>';
} else if (!entname.compare("apos")) {
out += '\'';
} else {
out += in.substr(i, j-i+1);
i = j;
} else {
out += in[i];
return out;
// Yes inefficient. whatever...
string SoapHelp::i2s(int val)
char cbuf[30];
sprintf(cbuf, "%d", val);
return string(cbuf);
class SoapOutgoing::Internal {
std::string serviceType;
std::string name;
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string> > data;
if ((m = new Internal()) == 0) {
LOGERR("SoapOutgoing::SoapOutgoing: out of memory" << endl);
SoapOutgoing::SoapOutgoing(const std::string& st, const std::string& nm)
if ((m = new Internal()) == 0) {
LOGERR("SoapOutgoing::SoapOutgoing: out of memory" << endl);
m->serviceType = st;
m->name = nm;
delete m;
m = 0;
const string& SoapOutgoing::getName() const
return m->name;
SoapOutgoing& SoapOutgoing::addarg(const string& k, const string& v)
m->data.push_back(pair<string, string>(k, v));
return *this;
SoapOutgoing& SoapOutgoing::operator() (const string& k, const string& v)
m->data.push_back(pair<string, string>(k, v));
return *this;
IXML_Document *SoapOutgoing::buildSoapBody(bool isResponse) const
IXML_Document *doc = ixmlDocument_createDocument();
if (doc == 0) {
cerr << "buildSoapBody: out of memory" << endl;
return 0;
string topname = string("u:") + m->name;
if (isResponse)
topname += "Response";
IXML_Element *top =
ixmlDocument_createElementNS(doc, m->serviceType.c_str(),
ixmlElement_setAttribute(top, "xmlns:u", m->serviceType.c_str());
for (unsigned i = 0; i < m->data.size(); i++) {
IXML_Element *elt =
ixmlDocument_createElement(doc, m->data[i].first.c_str());
IXML_Node* textnode =
ixmlDocument_createTextNode(doc, m->data[i].second.c_str());
return doc;
// Decoding UPnP Event data. The variable values are contained in a
// propertyset XML document:
// <?xml version="1.0"?>
// <e:propertyset xmlns:e="urn:schemas-upnp-org:event-1-0">
// <e:property>
// <variableName>new value</variableName>
// </e:property>
// <!-- Other variable names and values (if any) go here. -->
// </e:propertyset>
bool decodePropertySet(IXML_Document *doc,
STD_UNORDERED_MAP<string,string>& out)
bool ret = false;
IXML_Node* topNode = ixmlNode_getFirstChild((IXML_Node *)doc);
if (topNode == 0) {
LOGERR("decodePropertySet: (no topNode) ??" << endl);
return false;
//LOGDEB("decodePropertySet: topnode name: " <<
// ixmlNode_getNodeName(topNode) << endl);
IXML_NodeList* nl = ixmlNode_getChildNodes(topNode);
if (nl == 0) {
LOGDEB("decodePropertySet: empty list" << endl);
return true;
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < ixmlNodeList_length(nl); i++) {
IXML_Node *cld = ixmlNodeList_item(nl, i);
if (cld == 0) {
LOGDEB("decodePropertySet: got null node from nlist at index " <<
i << " ??" << endl);
// Seems to happen with empty arg list?? This looks like a bug,
// should we not get an empty node instead?
if (i == 0) {
ret = true;
goto out;
const char *name = ixmlNode_getNodeName(cld);
//LOGDEB("decodePropertySet: got node name: " <<
// ixmlNode_getNodeName(cld) << endl);
if (cld == 0) {
DOMString pnode = ixmlPrintNode(cld);
//LOGDEB("decodePropertySet: got null name ??:" << pnode << endl);
goto out;
IXML_Node *subnode = ixmlNode_getFirstChild(cld);
name = ixmlNode_getNodeName(subnode);
//LOGDEB("decodePropertySet: got subnode name: " <<
// name << endl);
IXML_Node *txtnode = ixmlNode_getFirstChild(subnode);
//LOGDEB("decodePropertySet: got txtnode name: " <<
// ixmlNode_getNodeName(txtnode) << endl);
const char *value = "";
if (txtnode != 0) {
value = ixmlNode_getNodeValue(txtnode);
// Can we get an empty value here ?
if (value == 0)
value = "";
// ixml does the unquoting. Don't call xmlUnquote here
out[name] = value;
ret = true;
if (nl)
return ret;
} // namespace