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--- a/doc/libupnpp-ctl.txt
+++ b/doc/libupnpp-ctl.txt
@@ -1,11 +1,15 @@
 = Libupnpp for Control Points
-Libupnpp is a C++ wrapper for libupnp, a.k.a Portable UPnP, which is a
-direct descendant of the Open Source SDK released by Intel in support of
-UPnP development.
-The Control Point side of libupnpp allows a C++ program to discover
-devices, and exchange commands and status with them.
+Libupnpp is a C++ wrapper for link:http://pupnp.sourceforge.net/[libupnp],
+a.k.a Portable UPnP, which is a direct descendant of the Open Source SDK
+released by Intel in support of UPnP development.
+Libupnpp can be used to implement UPnP devices and services, or Control
+The Control Point side of libupnpp, which is documented here, allows a C++
+program to discover UPnP devices, and exchange commands and status with
 The library has a number of predefined modules for controlling specific
 AVTransport or OpenHome audio services, and it is relatively easy to add
@@ -15,8 +19,11 @@
 - The underlying libupnp only supports a single IP interface.
-- The libupnpp methods are blocking, it is supposed that you will be using
-  threads to achieve any needed parallelism in your program.
+- The libupnpp methods are blocking. Multithreading will be needed to
+  achieve parallelism in your program (in any case the underlying libupnp
+  uses threads, so multithreading support is a requirement).
+link:refdoc/html/index.html[Reference documentation (doxygen)]
 == The Library object
@@ -63,17 +70,17 @@
-If you are mostly using the devices and services predefined in the library,
-this is largely an opaque structure, which you will get through the
-discovery interface, and pass to an actual device constructor.
+When using the devices and services predefined by the library, this is
+largely an opaque structure, which you will get through the discovery
+interface, and pass to a Device or Service constructor.
 == Devices
-UPnP device are entities which can contain other, embedded devices, and
+UPnP devices are entities which can contain other, embedded devices, and
 Embedded devices are quite rare, and in my experience badly supported by
-typical control points.
+common control points.
 In general, the service is the interesting entity, and the wise approach is
 the Pythonic "quacks like a duck" one: if a device has the service you
@@ -84,7 +91,7 @@
 provides methods to query and retrieve handles to interesting services
 usually found in a Media Renderer (both OpenHome and UPnP AV). In most
 cases, not all services will be available, and the caller will compose an "a
-la carte" object to serve its need (e.g. using either UPnP AV Rendering
+la carte" object to serve its needs (e.g. using either UPnP AV Rendering
 Control or OpenHome Volume for controlling volume, depending on
@@ -97,8 +104,8 @@
 The library predefines two device classes, for Media Server devices and
-Media Renderer ones. In both cases the only use for the class is to retrieve
-handles to the underlying services.
+Media Renderer ones. Both are convenience classes with utility code to
+build the underlying service objects and retrieve handles for them.
 == Services
@@ -112,8 +119,15 @@
 classes do it and return a handle (but there is nothing to prevent you from
 building the service objects directly).
-It also has helper functions for helping with the independant implementation
-of a service interface. 
+There are two possible approaches for accessing a service which does not
+have a predefined interface class in the library:
+- Use the library helper functions for implementing a specific service
+  interface, by deriving from the base
+  link:refdoc/html/classUPnPClient_1_1Service.html[Service] class.
+- Use the xref:TypedService[TypedService] generic string-based interface
+  class.
 == Predefined Service classes
@@ -134,8 +148,271 @@
 SOAP format, perform the SOAP call, then marshal and return the output
 data. They are all synchronous.
+== String based interface
+The link:refdoc/html/classUPnPClient_1_1TypedService.html[TypedService]
+class provides access to the actions in a service through a simple
+string-based interface.
+The user only needs specify an action name and a list of arguments to call
+an action. The class uses the service description retrieved from the
+device to generate the actual SOAP call. Any returned data is provided
+through a C++ name-value map.
+The class also has an associated
+function] which provides a simplified interface to discovery.
+While the class is less convenient to use than one customized to a single
+service, which can provide full encoding/decoding between SOAP data and a
+natural C++ interface, it avoids having to write the corresponding code. It
+was mostly implemented as a convenient interface for the SWIG module, but
+it can probably have other uses.
+== Eventing
+UPnP services can report changes in their state to Control Points through
+events. In practise, the Control Point implements an internal HTTP server
+to which the services connect to report events.
+Event reporting is not active by default and needs to be activated by the
+Control Point by 'subscribing' to the service.
+Users of Service classes can receive asynchronous events by calling the
+method, to specify what functions should be called when an event arrives.
+NOTE: The event functions are called from a separate thread
+and some synchronization will usually be required.
+Some details of event handling in libupnpp have changed as of version
+== Event handling in version 0.15 and before
+Services implemented by the library always subscribe to events. This
+happens in the object constructor, by a call to the class derived
+registerCallback() method. Example:
+class AVTransport : public Service {
+   ...
+    AVTransport(const UPnPDeviceDesc& device,
+                const UPnPServiceDesc& service)
+        : Service(device, service) {
+        registerCallback();
+    }
+void AVTransport::registerCallback()
+    Service::registerCallback(bind(&AVTransport::evtCallback, this, _1));
+'Service::registerCallback()' performs the UPnP subscription and takes note
+of the function to call when an event arrive.
+This means that a subscription (needing a network exchange) is performed
+each time a Service object is built, even if events are not actually needed
+by the user.
