Switch to side-by-side view

--- a
+++ b/eu.opensourceprojects.mondo.benchmarks.itmfactory/transformations/java2kdm.atl
@@ -0,0 +1,2580 @@
+-- @atlcompiler atl2006
+--Copyright (c) 2009 Mia-Software.
+--All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+--are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+--which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+--	  Gabriel BARBIER (Mia-Software) - initial API and implementation
+--    Fabien GIQUEL (Mia-Software) - initial API and implementation
+-- @nsURI kdm=http://www.eclipse.org/MoDisco/kdm/action
+-- @nsURI java=http://www.eclipse.org/MoDisco/Java/0.2.incubation/java
+--Transform Java Models to KDM models
+module javaToKdm;-- Module Template
+create OUT: kdm from IN: java;
+rule InitializerToControlElement extends BodyDeclarationToAbstractCodeElement {
+	from
+		src: java!Initializer
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!ControlElement (
+			codeElement <- src.body
+		)
+-- helpers --
+-- specific case to attach all single elements to root model
+endpoint rule manageDetachedElements() {
+  do {
+		for (alone in kdm!AbstractCodeElement.allInstances()) {
+  			if (alone.refImmediateComposite().oclIsUndefined()) {
+  				thisModule.externalModel.codeElement <- alone;
+  			}
+  		}
+	}
+helper def: externalModel: kdm!CodeModel =
+	OclUndefined;
+-- computes name of a generic type
+helper context java!TypeDeclaration def: getGenericName(): String =
+	self.name + '<' + self.typeParameters -> collect(T | if (self.typeParameters ->
+			indexOf(T) < self.typeParameters -> size()) then
+				T.name + ', '
+			else
+				T.name
+			endif) -> sum() + '>';
+--returns referenced type, or one created on the fly in case of UnresolvedItem
+--this is used when creating variables or parameters which are containers for this kind
+		-- of type in kdm
+helper context java!TypeAccess def: getType(): kdm!Datatype =
+	self.type -> getExtendsType();
+helper context java!NamedElement def: getExtendsType(): kdm!Datatype =
+	if self.oclIsKindOf(java!UnresolvedItem) then
+		if self.refImmediateComposite().oclIsTypeOf(java!ClassDeclaration) then
+			thisModule -> CreateClassUnit(self) -- TODO why ?
+		else
+			thisModule -> CreateInterfaceUnit(self)
+		endif
+	else
+		-- java!Type or java!Package
+		self
+	endif;
+-- to be able to filter expressions that are not useful, or need to be managed manually
+helper def: filterExpression(expression: java!Expression): java!Expression =
+	if (expression.oclIsUndefined()) then
+		Sequence{}
+	else
+		if (expression.oclIsKindOf(java!SingleVariableAccess) or expression.
+				oclIsKindOf(java!TypeAccess) or expression.
+				oclIsKindOf(java!UnresolvedItemAccess)) then
+			Sequence{}
+		else
+			Sequence{expression}
+		endif
+	endif;
+-- rules --
+-- ===================================================== ---
+--  Rules for the structure of a program
+--  This part gives all the transformations for the structure of a Java program
+-- ===================================================== ---
+-- Transforms a Model into a code model
+rule ModelToModel {
+	from
+		src: java!Model
+	to
+		kdmModel: kdm!CodeModel (
+			name <- src.name,
+			codeElement <- src.ownedElements -> select(e | e.proxy = false),
+			codeElement <- kdmLanguageUnit
+		),
+		kdmLanguageUnit: kdm!LanguageUnit (
+			name <- 'Common Java datatypes',
+			codeElement <- src.orphanTypes -> select(e | e.
+					oclIsKindOf(java!PrimitiveType)),
+			codeElement <- stringType
+		),
+		externalModel: kdm!CodeModel (
+			name <- 'externals',
+			codeElement <- src.ownedElements -> select(e | e.proxy = true),
+			codeElement <- src.orphanTypes -> select(e | not e.
+					oclIsKindOf(java!PrimitiveType))
+		),
+		sourcesModel: kdm!InventoryModel (
+			name <- 'source references',
+			inventoryElement <- src.compilationUnits,
+			inventoryElement <- src.archives
+		),
+		kdmSegment: kdm!Segment mapsTo src (
+			model <- kdmModel,
+			model <- externalModel,
+			model <- sourcesModel
+		),
+		stringType: kdm!StringType (
+			name <- 'string'
+		)
+	do {
+		thisModule.externalModel <- externalModel;
+	}
+-- Transforms a package declaration into a package
+rule PackageToPackage {
+	from
+		src: java!Package
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!Package (
+			name <- src.name --get the subpackages owned by the matched package
+			,
+			codeElement <- src.ownedPackages --adds classes and interfaces
+			,
+			codeElement <- src.ownedElements
+		)
+-- ===================================================== ---
+-- abstract rule to manage source reference in kdm model
+-- in java, corresponding metaclass is ASTNode
+-- in kdm, it is AbstractCodeElement (no better choice)
+-- ===================================================== ---
+abstract rule ASTNodeToAbstractCodeElement {
+	from
+		src: java!ASTNode
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!AbstractCodeElement (
+			-- comments
+			comment <- src.comments,
+			-- source file management
+			source <- sourceRef
+		),
+		sourceRef: kdm!SourceRef (
+			language <- 'java',
+			region <- sourceRegion
+		),
+		sourceRegion: kdm!SourceRegion (
+			language <- 'java' -- size expensive and redundant with SourceFile
+					-- information
+--		,path <- if (src.originalCompilationUnit.oclIsUndefined()) then
+--					'internal'
+--				else
+--					src.originalCompilationUnit.originalFilePath
+--				endif
+			,
+			file <- if (src.originalCompilationUnit.oclIsUndefined()) then
+					src.originalClassFile
+				else
+					src.originalCompilationUnit
+				endif
+		)
+abstract rule NamedElementToAbstractCodeElement extends ASTNodeToAbstractCodeElement {
+	from
+		src: java!NamedElement
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!AbstractCodeElement (
+			name <- src.name
+		)
+abstract rule BodyDeclarationToAbstractCodeElement extends
+		NamedElementToAbstractCodeElement {
+	from
+		src: java!BodyDeclaration
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!AbstractCodeElement (
+			-- attributes to store additional information (visibility stays redundant)
+			attribute <- if (src.modifier.oclIsUndefined()) then
+					Sequence{}
+				else
+					src.modifier
+				endif -- annotations
+			,
+			codeRelation <- src.annotations
+		)
+abstract rule AbstractTypeDeclarationToDatatype extends
+		BodyDeclarationToAbstractCodeElement {
+	from
+		src: java!AbstractTypeDeclaration
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!Datatype (
+			-- imports
+			codeRelation <- if (src.originalCompilationUnit.oclIsUndefined()) then
+					Sequence{}
+				else
+					src.originalCompilationUnit.imports
+				endif -- inheritance
+			,
+			codeRelation <- src.superInterfaces -> collect(e | if (src.
+					oclIsTypeOf(java!ClassDeclaration)) then
+						thisModule.CreateImplements(e)
+					else
+						thisModule.CreateExtends(e)
+					endif) -- end collect
+		-- annotations
+			,
+			codeRelation <- src.annotations -- TODO use superClass
+		-- comments
+			,
+			comment <- src.commentsBeforeBody,
+			comment <- src.commentsAfterBody,
+			comment <- src.comments,
+			comment <- if (src.originalCompilationUnit.oclIsUndefined() or not src.
+					refImmediateComposite().oclIsTypeOf(java!Package)) then
+					Sequence{}
+				else
+					-- top level type declaration -> retrieving CU heading comments
+					src.originalCompilationUnit.comments
+				endif
+		)
+rule ModifierToAttribute {
+	from
+		src: java!Modifier
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!Attribute (
+			tag <- 'export',
+			value <- src.visibility.toString() + (if (src.inheritance = #none) then
+					''
+				else
+					' ' + src.inheritance.toString()
+				endif)
+		)
+-- ===================================================== ---
+--  Rules for the classes
+--  This part gives all the transformations for the classes of a Java program
+-- the transformations being quite different when the considered class is generic (Java
+		-- meaning)
+-- ===================================================== ---
+-- Transfoms a class declaration into a class unit
+rule ClassDeclarationToClassUnit extends AbstractTypeDeclarationToDatatype {
+	from
+		src: java!ClassDeclaration (
+			src.typeParameters.isEmpty()
+		)
+	using{
+		 -- For attributes, we have to separate FieldDeclaration and
+				-- VariableDeclarationFragment usage
+	javaAttributes: java!NamedElement = src.bodyDeclarations -> select(e | e.
