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LibDBlasF77.def.m2pp    331 lines (297 with data), 17.8 kB


  (* HINWEIS : Bitte nur die Datei LibDBlasF77.mod.m2pp editieren           *)
  (* Es sind 2 Versionen enthalten die mit                                  *)
  (*                                                                        *)
  (*   m2pp -D __{Parameter}__ < LibDBlasF77.mod.m2pp > LibDBlasF77.mod     *)
  (*                                                                        *)
  (* mit Parameter = {NOOPENMP|OPENMP} erzeugt werden koennen.              *)
  (*                                                                        *)
  (*   NOOPENMP : "Standard" BLAS subroutinen werden genutzt                *)
  (*   OPENMP   : OpenMP parallelisiert Version von dgemm wird genutzt      *)
  (*                                                                        *)
  (* With the option OPNENMP you can request using an OpenMP parallisiezed  *)
  (* version of dgemm, otherwise use NOOPENMP                               *)
  (* Interface to dblas level 1,2 & 3 FORTRAN 77 subroutines.               *)
  (*                                                                        *)
  (* Jack Dongarra, linpack, 3/11/78.                                       *)
  (*                                                                        *)
  (* To Do: Lot of other routines ;-)                                       *)
  (*                                                                        *)
  (* Routine provided so far are:                                           *)
  (*                                                                        *)
  (* Level 1                                                                *)
  (*                                                                        *)
  (*   dnrm2     : euklidian norm of a vector                               *)
  (* * dswap     : swap two vectors                                         *)
  (* * dcopy     : copy a vector to a vector                                *)
  (*   drot      : plane rotation                                           *)
  (*   drotg     : construct givens rotation                                *)
  (* * dscal     : scale vector by a constant                               *)
  (* * daxpy     : constant times a vector plus a vector                    *)
  (* * ddot      : dot product of two vectors                               *)
  (* * idamax    : index of vector element with largest absolute value      *)
  (* * idamin    : index of vector element with smalles absolute value      *)
  (* * dasum     : sum of absolut values of real vector elements            *)
  (*                                                                        *)
  (* Level 3                                                                *)
  (*                                                                        *)
  (*   sgemm     : single precision matrix matrix multiplication            *)
  (*   dgemm     : double precision matrix matrix multiplication            *)
  (*   zgemm     : double complex matrix matrix multiplication              *)
  (*                                                                        *)
  (* Last change:                                                           *)
  (*                                                                        *)
  (* 06.09.15, MRi: First version (only ddot)                               *)
  (* 01.12.15, MRi: Added dscal,daxpy                                       *)
  (* 02.12.15, MRi: Added dasum,dnrm2,idamax                                *)
  (* 30.03.16, MRi: Added dswap                                             *)
  (* 15.04.16, MRi: Added dcopy,drot,drotg                                  *)
  (*                  Changed ARRAY OF DOUBLEPRECISION to                   *)
  (*                  (* ARRAY OF *) DOUBLEPRECISION                        *)
  (* 29.10.17, MRi: Added dgemm                                             *)
  (* 01.11.17, MRi: Added idamin                                            *)
  (* 23.06.18, MRi: Added zgemm                                             *)
  (* Implementation : Michael Riedl                                         *)
  (* Licence        : GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)              *)

  (* $Id: LibDBlasF77.def.m2pp,v 1.1 2018/06/15 08:59:31 mriedl Exp mriedl $ *)


     INTEGER4        = LibDBlasL1F77.INTEGER4;
     CHAR1           = LibDBlasL1F77.CHAR1;

CONST dnrm2 = LibDBlasL1F77.dnrm2_;

 * PROCEDURE dnrm2(VAR n    : INTEGER4;
 *                 VAR X    : (* ARRAY OF *) DOUBLEPRECISION;
 *                 VAR IncX : INTEGER4): DOUBLEPRECISION;
          (* dnrm2 returns the euclidean norm of a vector via the function  *)
          (* name, so that dnrm2 := sqrt( x^{tr}*x )                        *)

CONST dswap = LibDBlasL1F77.dswap_;

 *                 VAR X    : (* ARRAY OF *) DOUBLEPRECISION;  
 *                 VAR incx : INTEGER4;  
 *                 VAR Y    : (* ARRAY OF *) DOUBLEPRECISION;
 *                 VAR incy : INTEGER4);
          (* Interchanges two vectors using unrolled loops for increments   *)
          (* equal to 1.                                                    *)

CONST dcopy = LibDBlasL1F77.dcopy_;