+The Service base class destructor erases the callback hook and cancels the
+event subscription.
+=== Event handling for version 0.16 and later
+As of version 0.16 of the library, the event subscription is only performed
+if and when 'installReporter()' is called. If you don't need events, you
+will not incur their overhead.
+== Logging
+Both 'libupnp' and 'libupnpp' have configurable error and debug logging.
+=== libupnp logging
+The log from 'libupnp' is very detailed and mostly useful for low level
+debugging of UPnP issues. The logging functions in 'libupnp' are
+conditionnally compiled, and may not be enabled for your distribution (you
+can check UPNP_HAVE_DEBUG in 'include/upnp/upnpconfig.h').
+If the 'libupnp' logging functions are enabled, you can control them
+through the
+and 'LibUPnP::setLogLevel()' methods.
+=== libupnpp logging
+'libupnpp' logging is distinct from the 'libupnp' functions, and always
+enabled, at a configurable level of verbosity.
+The log is initialized by a call to
+link:refdoc/html/classLogger.html[Logger::getTheLog()]. The
+verbosity level can be adjusted through 'setLogLevel()', and macros are
+used to emit the actual messages. The printing is based on the C++ iostreams.
+See libupnpp/log.h for more details.
+    if (Logger::getTheLog(logfilename) == 0) {
+        cerr << "Can't initialize log" << endl;
+        return 1;
+    }
+    Logger::getTheLog("")->setLogLevel(Logger::LLINF);
+    ...
+    LOGINF("Message at level INFO, it outputs some value: " << value);
+Of course you can use the 'LOGXX' macros in your own code.
 == Implementing a Service class
-== Eventing
-== Logging
+If you want to access a service for which no predefined class exists in
+libupnpp, you need to define its interface yourself, by deriving the
+'libupnpp' link:refdoc/html/classUPnPClient_1_1Service.html[Service] class.
+The methods in the base class and in the helper modules make it very easy
+to write the derived class.
+NOTE: libupnpp has no provision to use the service description XML document
+to define the service client methods. However, the device side has a script
+to turn a service description into an implementation device-side skeleton.
+The derived class main constructor will take Device and Service description
+structures are arguments and will need to call the base class
+constructor. Example:
+class OHPlaylist : public Service {
+    OHPlaylist(const UPnPDeviceDesc& device, const UPnPServiceDesc& service)
+        : Service(device, service) {
+    }
+    ...
+If there are initialization steps which are specific to the service type,
+they should be done inside the 'serviceInit()' method, which 
+should be called from the constructor (see below for a more detailed
+description). Most services don't need 'serviceInit()', so an empty
+implementation is provided by the base class.
+Action methods are then just ordinary methods, which will call the base
+class methods to perform the networky things.
+Example of an action setting a value:
+int RenderingControl::setMute(bool mute, const string& channel)
+    SoapOutgoing args(getServiceType(), "SetMute");
+    args("InstanceID", "0")("Channel", channel)
+    ("DesiredMute", SoapHelp::i2s(mute?1:0));
+    SoapIncoming data;
+    return runAction(args, data);
+The link:refdoc/html/classUPnPP_1_1SoapOutgoing.html[SoapOutgoing]
+constructor takes a service type and action name arguments. Its 'operator ()'
+accepts additional named string arguments.
+method performs the SOAP call and provides any resulting data in a
+link:refdoc/html/classUPnPP_1_1SoapIncoming.html[SoapIncoming] object, from
+which named values can be easily extracted. There is no return data in the
+above example, see below for an action using 'SoapIncoming::get()' to
+extract data.
+Example of an action retrieving a value (note there is nothing to prevent
+an action to both set and retrieve data).
+bool RenderingControl::getMute(const string& channel)
+    SoapOutgoing args(getServiceType(), "GetMute");
+    args("InstanceID", "0")("Channel", channel);
+    SoapIncoming data;
+    int ret = runAction(args, data);
+    if (ret != UPNP_E_SUCCESS) {
+        return false;
+    }
+    bool mute;
+    if (!data.get("CurrentMute", &mute)) {
+        LOGERR("RenderingControl:getMute: missing CurrentMute in response"
+               << endl);
+        return false;
+    }
+    return mute;
+There are utility methods in the base class for actions which either
+transport no data, or send or receive a single value:
+=== Methods which may need reimplementation
+virtual bool UPnPClient::Service::serviceTypeMatch(const std::string& tp)=0; 	
+This is only needed for library version 0.16 and later. It is used by the
+base class to find a matching service description in the device description
+service list, which is done when calling
+The latter method is useful for building an object in two phases, first an
+empty constructor, then initialization from the device description.
+Derived classes compare the service types in the list with their own type
+virtual bool UPnPClient::Service::serviceInit(const UPnPDeviceDesc& device,
+                                          const UPnPServiceDesc& service);
+This is the part of the initialization specific to the service type. When
+it is called, the Service class is fully initialized. Most services
+don't need to do anything in there. An example of use would be the
+Rendering Control service calling the device to retrieve the range of
+volume control values.
+An empty implementation is provided by the base class.
+The method is called from
+and, if it does anything, it should be called from the non-empty derived class
+constructor too.
+=== Eventing
+Derived service classes can define a
+method to register a function to be called when an event arrives. 
+'registerCallBack()' will be called by 'Service::installReporter()' when
+the user register their interest in events. In turn, 'registerCallback()'
+should call
+to register their actual callback routine.
+Callback functions can be any 'std::function' taking appropriate arguments,
+usually a member function of the service object.