+			oclIsTypeOf(java!FieldDeclaration)) -> collect(f | if (f.
+			fragments->isEmpty()) then f else f.fragments endif);	
+	}
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!ClassUnit (
+			isAbstract <- if src.modifier.oclIsUndefined() then
+					OclUndefined
+				else
+					src.modifier.inheritance = 'abstract'
+				endif -- attributes
+			,
+			codeElement <- javaAttributes -- other elements
+			,
+			codeElement <- src.bodyDeclarations -> select(e | not e.
+					oclIsTypeOf(java!FieldDeclaration))
+		)
+	do {
+		 -- inheritance
+		tgt.codeRelation <- if src.superClass.oclIsUndefined() then
+				Sequence{}
+			else
+				thisModule.CreateExtends(src.superClass)
+			endif;
+	}
+-- Transfoms a class declaration into a class unit
+rule AnonymousClassDeclarationToClassUnit extends ASTNodeToAbstractCodeElement {
+	from
+		src: java!AnonymousClassDeclaration
+	using{
+		 -- For attributes, we have to separate FieldDeclaration and
+				-- VariableDeclarationFragment usage
+	javaAttributes: java!NamedElement = src.bodyDeclarations -> select(e | e.
+			oclIsTypeOf(java!FieldDeclaration)) -> collect(f | if (f.
+			fragments->isEmpty()) then f else f.fragments endif);
+		originalTypeAccess: java!TypeAccess = if ( src.refImmediateComposite().oclIsKindOf(java! EnumConstantDeclaration)) then
+													OclUndefined
+												else 
+													src.refImmediateComposite().type
+												endif ;
+	}
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!ClassUnit (
+			name <- 'Anonymous type' -- attributes
+			,
+			codeElement <- javaAttributes -- other elements
+			,
+			codeElement <- src.bodyDeclarations -> select(e | not
+					e.oclIsTypeOf(java!FieldDeclaration)) -- imports
+			,
+			codeRelation <- if (src.originalCompilationUnit.oclIsUndefined()) then
+					Sequence{}
+				else
+					src.originalCompilationUnit.imports
+				endif -- inheritance
+			,
+			codeRelation <- if (originalTypeAccess.oclIsUndefined()) then
+					Sequence{}
+				else
+					thisModule.CreateImplementsForTemplated(tgt, originalTypeAccess)
+				endif -- TODO use superClass
+		-- comments
+			,
+			comment <- src.comments,
+			comment <- if (src.originalCompilationUnit.oclIsUndefined() or not src.
+					refImmediateComposite().oclIsTypeOf(java!Package)) then
+					Sequence{}
+				else
+					-- top level type declaration -> retrieving CU heading comments
+					src.originalCompilationUnit.comments
+				endif
+		)
+-- ===================================================== ---
+--  Rules for the interfaces
+--  This part gives all the transformations for the interfaces of a java program
+-- the transformations being quite different when the considered interface is generic
+		-- (java meaning)
+-- ===================================================== ---
+-- Transfoms an interface
+rule InterfaceDeclarationToInterfaceUnit extends AbstractTypeDeclarationToDatatype {
+	from
+		src: java!InterfaceDeclaration (
+			src.typeParameters.isEmpty()
+		)
+	using{
+		 -- For attributes, we have to separate FieldDeclaration and
+				-- VariableDeclarationFragment usage
+	javaAttributes: java!NamedElement = src.bodyDeclarations -> select(e | e.
+			oclIsTypeOf(java!FieldDeclaration)) -> collect(f | if (f.
+			fragments->isEmpty()) then f else f.fragments endif);	
+	}
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!InterfaceUnit (
+			-- attributes
+			codeElement <- javaAttributes -- other elements
+			,
+			codeElement <- src.bodyDeclarations -> select(e | not e.
+					oclIsTypeOf(java!FieldDeclaration))
+		)
+-- ===================================================== ---
+--  Rules for the Enums
+--  This part gives the transformation for the enums of a java programm
+-- ===================================================== ---
+-- Transforms a enumerated type
+rule EnumDeclarationToEnumeratedType extends AbstractTypeDeclarationToDatatype {
+	from
+		src: java!EnumDeclaration
+	using{
+		 -- For attributes, we have to separate FieldDeclaration and
+				-- VariableDeclarationFragment usage
+	javaAttributes: java!NamedElement = src.bodyDeclarations -> select(e | e.
+			oclIsTypeOf(java!FieldDeclaration)) -> collect(f | if (f.
+			fragments->isEmpty()) then f else f.fragments endif);	
+	}
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!EnumeratedType (
+			-- enumerated values
+			value <- src.enumConstants -- TODO not allowed by kdm implementation !
+		-- attributes
+			,
+			codeElement <- javaAttributes -- other elements
+			,
+			codeElement <- src.bodyDeclarations -> select(e | not e.
+					oclIsTypeOf(java!FieldDeclaration))
+		)
+-- transforms an array type into an array type
+rule ArrayTypeToArrayType {
+	from
+		src: java!ArrayType
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!ArrayType (
+			name <- src.name -- size attribute will contains dimension information
+					-- instead of size
+			,
+			size <- src.dimensions,
+			itemUnit <- realType,
+			indexUnit <- indexUnit
+		),
+		realType: kdm!ItemUnit (
+			type <- src.elementType -> getType()
+		),
+		indexUnit: kdm!IndexUnit (
+			type <- java!PrimitiveTypeInt.allInstances() -> first()
+		)
+-- transforms a wild card into a TypeUnit (DefinedType)
+rule WildCardTypeToTypeUnit {
+	from
+		src: java!WildCardType
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!TypeUnit (
+			type <- if (src.bound.oclIsUndefined()) then
+					OclUndefined
+				else
+					src.bound -> getType()
+				endif
+		)
+-- transforms an Annotation type into an InterfaceUnit (with an annotation)
+rule AnnotationTypeDeclarationToInterfaceUnit extends AbstractTypeDeclarationToDatatype {
+	from
+		src: java!AnnotationTypeDeclaration
+	using{
+		 -- For attributes, we have to separate FieldDeclaration and
+				-- VariableDeclarationFragment usage
+	javaAttributes: java!NamedElement = src.bodyDeclarations -> select(e | e.
+			oclIsTypeOf(java!FieldDeclaration)) -> collect(f | if (f.
+			fragments->isEmpty()) then f else f.fragments endif);	
+	}
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!InterfaceUnit (
+			annotation <- annotation -- specific for annotation types, we have to
+					-- redefine these initializations ???
+		-- ATL mechanism of extends does not work very well ...
+			,
+			codeRelation <- src.annotations,
+			codeRelation <- if (src.originalCompilationUnit.oclIsUndefined()) then
+					Sequence{}
+				else
+					src.originalCompilationUnit.imports
+				endif -- attributes
+			,
+			codeElement <- javaAttributes -- other elements, it should be
+					-- AnnotationTypeMemberDeclaration
+			,
+			codeElement <- src.bodyDeclarations -> select(e | not e.
+					oclIsTypeOf(java!FieldDeclaration))
+		),
+		annotation: kdm!Annotation (
+			text <- 'annotation'
+		)
+-- transforms an AnnotationTypeMemberDeclaration into a MemberUnit
+-- it is here because ATL superimposition does not allow rules extensions.
+rule AnnotationTypeMemberDeclarationToMemberUnit extends
+		BodyDeclarationToAbstractCodeElement {
+	from
+		src: java!AnnotationTypeMemberDeclaration
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!MemberUnit (
+			type <- if (src.type.oclIsUndefined()) then
+					OclUndefined
+				else
+					src.type -> getType()
+				endif
+		)
+-- ========================================================
+--  Rules for generic types (class, interface)
+-- ========================================================
+-- Transfoms a type with generic declarations into a TemplateUnit containing a type unit
+abstract rule TypeDeclarationToTemplateUnit {
+	from
+		src: java!TypeDeclaration (
+			not src.typeParameters.isEmpty()
+		)
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!TemplateUnit (
+			-- template parameter should be first
+			name <- src -> getGenericName(),
+			codeElement <- src.typeParameters,
+			codeElement <- type
+		),
+		type: kdm!Datatype (
+			name <- src.name -- imports
+			,
+			codeRelation <- if (src.originalCompilationUnit.oclIsUndefined()) then
+					Sequence{}
+				else
+					src.originalCompilationUnit.imports
+				endif -- inheritance
+			,
+			codeRelation <- src.superInterfaces -> collect(e | if (src.