 *                 VAR X    : (* ARRAY OF *) DOUBLEPRECISION;
 *                 VAR IncX : INTEGER4;
 *                 VAR Y    : (* ARRAY OF *) DOUBLEPRECISION;
 *                 VAR IncY : INTEGER);
          (* copies a vector, x, to a vector, y.                            *)
          (* uses unrolled loops for increments equal to one.               *)
          (* jack dongarra, linpack, 3/11/78.                               *)

CONST drot = LibDBlasL1F77.drot_;

 * PROCEDURE drot(VAR N    : INTEGER4;  
 *                VAR X    : (* ARRAY OF *) DOUBLEPRECISION;  
 *                VAR incX : INTEGER4;
 *                VAR Y    : (* ARRAY OF *) DOUBLEPRECISION;
 *                VAR incY : INTEGER4; 
 *                VAR c,s  : DOUBLEPRECISION);
          (* Applies a plane rotation.                                     *)
          (* Jack Dongarra, linpack, 3/11/78.                              *)

CONST drotg = LibDBlasL1F77.drotg_;

 *                 VAR db : DOUBLEPRECISION;  
 *                 VAR c  : DOUBLEPRECISION;  
 *                 VAR s  : DOUBLEPRECISION);
          (* Construct a Givens plane rotation                             *)
          (* Jack Dongarra, linpack, 3/11/78.                              *)

CONST dscal = LibDBlasL1F77.dscal_;

 * PROCEDURE dscal(VAR n    : INTEGER4;
 *                 VAR da   : DOUBLEPRECISION;
 *                 VAR dx   : (* ARRAY OF *) DOUBLEPRECISION; 
 *                 VAR incx : INTEGER4);
          (* Scales a vector by a constant                                  *)

CONST daxpy = LibDBlasL1F77.daxpy_;

 * PROCEDURE daxpy(VAR n    : INTEGER4;
 *                 VAR da   : DOUBLEPRECISION;
 *                 VAR dx   : (* ARRAY OF *) DOUBLEPRECISION; 
 *                 VAR incx : INTEGER4;
 *                 VAR dy   : (* ARRAY OF *) DOUBLEPRECISION; 
 *                 VAR incy : INTEGER4);
          (* Constant times a vector plus a vector                          *)

CONST ddot = LibDBlasL1F77.ddot_;

 *                VAR DX   : (* ARRAY OF *) DOUBLEPRECISION;
 *                VAR INCX : INTEGER4;
 *                VAR DY   : (* ARRAY OF *) DOUBLEPRECISION;
          (* Forms the dot product of two vectors                           *)

CONST idamax = LibDBlasL1F77.idamax_;

 * PROCEDURE idamax(VAR n    : INTEGER4;
 *                  VAR dx   : (* ARRAY OF *) DOUBLEPRECISION;
 *                  VAR incx : INTEGER4) : INTEGER4;
          (* Finds the index of element having max. absolute value.         *)

CONST idamin = LibDBlasL1F77.idamin_;

 * PROCEDURE idamin(VAR n    : INTEGER4;
 *                  VAR dx   : (* ARRAY OF *) DOUBLEPRECISION;
 *                  VAR incx : INTEGER4) : INTEGER4;
          (* Finds the index of element having min. absolute value.         *)

CONST dasum = LibDBlasL1F77.dasum_;

 * PROCEDURE dasum(VAR dim      : INTEGER4;
 *                 VAR X        : (* ARRAY OF *) DOUBLEPRECISION;
 *                 VAR Inc      : INTEGER4) : DOUBLEPRECISION;
          (* Berechnet die Summe der Absolutwerte der im Feld X gespeich-   *)
          (* erten Zahlen.                                                  *)

CONST sgemm = LibDBlasL3F77.dgemm;

 * PROCEDURE sgemm(    TA    : CHAR1;
 *                     TB    : CHAR1;
 *                     M,N,K : INTEGER4;
 *                     Alpha : REAL4;
 *                 VAR A     : ARRAY OF ARRAY OF REAL4;
 *                     lda   : INTEGER4;
 *                 VAR B     : ARRAY OF ARRAY OF REAL4;
 *                     ldb   : INTEGER4;
 *                     Beta  : REAL4;
 *                 VAR C     : ARRAY OF ARRAY OF REAL4;
 *                     ldc   : INTEGER4);
          (* Aufruf der Fortran Version von BLAS3 subroutine sgemm          *)
          (* ueber Schnittstelle die fuer eine korrekte Umsetzung der       *)
          (* Parameter sorgt.                                               *)
          (* Durch die Schnittstelle wird auch erreicht dass die Routine    *)
          (* "normal" aufgerufen werden kann wie von Modula-2 her gewoehnt  *)

