Commit | Date | |
[862ee6] by |
2015-12-10 | Tree |
added minimal ohsender control interface
[d85373] by |
2015-12-09 | Tree |
implement openhome product standby
[05a019] by |
2015-12-09 | Tree |
ohproduct: handle source change events
[81fbec] by |
2015-12-07 | Tree |
add ohinfo
[bff38d] by |
2015-12-05 | Tree |
new interface for controlling openhome radio se...
[0bad1e] by |
2015-12-04 | Tree |
[5d7e1e] by |
2015-12-04 | Tree |
config.h for windows
[e4b79c] by |
2015-11-11 | Tree |
Merge branch 'master' of
[6e07f8] by |
2015-11-11 | Tree |
Build with Qt creator from 1t 5.5.0 and its min...
[77fccd] by |
2015-11-11 | Tree |
Changed back to dynamic curl. 1st installable s...
[e0191c] by |
2015-06-30 | Tree |
Merge branch 'HEAD' of
[365766] by |
2015-06-28 | Tree |
Windows: need to build libupnpp as static lib: ...
[13a49d] by |
2015-06-28 | Tree |
Port libupnpp to Windows.
[5c8b3d] by |
2015-06-26 | Tree |
got rid of sleep() call
[d2e749] by |
2015-06-19 | Tree |
got rid of a few spurious #inclusions
[6abdfb] by |
2015-06-19 | Tree |
fix a few win warnings
[99d78e] by |
2015-06-18 | Tree |
version info for 0.11.0
[9b6e93] by |
2015-06-18 | Tree |
0.11.0 rpm
[fdb254] by |
2015-06-18 | Tree |
0.11.0 debian packaging
[35288d] by |
2015-06-18 | Tree |
[6b8241] by |
2015-04-28 | Tree |
implemented control side interface to OpenHome ...
[48d657] by |
2015-04-11 | Tree |
new try with adding non-authoheader stuff to co...
[b1b96c] by |
2015-04-02 | Tree |
[05b9ec] by |
2015-04-02 | Tree |
autoconf: call AC_PROG_LIBTOOL, no use of autoh...
[dd6dfa] by |
2015-04-02 | Tree |