+					oclIsTypeOf(java!ClassDeclaration)) then
+						thisModule.CreateImplementsForTemplated(type, e)
+					else
+						thisModule.CreateExtendsForTemplated(type, e)
+					endif) -- end collect
+		-- comments
+			,
+			comment <- src.comments,
+			comment <- if (src.originalCompilationUnit.oclIsUndefined() or not src.
+					refImmediateComposite().oclIsTypeOf(java!Package)) then
+					Sequence{}
+				else
+					-- top level type declaration -> retrieving CU heading comments
+					src.originalCompilationUnit.comments
+				endif -- source file management
+			,
+			source <- sourceRef -- attributes to store additional informations
+					-- (visibility stay redundant)
+			,
+			attribute <- if (src.modifier.oclIsUndefined()) then
+					Sequence{}
+				else
+					src.modifier
+				endif -- annotations
+			,
+			codeRelation <- src.annotations
+		),
+		sourceRef: kdm!SourceRef (
+			language <- 'java',
+			region <- sourceRegion
+		),
+		sourceRegion: kdm!SourceRegion (
+			language <- 'java' -- size expensive and redundant with SourceFile
+					-- information
+--		,path <- if (src.originalCompilationUnit.oclIsUndefined()) then
+--					'internal'
+--				else
+--					src.originalCompilationUnit.originalFilePath
+--				endif
+			,
+			file <- if (src.originalCompilationUnit.oclIsUndefined()) then
+					src.originalClassFile
+				else
+					src.originalCompilationUnit
+				endif
+		)
+-- Transfoms a class with generic declarations into a TemplateUnit containing a class unit
+rule ClassDeclarationToTemplateUnit extends TypeDeclarationToTemplateUnit {
+	from
+		src: java!ClassDeclaration (
+			not src.typeParameters.isEmpty()
+		)
+	using{
+		 -- For attributes, we have to separate FieldDeclaration and
+				-- VariableDeclarationFragment usage
+	javaAttributes: java!NamedElement = src.bodyDeclarations -> select(e | e.
+			oclIsTypeOf(java!FieldDeclaration)) -> collect(f | if (f.
+			fragments->isEmpty()) then f else f.fragments endif);	
+	}
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!TemplateUnit (
+		),
+		type: kdm!ClassUnit (
+			isAbstract <- if src.modifier.oclIsUndefined() then
+					OclUndefined
+				else
+					src.modifier.inheritance = 'abstract'
+				endif -- attributes
+			,
+			codeElement <- javaAttributes -- other elements
+			,
+			codeElement <- src.bodyDeclarations -> select(e | not e.
+					oclIsTypeOf(java!FieldDeclaration))
+		)
+	do {
+		 -- inheritance
+		type.codeRelation <- if src.superClass.oclIsUndefined() then
+				Sequence{}
+			else
+				thisModule.CreateExtendsForTemplated(type, src.superClass)
+			endif;
+	}
+-- Transfoms a generic interface
+rule InterfaceDeclarationToTemplateUnit extends TypeDeclarationToTemplateUnit {
+	from
+		src: java!InterfaceDeclaration (
+			not src.typeParameters.isEmpty()
+		)
+	using{
+		 -- For attributes, we have to separate FieldDeclaration and
+				-- VaraiableDeclarationFragment usage
+	javaAttributes: java!NamedElement = src.bodyDeclarations -> select(e | e.
+			oclIsTypeOf(java!FieldDeclaration)) -> collect(f | if (f.
+			fragments->isEmpty()) then f else f.fragments endif);	
+	}
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!TemplateUnit (
+		),
+		type: kdm!InterfaceUnit (
+			-- attributes
+			codeElement <- javaAttributes -- other elements
+			,
+			codeElement <- src.bodyDeclarations -> select(e | not e.
+					oclIsTypeOf(java!FieldDeclaration))
+		)
+-- Transforms parameters declared by a generic type
+rule TypeParameterToTemplateParameter {
+	from
+		src: java!TypeParameter
+	to
+		parameter: kdm!TemplateParameter (
+			name <- src.name
+		)
+-- ========================================================
+--  Rules for usage of generic types
+-- ========================================================
+-- Transforms ParameterizedType to TemplateType
+-- relationships ParameterTo link generic usage with type arguments
+-- relationship InstanceOf links generic usage with generic type
+rule ParameterizedTypeToTemplateType {
+	from
+		src: java!ParameterizedType
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!TemplateType (
+			name <- src.name,
+			codeRelation <- src.typeArguments -> collect(t | thisModule ->
+					CreateParameterTo(t)),
+			codeRelation <- typeLink
+		),
+		typeLink: kdm!InstanceOf (
+			from <- tgt,
+--			to <- if (src.type.type -> oclIsKindOf(java!UnresolvedTypeDeclaration)) then
+			to <- if (src.type -> oclIsKindOf(java!UnresolvedTypeDeclaration)) then
+					OclUndefined -- typeParameters does not exist on
+							-- UnresolvedTypeDeclaration
+				else if (src.oclIsUndefined()) then 
+						OclUndefined
+						else if (src.type.oclIsUndefined()) then 
+						OclUndefined					--else if (src.type.type.typeParameters.isEmpty()) then
+							else if (src.type.type.typeParameters.isEmpty()) then
+						OclUndefined
+							else
+						src.type -> getType()
+							endif
+						endif
+					endif	
+				endif 
+		)
+-- ===================================================
+-- CodeRelation section --
+-- here is managed 'use' relations
+-- and inheritance links (extends and implements)
+-- ===================================================
+-- Transforms an import declaration to an import declaration
+rule ImportDeclarationToImports {
+	from
+		src: java!ImportDeclaration (
+			not src.static
+		)
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!Imports (
+			from <- src.refImmediateComposite().types -> at(1),
+			to <- src.importedElement -> getExtendsType()
+		)
+--create the Extends for class or interface extension
+lazy rule CreateExtends {
+	from
+		javaExtends: java!TypeAccess
+	to
+		kdmExtends: kdm!Extends (
+			from <- javaExtends.refImmediateComposite(),
+			to <- javaExtends -> getType()
+		)
+lazy rule CreateExtendsForTemplated {
+	from targetFrom: kdm!CodeItem, sourceTo: java!TypeAccess
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!Extends (
+			from <- targetFrom,
+			to <- sourceTo -> getType()
+		)
+--create the Implements for interface implementation
+lazy rule CreateImplements {
+	from
+		javaImplements: java!TypeAccess
+	to
+		kdmImplements: kdm!Implements (
+			from <- javaImplements.refImmediateComposite(),
+			to <- javaImplements -> getType()
+		)
+lazy rule CreateImplementsForTemplated {
+	from targetFrom: kdm!CodeItem, sourceTo: java!TypeAccess
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!Implements (
+			from <- targetFrom,
+			to <- sourceTo -> getType()
+		)
+-- create a class unit in case of extends relationships
+unique lazy rule CreateClassUnit {
+	from
+		src: java!UnresovedItem
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!ClassUnit (
+			name <- src.name
+		)
+-- create an interface unit in case of extends or implements relationships
+unique lazy rule CreateInterfaceUnit {
+	from
+		src: java!UnresovedItem
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!InterfaceUnit (
+			name <- src.name
+		)
+--create the ParameterTo for type arguments of generics usage
+lazy rule CreateParameterTo {
+	from
+		src: java!TypeAccess
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!ParameterTo (
+			from <- src.refImmediateComposite(),
+			to <- src -> getType()
+		)
+-- ===================================================== ---
+--  Rules for the primitive types
+--  A primitive type can be translated into different types according to the "name"
+		-- attribute
+-- ===================================================== ---
+--creates the Boolean primitive type
+rule PrimitiveTypeBooleanToBooleanType {
+	from
+		javaBoolean: java!PrimitiveTypeBoolean
+	to
+		kdmBoolean: kdm!BooleanType (
+			name <- 'boolean'
+		)
+--creates the Byte primitive type
+rule PrimitiveTypeByteToByteType {
+	from
+		javaByte: java!PrimitiveTypeByte
+	to
+		kdmByte: kdm!OctetType (
+			name <- 'byte'
+		)
+--creates the Char primitive type
+rule PrimitiveTypeCharToCharType {
+	from
+		javaChar: java!PrimitiveTypeChar
+	to
+		kdmChar: kdm!CharType (
+			name <- 'char'
+		)
+--creates the Double primitive type
+rule PrimitiveTypeDoubleToDoubleType {
+	from
+		src: java!PrimitiveTypeDouble
+	to
+		kdmFLoat: kdm!FloatType (
+			name <- 'double'
+		)
+--creates the Float primitive type
+rule PrimitiveTypeFloatToFloatType {
+	from
+		javaFloat: java!PrimitiveTypeFloat
+	to
+		kdmFloat: kdm!FloatType (
+			name <- 'float'
+		)
+--creates the int primitive type
+rule PrimitiveTypeIntToIntType {
+	from
+		javaInt: java!PrimitiveTypeInt
+	to
+		kdmInteger: kdm!IntegerType (
+			name <- 'int'
+		)
+--creates the long primitive type
+rule PrimitiveTypeLongToLongType {
+	from
+		javaLong: java!PrimitiveTypeLong
+	to
+		kdmInteger: kdm!IntegerType (
+			name <- 'long'
+		)
+--creates the short primitive type
+rule PrimitiveTypeShortToShortType {
+	from
+		javaShort: java!PrimitiveTypeShort
+	to
+		kdmInteger: kdm!IntegerType (
+			name <- 'short'
+		)
+--creates the Void primitive type
+rule PrimitiveTypeVoidToVoidType {
+	from
+		javaVoid: java!PrimitiveTypeVoid
+	to
+		kdmVoid: kdm!VoidType (
+			name <- 'void'
+		)
+-- ===================================================== ---
+--  Rules for the artefacts of a program
+-- ===================================================== ---
+rule CompilationUnitToSourceFile {
+	from
+		src: java!CompilationUnit
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!SourceFile (
+			name <- src.name,
+			language <- 'java',
+			path <- src.originalFilePath
+		)
+rule ArchiveToBinaryFile {
+	from
+		src: java!Archive
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!BinaryFile (
+			path <- src.originalFilePath -- version <- TODO retrieve version from
+					-- Manifest infos ?