<* IF (__OPENMP__) THEN *>
CONST dgemm = LibDBlasL3F77.dgemmOMP;
<* ELSE *>
CONST dgemm = LibDBlasL3F77.dgemm;
<* END *>

 * PROCEDURE dgemm(    TA    : CHAR1;
 *                     TB    : CHAR1;
 *                     M,N,K : INTEGER4;
 *                     Alpha : DOUBLEPRECISION;
 *                     lda   : INTEGER4;
 *                     ldb   : INTEGER4;
 *                     Beta  : DOUBLEPRECISION;
 *                     ldc   : INTEGER4);
          (* Aufruf der Fortran Version von BLAS3 subroutine dgemm          *)
          (* ueber Schnittstelle die fuer eine korrekte Umsetzung der       *)
          (* Parameter sorgt.                                               *)
          (* Durch die Schnittstelle wird auch erreicht dass die Routine    *)
          (* "normal" aufgerufen werden kann wie von Modula-2 her gewoehnt  *)
          (*                                                                *)
          (* Real matrix matrix multiplication routine                      *)
          (*                                                                *)
          (*   TA     : Specifies whether to transpose matrix A             *)
          (*   TB     : Specifies whether to transpose matrix B             *)
          (*   M      : Number of rows in matrices A and C                  *)
          (*   N      : Number of columns in matrices B and C               *)
          (*   K      : Number of columns in matrix A; number of rows in    *)
          (*            matrix B                                            *)
          (*   Alpha  : Scaling factor for the product of matrices A and B  *)
          (*   A      : Matrix A                                            *)
          (*   lda    : The size of the first dimention of matrix A, if     *)
          (*            passing a matrix A[m,n], the value should be m      *)
          (*   B      : Matrix B                                            *)
          (*   ldb    : The size of the first dimention of matrix B, if     *)
          (*            passing a matrix B[m,n], the value should be m      *)
          (*   Beta   : Scaling factor for matrix C                         *)
          (*   C      : Resulting matrix C                                  *)
          (*   ldb    : The size of the first dimention of matrix C, if     *)
          (*            passing a matrix C[m,n], the value should be m      *)

CONST zgemm = LibDBlasL3F77.zgemm;

 * PROCEDURE zgemm(    TA    : CHAR1;
 *                     TB    : CHAR1;
 *                     M,N,K : INTEGER4;
 *                     Alpha : DOUBLECOMPLEX;
 *                 VAR A     : ARRAY OF ARRAY OF DOUBLECOMPLEX;
 *                     lda   : INTEGER4;
 *                 VAR B     : ARRAY OF ARRAY OF DOUBLECOMPLEX;
 *                     ldb   : INTEGER4;
 *                     Beta  : DOUBLECOMPLEX;
 *                 VAR C     : ARRAY OF ARRAY OF DOUBLECOMPLEX;
 *                     ldc   : INTEGER4);
          (* Aufruf der Fortran Version von BLAS3 subroutine zgemm          *)
          (* ueber Schnittstelle die fuer eine korrekte Umsetzung der       *)
          (* Parameter sorgt.                                               *)
          (* Durch die Schnittstelle wird auch erreicht dass die Routine    *)
          (* "normal" aufgerufen werden kann wie von Modula-2 her gewoehnt  *)
          (*                                                                *)
          (* Complex matrix matrix multiplication routine                   *)
          (*                                                                *)
          (*   TA    : Specifies whether to transpose matrix A (option "T") *)
          (*           or not (option "N") or use the complex conjugate of  *)
          (*           the transpose of A (option "T", op(A) = conj(A'))    *)
          (*   TB    : Same as TA for matrix B                              *)
          (*   M     : Number of rows in matrices A and C                   *)
          (*   N     : Number of columns in matrices B and C                *)
          (*   K     : Number of columns in matrix A; number of rows in     *)
          (*           matrix B                                             *)
          (*   Alpha : Scaling factor for the product of matrices A and B   *)
          (*   A     : Matrix A                                             *)
          (*   lda   : The size of the first dimention of matrix A, if      *)
          (*           passing a matrix A[m,n], the value should be m       *)
          (*   B     : Matrix B                                             *)
          (*   ldb   : The size of the first dimention of matrix B, if      *)
          (*           passing a matrix B[m,n], the value should be m       *)
          (*   Beta  : Scaling factor for matrix C                          *)
          (*   C     : Resulting matrix C                                   *)
          (*   ldb   : The size of the first dimention of matrix C, if      *)
          (*           passing a matrix C[m,n], the value should be m       *)

END LibDBlasF77.