+		)
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+-- StructureWithMembers
+-- helpers --
+--returns an element of the ExportKind enumeration to set the visibility of the field or
+		-- method
+helper context java!BodyDeclaration def: getVisibility(): kdm!ExportKind =
+	if (self.modifier.oclIsUndefined()) then
+			#unknown
+		else
+			if self.modifier.visibility.oclIsUndefined() then 
+				#unknown
+			else 
+				if (self.modifier.visibility = #public)	then 
+					#public
+				else
+					if (self.modifier.visibility = #protected) then
+						#protected
+					else
+						if (self.modifier.visibility = #none) then
+							if (self.abstractTypeDeclaration.
+									oclIsTypeOf(java!InterfaceDeclaration)) then
+								#public
+							else
+								#protected
+							endif
+						else
+							#private
+						endif
+					endif			
+				endif
+			endif
+		endif;
+-- rules --
+-- ===================================================
+-- Transformation of attributes : Field, EnumConstant, AnnotationTypeMemberDeclaration
+-- ===================================================
+-- ===================================================== ---
+--  Rules for the Fields
+--  This part gives the transformation for the fields of a java type
+-- ===================================================== ---
+--create the classes and interface attributes
+-- Hope : kdm does not allow interface attributes ! we have to change it
+rule FieldDeclarationToMemberUnit extends BodyDeclarationToAbstractCodeElement {
+	from
+		src: java!FieldDeclaration (
+			src.fragments -> isEmpty()
+		)
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!MemberUnit (
+			export <- src -> getVisibility(),
+			type <- if (src.type.oclIsUndefined()) then
+					OclUndefined
+				else
+					src.type -> getType()
+				endif,
+			comment <- src.comments
+		)
+-- Transfoms an enumeration constant into a value
+rule EnumConstantDeclarationToValue extends BodyDeclarationToAbstractCodeElement {
+	from
+		src: java!EnumConstantDeclaration
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!Value (
+			name <- 'enum literal',
+			ext <- src.name
+			--type <- src.refImmediateComposite() -- TODO waiting for a strategy for
+					-- constant arguments
+		)
+-- ===================================================== ---
+--  Rules for the methods
+--  This part gives all the transformations for the methods
+-- the transformations being quite different when the considered method is generic
+-- ===================================================== ---
+-- Transforms a method into a method unit
+rule MethodDeclarationToMethodUnit extends BodyDeclarationToAbstractCodeElement {
+	from
+		src: java!AbstractMethodDeclaration (
+			src.typeParameters.isEmpty() --and
+			-- Anonymous types are not translated in kdm
+			--src.anonymousClassDeclarationOwner.oclIsUndefined()
+		)
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!MethodUnit (
+			kind <- if (src.oclIsKindOf(java!ConstructorDeclaration)) then #constructor
+					else #method endif,
+			export <- src -> getVisibility() -- signature management
+			,
+			type <- signature,
+			codeElement <- signature -- body (block)
+			,
+			codeElement <- if (src.body.oclIsUndefined()) then
+					Sequence{}
+				else
+					src.body
+				endif
+		),
+		signature: kdm!Signature (
+			name <- src.name -- return parameter
+			,
+			parameterUnit <- if (src.oclIsKindOf(java!ConstructorDeclaration)) then
+					Sequence{}
+				else
+					if (src.returnType.oclIsUndefined()) then
+						Sequence{}
+					else
+						thisModule.CreateReturnParameterUnit(src.returnType)
+					endif
+				endif -- usual parameters
+			,
+			parameterUnit <- src.parameters -- exceptions thrown
+			,
+			parameterUnit <- src.thrownExceptions -> collect(e | thisModule.
+					CreateExceptionParameterUnit(e))
+		)
+	do {
+		 -- redefinitions / redefined MethodDeclaration
+		tgt.codeRelation <- if (src.oclIsKindOf(java!ConstructorDeclaration)) then
+				Sequence{}
+			else
+				if (src.redefinedMethodDeclaration.oclIsUndefined()) then
+					Sequence{}
+				else
+					thisModule.CreateImplementationOf(src, src.redefinedMethodDeclaration)
+				endif
+			endif;
+	}
+-- Transforms a method into a method unit
+rule MethodDeclarationToTemplateUnit {
+	from
+		src: java!AbstractMethodDeclaration (
+			(not src.typeParameters.isEmpty() --and
+			-- Anonymous types are not translated in kdm
+			--src.anonymousClassDeclarationOwner.oclIsUndefined()
+		)
+		)
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!TemplateUnit (
+			-- template parameter should be first
+			name <- src.name,
+			codeElement <- src.typeParameters,
+			codeElement <- method
+		),
+		method: kdm!MethodUnit (
+			name <- src.name,
+			kind <- if (src.oclIsKindOf(java!ConstructorDeclaration)) then #constructor
+					else #method endif,
+			export <- src -> getVisibility() -- signature management
+			,
+			type <- signature,
+			codeElement <- signature -- attributes to store additional information
+					-- (visibility stay redundant)
+			,
+			attribute <- if (src.modifier.oclIsUndefined()) then
+					Sequence{}
+				else
+					src.modifier
+				endif -- annotations
+			,
+			codeRelation <- src.annotations -- comments
+			,
+			comment <- src.comments -- body (block)
+			,
+			codeElement <- if (src.body.oclIsUndefined()) then
+					Sequence{}
+				else
+					src.body
+				endif -- redefinitions / redefined MethodDeclaration
+			,
+			codeRelation <- if (src.oclIsKindOf(java!ConstructorDeclaration)) then
+					Sequence{}
+				else
+					if (src.redefinedMethodDeclaration.oclIsUndefined()) then
+						Sequence{}
+					else
+						thisModule.CreateImplementationOf(src, src.
+								redefinedMethodDeclaration)
+					endif
+				endif -- source file management
+			,
+			source <- sourceRef
+		),
+		sourceRef: kdm!SourceRef (
+			language <- 'java',
+			region <- sourceRegion
+		),
+		sourceRegion: kdm!SourceRegion (
+			language <- 'java' -- size expensive and redundant with SourceFile
+					-- information
+--		,path <- if (src.originalCompilationUnit.oclIsUndefined()) then
+--					'internal'
+--				else
+--					src.originalCompilationUnit.originalFilePath
+--				endif
+			,
+			file <- if (src.originalCompilationUnit.oclIsUndefined()) then
+					src.originalClassFile
+				else
+					src.originalCompilationUnit
+				endif
+		),
+		signature: kdm!Signature (
+			name <- src.name -- return parameter
+			,
+			parameterUnit <- if (src.oclIsKindOf(java!ConstructorDeclaration)) then
+					Sequence{}
+				else
+					if (src.returnType.oclIsUndefined()) then
+						Sequence{}
+					else
+						thisModule.CreateReturnParameterUnit(src.returnType)
+					endif
+				endif -- usual parameters
+			,
+			parameterUnit <- src.parameters -- exceptions thrown
+			,
+			parameterUnit <- src.thrownExceptions -> collect(e | thisModule.
+					CreateExceptionParameterUnit(e))
+		)
+-- transforms a Block into a BlockUnit, it is here just to do articulation
+-- between members and statements/expressions.
+rule BlockToBlockUnit extends ASTNodeToAbstractCodeElement {
+	from
+		src: java!Block
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!BlockUnit (
+			codeElement <- if (src.statements -> isEmpty()) then
+					Sequence{}
+				else
+					src.statements
+				endif
+		)
+rule CommentToCommentUnit {
+	from
+		src: java!Comment (
+			-- Anonymous types are not translated in kdm
+		not src.refImmediateComposite().oclIsTypeOf(java!AnonymousClassDeclaration) and
+				-- kdm!Imports can not own comments
+			not src.refImmediateComposite().oclIsTypeOf(java!ImportDeclaration) and --
+					-- Some expressions are not managed
+			not (src.refImmediateComposite().oclIsKindOf(java!Expression) and thisModule
+					-> filterExpression(src.refImmediateComposite()) -> isEmpty()) -- 
+--		not src.refImmediateComposite().oclIsTypeOf(java!TypeAccess)
+--		and
+--		not src.refImmediateComposite().oclIsTypeOf(java!SingleVariableAccess)
+		)
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!CommentUnit (
+			text <- src.content
+		)
+-- to explicit relationship between methods
+lazy rule CreateImplementationOf {
+	from src: java!MethodDeclaration
+		, redefined: java!MethodDeclaration
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!ImplementationOf (
+			from <- src,
+			to <- redefined
+		)
+-- ===================================================== ---
+--  Rules for the method Parameters
+--  This part gives the transformation for the parameters of a Java method
+-- ===================================================== ---
+-- Transforms a method parameter (other cases should be handled in further
+		-- transformations)
+rule SingleVariableDeclarationToParameterUnit extends NamedElementToAbstractCodeElement {
+	from
+		src: java!SingleVariableDeclaration (
+			-- only for MethodDeclaration !
+		if (src.methodDeclaration.oclIsUndefined()) then
+			false
+		else
+			-- Anonymous types are not translated in kdm
+				--src.methodDeclaration.anonymousClassDeclarationOwner.oclIsUndefined()
+			true
+		endif
+		)
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!ParameterUnit (
+			kind <- #unknown,
+			type <- src.type -> getType()
+		)
+--create the return Parameter
+lazy rule CreateReturnParameterUnit {
+	from
+		src: java!TypeAccess
+	to
+		kdmParameter: kdm!ParameterUnit (
+			kind <- #return,
+			type <- src -> getType() -- source file management
+			,
+			source <- sourceRef
+		),
+		sourceRef: kdm!SourceRef (
+			language <- 'java',
+			region <- sourceRegion
+		),
+		sourceRegion: kdm!SourceRegion (
+			language <- 'java' -- size expensive and redundant with SourceFile
+					-- information
+--		,path <- if (src.originalCompilationUnit.oclIsUndefined()) then
+--					'internal'
+--				else
+--					src.originalCompilationUnit.originalFilePath
+--				endif
+			,
+			file <- if (src.originalCompilationUnit.oclIsUndefined()) then
+					src.originalClassFile
+				else
+					src.originalCompilationUnit
+				endif
+		)
+--create the exception Parameter
+lazy rule CreateExceptionParameterUnit {
+	from
+		src: java!TypeAccess
+	to
+		kdmParameter: kdm!ParameterUnit (
+			kind <- #throws,
+			type <- src -> getType() -- source file management
+			,
+			source <- sourceRef
+		),
+		sourceRef: kdm!SourceRef (
+			language <- 'java',
+			region <- sourceRegion
+		),
+		sourceRegion: kdm!SourceRegion (
+			language <- 'java' -- size expensive and redundant with SourceFile
+					-- information
+--		,path <- if (src.originalCompilationUnit.oclIsUndefined()) then
+--					'internal'
+--				else
+--					src.originalCompilationUnit.originalFilePath
+--				endif
+			,
+			file <- if (src.originalCompilationUnit.oclIsUndefined()) then
+					src.originalClassFile
+				else
+					src.originalCompilationUnit
+				endif
+		)
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+-- Statements
+-- helpers --
+-- rules --
+-- handling statements and expressions :
+-- everything must go through an ActionElement : indeed, "action relationships" can only
+-- be owned by an ActionElement ...
+-- alternatively, they can be put in the codeElement collection? Is it correct?
+-- because of this limitation, all expressions will be expressed as ActionElement's also
+		-- (like statements)
+-- and action relationships will be explicitly created instead of using mapping.
+-- so for each expression we will have one ActionElement and perhaps one or more
+		-- ActionRelation.
+-- ===================================================
+-- Transformation of code in blocks: if, while, for, etc.
+-- There are 23 statements in all, but Block is already handled by the parent
+		-- transformation
+-- ===================================================
+-- AssertStatement
+rule AssertStatementToActionElement extends ASTNodeToAbstractCodeElement {
+	from
+		src: java!AssertStatement
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!ActionElement (
+			kind <- 'assert',
+			name <- 'assert' -- referenced elements
+			,
+			codeElement <- thisModule -> filterExpression(src.expression),
+			codeElement <- if (src.message.oclIsUndefined()) then
+					Sequence{}
+				else
+					Sequence{src.message}
+				endif
+		)
+-- BreakStatement
+rule BreakStatementToActionElement extends ASTNodeToAbstractCodeElement {
+	from
+		src: java!BreakStatement
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!ActionElement (
+			kind <- 'break' -- referenced elements
+			,
+			actionRelation <- if (src.label.oclIsUndefined()) then
+					Sequence{}
+				else
+					thisModule -> CreateCallsForLabel(src)
+				endif
+		)
+-- create a Calls from a Method invocation (target element is binding with a TemplateUnit
+		-- and we want a MethodUnit !)
+lazy rule CreateCallsForGenericMethod {
+	from
+		src: java!AbstractMethodInvocation
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!Calls (
+			from <- src,
+			to <- thisModule.resolveTemp(src.method, 'method')
+		)
+-- create a Calls from a Method invocation
+lazy rule CreateCalls {
+	from
+		src: java!AbstractMethodInvocation (
+			-- Methods from anonymous types will not be translated
+		-- because they will not have owners in kdm
+		src.method.anonymousClassDeclarationOwner.oclIsUndefined()
+		)
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!Calls (
+			from <- src,
+			to <- src.method
+		)
+-- create a Calls from a Label goto
+lazy rule CreateCallsForLabel {
+	from
+		src: java!Statement
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!Calls (
+			from <- src,
+			to <- src.label
+		)
+-- CatchClause
+rule CatchClauseToCatchUnit extends ASTNodeToAbstractCodeElement {
+	from
+		src: java!CatchClause
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!CatchUnit (
+			kind <- 'catch',
+			name <- 'catch' -- referenced elements
+			,
+			codeElement <- if (src.body.oclIsUndefined()) then
+					Sequence{}
+				else
+					src.body
+				endif,
+			codeElement <- if (src.exception.oclIsUndefined()) then
+					Sequence{}
+				else
+					src.exception
+				endif,
+			actionRelation <- exceptionFlow
+		),
+		exceptionFlow: kdm!ExceptionFlow (
+			from <- src.refImmediateComposite(),
+			to <- src
+		)
+-- Transforms a method parameter (other cases should be handled in further
+		-- transformations)
+rule SingleVariableDeclarationToStorableUnit extends NamedElementToAbstractCodeElement {
+	from
+		src: java!SingleVariableDeclaration (
+			-- only for CatchClause and EnhancedForStatement !
+		src.methodDeclaration.oclIsUndefined()
+		)
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!StorableUnit (
+			kind <- #local -- attributes to store additional information (final, etc.)
+			,
+			attribute <- if (src.modifier.oclIsUndefined()) then
+					Sequence{}
+				else
+					src.modifier
+				endif,
+			type <- src.type -> getType(),
+			codeElement <- if (src.initializer.oclIsUndefined()) then
+					Sequence{}
+				else
+					Sequence{src.initializer}
+				endif
+		)
+-- ConstructorInvocation
+rule ConstructorInvocationToActionElement extends ASTNodeToAbstractCodeElement {
+	from
+		src: java!ConstructorInvocation
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!ActionElement (
+			kind <- 'constructor invocation' -- referenced elements
+			,
+			actionRelation <- if (src.method.oclIsUndefined()) then
+					Sequence{}
+				else
+					if (src.method.typeParameters.isEmpty()) then
+						thisModule -> CreateCalls(src)
+					else
+						thisModule -> CreateCallsForGenericMethod(src)
+					endif
+				endif,
+			codeElement <- src.arguments
+		)
+-- ContinueStatement
+rule ContinueStatementToActionElement extends ASTNodeToAbstractCodeElement {
+	from
+		src: java!ContinueStatement
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!ActionElement (
+			kind <- 'continue',
+			name <- 'continue' -- referenced elements
+			,
+			actionRelation <- if (src.label.oclIsUndefined()) then
+					Sequence{}
+				else
+					thisModule -> CreateCallsForLabel(src)
+				endif
+		)
+-- DoStatement
+rule DoStatementToActionElement extends ASTNodeToAbstractCodeElement {
+	from
+		src: java!DoStatement
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!ActionElement (
+			kind <- 'do',
+			name <- 'do' -- referenced elements
+			,
+			codeElement <- thisModule -> filterExpression(src.expression),
+			codeElement <- if (src.body.oclIsUndefined()) then
+					Sequence{}
+				else
+					src.body
+				endif
+		)
+-- EmptyStatement
+rule EmptyStatementToActionElement extends ASTNodeToAbstractCodeElement {
+	from
+		src: java!EmptyStatement
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!ActionElement (
+			kind <- 'empty',
+			name <- 'empty' -- referenced elements
+		)
+-- EnhancedForStatement
+rule EnhancedForStatementToActionElement extends ASTNodeToAbstractCodeElement {
+	from
+		src: java!EnhancedForStatement
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!ActionElement (
+			kind <- 'foreach',
+			name <- 'foreach' -- referenced elements
+			,
+			codeElement <- thisModule -> filterExpression(src.expression),
+			codeElement <- if (src.body.oclIsUndefined()) then
+					Sequence{}
+				else
+					src.body
+				endif,
+			codeElement <- if (src.parameter.oclIsUndefined()) then
+					Sequence{}
+				else
+					src.parameter
+				endif
+		)
+-- ExpressionStatement
+rule ExpressionStatementToActionElement extends ASTNodeToAbstractCodeElement {
+	from
+		src: java!ExpressionStatement
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!ActionElement (
+			kind <- 'expression statement',
+			name <- 'expression statement' -- referenced elements
+			,
+			codeElement <- thisModule -> filterExpression(src.expression)
+		)
+-- ForStatement
+rule ForStatementToActionElement extends ASTNodeToAbstractCodeElement {
+	from
+		src: java!ForStatement
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!ActionElement (
+			kind <- 'for',
+			name <- 'for' -- referenced elements
+			,
+			codeElement <- thisModule -> filterExpression(src.expression),
+			codeElement <- src.initializers,
+			codeElement <- src.updaters,
+			codeElement <- if (src.body.oclIsUndefined()) then
+					Sequence{}
+				else
+					src.body
+				endif
+		)
+-- IfStatement
+rule IfStatementToActionElement extends ASTNodeToAbstractCodeElement {
+	from
+		src: java!IfStatement
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!ActionElement (
+			kind <- 'if',
+			name <- 'if' -- referenced elements
+			,
+			codeElement <- thisModule -> filterExpression(src.expression),
+			codeElement <- if (src.thenStatement.oclIsUndefined()) then
+					Sequence{}
+				else
+					src.thenStatement
+				endif,
+			codeElement <- if (src.elseStatement.oclIsUndefined()) then
+					Sequence{}
+				else
+					src.elseStatement
+				endif
+		)
+-- LabeledStatement
+rule LabeledStatementToActionElement extends ASTNodeToAbstractCodeElement {
+	from
+		src: java!LabeledStatement
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!ActionElement (
+			kind <- 'label',
+			name <- 'label' -- referenced elements
+			,
+			codeElement <- if (src.body.oclIsUndefined()) then
+					Sequence{}
+				else
+					src.body
+				endif
+		)
+-- ReturnStatement
+rule ReturnStatementToActionElement extends ASTNodeToAbstractCodeElement {
+	from
+		src: java!ReturnStatement
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!ActionElement (
+			kind <- 'return',
+			name <- 'return' -- referenced elements
+			,
+			codeElement <- thisModule -> filterExpression(src.expression)
+		)
+-- SuperConstructorInvocation
+rule SuperConstructorInvocationToActionElement extends ASTNodeToAbstractCodeElement {
+	from
+		src: java!SuperConstructorInvocation
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!ActionElement (
+			kind <- 'super constructor invocation',
+			name <- 'super constructor invocation' -- referenced elements
+			,
+			actionRelation <- if (src.method.oclIsUndefined()) then
+					Sequence{}
+				else
+					if (src.method.typeParameters.isEmpty()) then
+						thisModule -> CreateCalls(src)
+					else
+						thisModule -> CreateCallsForGenericMethod(src)
+					endif
+				endif,
+			codeElement <- src.arguments -> collect(e | thisModule ->
+					filterExpression(e)) -> flatten(),
+			codeElement <- thisModule -> filterExpression(src.expression)
+		)
+-- SwitchCase
+rule SwitchCaseToActionElement extends ASTNodeToAbstractCodeElement {
+	from
+		src: java!SwitchCase
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!ActionElement (
+			kind <- 'case',
+			name <- 'case' -- referenced elements
+			,
+			codeElement <- thisModule -> filterExpression(src.expression)
+		)
+-- SwitchStatement
+rule SwitchStatementToActionElement extends ASTNodeToAbstractCodeElement {
+	from
+		src: java!SwitchStatement
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!ActionElement (
+			kind <- 'switch',
+			name <- 'switch' -- referenced elements
+			,
+			codeElement <- thisModule -> filterExpression(src.expression),
+			codeElement <- src.statements
+		)
+-- SynchronizedStatement
+rule SynchronizedStatementToActionElement extends ASTNodeToAbstractCodeElement {
+	from
+		src: java!SynchronizedStatement
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!ActionElement (
+			kind <- 'synchronized',
+			name <- 'synchronized' -- referenced elements
+			,
+			codeElement <- thisModule -> filterExpression(src.expression),
+			codeElement <- if (src.body.oclIsUndefined()) then
+					Sequence{}
+				else
+					src.body
+				endif
+		)
+-- ThrowStatement
+rule ThrowStatementToActionElement extends ASTNodeToAbstractCodeElement {
+	from
+		src: java!ThrowStatement
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!ActionElement (
+			kind <- 'throw',
+			name <- 'throw' -- referenced elements
+			,
+			codeElement <- thisModule -> filterExpression(src.expression)
+		)
+-- TypeDeclarationStatement
+rule TypeDeclarationStatementToActionElement extends ASTNodeToAbstractCodeElement {
+	from
+		src: java!TypeDeclarationStatement
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!ActionElement (
+			kind <- 'type declaration',
+			name <- 'type declaration' -- referenced elements
+			,
+			codeElement <- if (src.declaration.oclIsUndefined()) then
+					Sequence{}
+				else
+					src.declaration
+				endif
+		)
+-- TryStatement
+rule TryStatementToTryUnit extends ASTNodeToAbstractCodeElement {
+	from
+		src: java!TryStatement
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!TryUnit (
+			kind <- 'try',
+			name <- 'try' -- referenced elements
+			,
+			codeElement <- if (src.body.oclIsUndefined()) then
+					Sequence{}
+				else
+					src.body
+				endif,
+			codeElement <- if (src.finally.oclIsUndefined()) then
+					Sequence{}
+				else
+					src.finally
+				endif,
+			codeElement <- src.catchClauses
+		)
+-- VariableDeclarationStatement
+rule VariableDeclarationStatementToActionElement extends ASTNodeToAbstractCodeElement {
+	from
+		src: java!VariableDeclarationStatement
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!ActionElement (
+			kind <- 'variable declaration',
+			name <- 'variable declaration' -- referenced elements
+			,
+			codeElement <- src.fragments,
+			codeRelation <- src.annotations -- management of fragments initializers (when
+					-- it is a class instance creation)
+			,
+			codeElement <- src.fragments -> select(fragment | fragment.initializer.
+					oclIsTypeOf(java!ClassInstanceCreation)) -> collect(fragment |
+					fragment.initializer)
+		)
+-- VariableDeclarationFragment
+-- Transforms a local variable
+-- we have to find a solution to store action element potentially
+-- created from initializer.
+-- However, in a storable unit, we cannot contain action elements directly ...
+rule VariableDeclarationFragmentInLocalDeclarationToStorableUnit extends
+		NamedElementToAbstractCodeElement {
+	from
+		src: java!VariableDeclarationFragment (
+			-- not for FieldDeclaration !
+		not src.variablesContainer.oclIsKindOf(java!FieldDeclaration)
+		)
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!StorableUnit (
+			name <- src.name,
+			kind <- #local -- attributes to store additional information (final, etc.)
+			,
+			attribute <- if (src.refImmediateComposite().oclIsTypeOf(java!Model)) then
+					-- Unresolved items
+					Sequence{}
+				else
+					if (src.refImmediateComposite().modifier.oclIsUndefined()) then
+						Sequence{}
+					else
+						src.refImmediateComposite().modifier
+					endif
+				endif,
+			type <- if (src.variablesContainer.oclIsUndefined()) then
+					OclUndefined -- Unresolved items
+				else
+					if (src.variablesContainer.type.oclIsUndefined()) then
+						OclUndefined
+					else
+						src.variablesContainer.type -> getType()
+					endif
+				endif,
+			codeRelation <- if (src.initializer.oclIsUndefined()) then
+					Sequence{}
+				else
+					thisModule -> CreateHasValue(src, src.initializer)
+				endif -- in some cases, if initializer is a complex expression,
+		-- we don't know how to store created elements in the storable unit
+		)
+lazy rule CreateHasValue {
+	from src: java!VariableDeclaration,
+		value: java!Expression
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!HasValue (
+			from <- src,
+			to <- if (value.oclIsTypeOf(java!SingleVariableAccess)) then
+					value.variable
+				else
+					if (value.oclIsTypeOf(java!UnresolvedItemAccess)) then
+						-- TODO add a better management of unresolved items ...
+						thisModule -> CreateDatatype(value) -- type of element is
+								-- java!UnresolvedItem
+					else
+						value
+					endif
+				endif
+		)
+lazy rule CreateDatatype {
+	from
+		src: java!UnresolvedItemAccess
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!Datatype (
+			name <- src.element.name
+		)
+-- VariableDeclarationFragment
+-- Transforms a global variable (other cases should be handled in further transformations)
+rule VariableDeclarationFragmentInFieldToStorableUnit extends
+		NamedElementToAbstractCodeElement {
+	from
+		src: java!VariableDeclarationFragment (
+			-- only for FieldDeclaration !
+		src.variablesContainer.oclIsKindOf(java!FieldDeclaration)
+		)
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!StorableUnit (
+			kind <- if (src.variablesContainer.modifier.oclIsUndefined()) then
+					#global
+				else
+					if (src.variablesContainer.modifier.static) then
+						#static
+					else
+						#global
+					endif
+				endif -- attributes to store additional information (final, etc.)
+			,
+			attribute <- if src.variablesContainer.modifier.oclIsUndefined() then
+					Sequence{}
+				else
+					src.variablesContainer.modifier
+				endif,
+			type <- if (src.variablesContainer.type.oclIsUndefined()) then
+					OclUndefined
+				else
+					src.variablesContainer.type -> getType()
+				endif -- ok, but how to store action element that will be potentially
+						-- created from initializer ?
+			,
+			codeRelation <- if (src.initializer.oclIsUndefined()) then
+					Sequence{}
+				else
+					thisModule -> CreateHasValue(src, src.initializer)
+				endif,
+			codeRelation <- src.variablesContainer.annotations,
+			comment <- src.variablesContainer.comments
+		)
+-- WhileStatement
+rule WhileStatementToActionElement extends ASTNodeToAbstractCodeElement {
+	from
+		src: java!WhileStatement
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!ActionElement (
+			kind <- 'while',
+			name <- 'while' -- referenced elements
+			,
+			codeElement <- thisModule -> filterExpression(src.expression),
+			codeElement <- if (src.body.oclIsUndefined()) then
+					Sequence{}
+				else
+					src.body
+				endif
+		)
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+-- Expressions
+-- rules --
+-- handling statements and expressions :
+-- everything must go through an ActionElement : indeed, "action relationships" can only
+-- be owned by an ActionElement ...
+-- alternatively, they can be put in the codeElement collection? Is it correct?
+-- because of this limitation, all expressions will be expressed as ActionElement's also
+		-- (like statements)
+-- and action relationships will be explicitly created instead of using mapping.
+-- so for each expression we will have one ActionElement and perhaps one or more
+		-- ActionRelation.
+-- ===================================================
+-- Transformation of code in blocks: if, while, for, etc.
+-- There are 27 statements in all.
+-- But some model elements will also be handled (AnnotationMemberValuePair for example)
+-- ===================================================
+-- As explained below, for each expression we will be mapping to an ActionElement
+-- and this is this element that will be able to contain ActionRelation!
+-- Annotation
+-- specific case
+-- an annotation is always applied on a body declaration element,
+-- so it should be mapped to a subclass of AbstractCodeRelationship
+--rule AnnotationToActionElement extends ASTNodeToAbstractCodeElement {
+--	from src : java!Annotation
+--	to tgt :kdm!ActionElement(
+--		kind <- 'annotation'
+--		,name <- 'annotation'
+-- referenced elements
+--		,actionRelation <- if(src.type.oclIsUndefined()) then Sequence{} else
+		-- thisModule->CreateCreates(src.type) endif
+--		,codeElement <- src.values -- collection
+--	)
+rule AnnotationToHasValue {
+	from
+		src: java!Annotation (
+			-- specific filter for annotation as value of another annotation (single
+					-- value or array)
+		not src.refImmediateComposite().oclIsTypeOf(java!AnnotationMemberValuePair) --and
+				-- not src.refImmediateComposite().oclIsTypeOf(java!ArrayInitializer)
+		)
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!HasValue (
+			from <- src -> filterRefImmediateCompositeForAnnotation(),
+			to <- src.type -> getType() -- specify that it is an annotation
+			,
+			annotation <- annotation -- store parameters as attributes
+			,
+			attribute <- src.values
+		),
+		annotation: kdm!Annotation (
+			text <- 'annotation'
+		)
+-- specific case for field declarations that have an annotation
+-- if the field declaration has fragments, then the HasValue.form should use the fragment.
+helper context java!Annotation def: filterRefImmediateCompositeForAnnotation(): OclAny =
+	if (self.refImmediateComposite().oclIsTypeOf(java!FieldDeclaration)) then
+		if (self.refImmediateComposite().fragments->isEmpty()) then
+			self.refImmediateComposite()
+		else
+			self.refImmediateComposite().fragments -> first()
+		endif
+	else
+		if (self.refImmediateComposite().oclIsTypeOf(java!VariableDeclarationStatement))
+				then
+			self.refImmediateComposite().fragments -> first()
+		else
+			if (self.refImmediateComposite().oclIsTypeOf(java!ArrayInitializer) or self.
+					refImmediateComposite().oclIsTypeOf(java!AnnotationMemberValuePair))
+					then
+				OclUndefined
+			else
+				self.refImmediateComposite()
+			endif
+		endif
+	endif;
+lazy rule CreateCreates {
+	from
+		src: java!TypeAccess
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!Creates (
+			from <- src.refImmediateComposite(),
+			to <- src -> getType()
+		)
+-- AnnotationMemberValuePair
+--rule AnnotationMemberValuePairToActionElement extends NamedElementToAbstractCodeElement
+		-- {
+--	from src : java!AnnotationMemberValuePair
+--	to tgt :kdm!ActionElement(
+--		kind <- 'annotation member value'
+--		,name <- 'annotation member value'
+--		-- referenced elements
+--		,actionRelation <- if(src.member.oclIsUndefined()) then Sequence{} else
+		-- thisModule->CreateWritesForAnnotationMember(src) endif
+--		,codeElement <- if(src.value.oclIsUndefined()) then Sequence{} else
+		-- Sequence{src.value} endif
+--	)
+-- TODO Works only for values which are literals, not values which are code expressions
+		-- (uncommon use case)
+rule AnnotationMemberValuePairToAttribute {
+	from
+		src: java!AnnotationMemberValuePair
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!Attribute (
+			tag <- if (src.member.oclIsUndefined()) then
+					'no member'
+				else
+					src.member.name
+				endif,
+			value <- if (src.value.oclIsUndefined()) then
+					'no value'
+				else
+					if (src.value.oclIsKindOf(java!NumberLiteral)) then
+						src.value.tokenValue.toString()
+					else
+						if (src.value.oclIsKindOf(java!StringLiteral) or src.value.
+								oclIsKindOf(java!CharacterLiteral)) then
+							src.value.escapedValue
+						else
+							if (src.value.oclIsKindOf(java!BooleanLiteral)) then
+								src.value.value.toString()
+							else
+								if (src.value.oclIsKindOf(java!Annotation)) then
+									src.value.type.type.name
+								else
+									'value expression'
+								endif
+							endif
+						endif
+					endif
+				endif
+		)
+lazy rule CreateWritesForAnnotationMember {
+	from
+		src: java!AnnotationMemberValuePair
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!Writes (
+			from <- src,
+			to <- src.member
+		)
+lazy rule CreateWritesForVariableAccess {
+	from
+		src: java!SingleVariableAccess
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!Writes (
+			from <- src.refImmediateComposite(),
+			to <- src.variable
+		)
+-- ArrayAccess
+rule ArrayAccessToActionElement extends ASTNodeToAbstractCodeElement {
+	from
+		src: java!ArrayAccess
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!ActionElement (
+			kind <- 'array access',
+			name <- 'array access' -- referenced elements
+		-- if attribut "array" is a reference (access), we have to create corresponding
+				-- relationship
+			,
+			codeElement <- thisModule -> filterExpression(src.array),
+			actionRelation <- if (src.array.oclIsUndefined()) then
+					Sequence{}
+				else
+					if (src.array.oclIsTypeOf(java!SingleVariableAccess)) then
+						thisModule -> CreateAddresses(src.array)
+					else
+						Sequence{}
+					endif
+				endif,
+			codeElement <- thisModule -> filterExpression(src.index)
+		)
+-- ArrayCreation
+rule ArrayCreationToActionElement extends ASTNodeToAbstractCodeElement {
+	from
+		src: java!ArrayCreation
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!ActionElement (
+			kind <- 'array creation',
+			name <- 'array creation' -- referenced elements
+			,
+			actionRelation <- if (src.type.oclIsUndefined()) then
+					Sequence{}
+				else
+					thisModule -> CreateCreates(src.type)
+				endif,
+			codeElement <- src.dimensions -> collect(e | thisModule ->
+					filterExpression(e)) -> flatten(),
+			codeElement <- thisModule -> filterExpression(src.initializer)
+		)
+-- ArrayInitializer
+rule ArrayInitializerToActionElement extends ASTNodeToAbstractCodeElement {
+	from
+		src: java!ArrayInitializer (
+			-- filter initialier of AnnotationMemberValuePair
+		not src.refImmediateComposite().oclIsTypeOf(java!AnnotationMemberValuePair)
+		)
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!ActionElement (
+			kind <- 'array initializer',
+			name <- 'array initializer' -- referenced elements
+			,
+			codeElement <- src.expressions -> select(e | not
+					e.oclIsTypeOf(java!Annotation)) -> collect(e | thisModule ->
+					filterExpression(e)) -> flatten() -- referenced elements
+			,
+			codeRelation <- src.expressions -> select(e | e.oclIsTypeOf(java!Annotation))
+		)
+-- ArrayLengthAccess
+rule ArrayLengthAccessToActionElement extends ASTNodeToAbstractCodeElement {
+	from
+		src: java!ArrayLengthAccess
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!ActionElement (
+			kind <- 'array length access',
+			name <- 'array length access' -- referenced elements
+		-- TODO should we create a Reads object ? the length field doesn't exist, so ...
+			,
+			codeElement <- thisModule -> filterExpression(src.array)
+		)
+-- Assignment
+rule AssignmentToActionElement extends ASTNodeToAbstractCodeElement {
+	from
+		src: java!Assignment
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!ActionElement (
+			kind <- 'assignment' -- operator
+			,
+			name <- if (src.operator.oclIsUndefined()) then
+					'assignment'
+				else
+					src.operator.toString()
+				endif -- referenced elements
+		-- left hand side
+			,
+			actionRelation <- if (src.leftHandSide.oclIsUndefined()) then
+					Sequence{}
+				else
+					if (src.leftHandSide.oclIsTypeOf(java!SingleVariableAccess)) then
+						thisModule -> CreateWritesForVariableAccess(src.leftHandSide)
+					else
+						Sequence{}
+					endif
+				endif,
+			codeElement <- thisModule -> filterExpression(src.leftHandSide) -- right hand
+					-- side
+			,
+			actionRelation <- if (src.rightHandSide.oclIsUndefined()) then
+					Sequence{}
+				else
+					if (src.rightHandSide.oclIsTypeOf(java!SingleVariableAccess)) then
+						thisModule -> CreateReads(src.rightHandSide)
+					else
+						Sequence{}
+					endif
+				endif,
+			codeElement <- thisModule -> filterExpression(src.rightHandSide)
+		)
+-- generally apply to fields
+lazy rule CreateReads {
+	from
+		src: java!SingleVariableAccess
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!Reads (
+			from <- src.refImmediateComposite(),
+			to <- src.variable
+		)
+-- BooleanLiteral
+rule BooleanLiteralToValue extends ASTNodeToAbstractCodeElement {
+	from
+		src: java!BooleanLiteral
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!Value (
+			name <- 'boolean literal',
+			ext <- if (src.value) then
+					'true'
+				else
+					'false'
+				endif,
+			type <- kdm!BooleanType.allInstances() -> first()
+		)
+-- CastExpression
+rule CastExpressionToActionElement extends ASTNodeToAbstractCodeElement {
+	from
+		src: java!CastExpression
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!ActionElement (
+			kind <- 'cast',
+			name <- 'cast' -- referenced elements
+			,
+			codeElement <- thisModule -> filterExpression(src.expression),
+			actionRelation <- if (src.type.oclIsUndefined()) then
+					Sequence{}
+				else
+					thisModule -> CreateUsesType(src.type)
+				endif
+		)
+-- generally apply to cast or type conversion
+lazy rule CreateUsesType {
+	from
+		src: java!TypeAccess
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!UsesType (
+			from <- src.refImmediateComposite(),
+			to <- src.type
+		)
+-- CharacterLiteral
+rule CharacterLiteralToValue extends ASTNodeToAbstractCodeElement {
+	from
+		src: java!CharacterLiteral
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!Value (
+			name <- 'character literal',
+			ext <- src.escapedValue,
+			type <- kdm!CharType.allInstances() -> first()
+		)
+-- ClassInstanceCreation
+rule ClassInstanceCreationToActionElement extends ASTNodeToAbstractCodeElement {
+	from
+		src: java!ClassInstanceCreation
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!ActionElement (
+			kind <- 'class instance creation',
+			name <- 'class instance creation' -- referenced elements
+			,
+			codeElement <- thisModule -> filterExpression(src.expression),
+			codeElement <- src.arguments -> collect(e | thisModule ->
+					filterExpression(e)) -> flatten() -- anonymous type are contained by
+					-- class instance creation
+			,
+			codeElement <- if (src.anonymousClassDeclaration.oclIsUndefined()) then
+					Sequence{}
+				else
+					src.anonymousClassDeclaration
+				endif,
+			actionRelation <- if (src.method.oclIsUndefined()) then
+					Sequence{}
+				else
+					thisModule -> CreateCalls(src)
+				endif,
+			actionRelation <- if (src.type.oclIsUndefined()) then
+					Sequence{}
+				else
+					thisModule -> CreateCreates(src.type)
+				endif
+		)
+-- ConditionalExpression
+rule ConditionalExpressionToActionElement extends ASTNodeToAbstractCodeElement {
+	from
+		src: java!ConditionalExpression
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!ActionElement (
+			kind <- 'conditional',
+			name <- 'conditional' -- referenced elements
+			,
+			codeElement <- thisModule -> filterExpression(src.expression),
+			codeElement <- thisModule -> filterExpression(src.thenExpression),
+			codeElement <- thisModule -> filterExpression(src.elseExpression)
+		)
+-- FieldAccess
+rule FieldAccessToActionElement extends ASTNodeToAbstractCodeElement {
+	from
+		src: java!FieldAccess
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!ActionElement (
+			kind <- 'field access',
+			name <- 'field access' -- referenced elements
+			,
+			codeElement <- thisModule -> filterExpression(src.expression),
+			actionRelation <- if (src.field.oclIsUndefined()) then
+					Sequence{}
+				else
+					thisModule -> CreateAddresses(src.field)
+				endif
+		)
+lazy rule CreateAddresses {
+	from
+		src: java!SingleVariableAccess
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!Addresses (
+			from <- src.refImmediateComposite(),
+			to <- src.variable
+		)
+-- InfixExpression
+rule InfixExpressionToActionElement extends ASTNodeToAbstractCodeElement {
+	from
+		src: java!InfixExpression
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!ActionElement (
+			kind <- 'infix expression',
+			name <- src.operator.toString() -- referenced elements
+			,
+			codeElement <- thisModule -> filterExpression(src.leftOperand),
+			codeElement <- thisModule -> filterExpression(src.rightOperand),
+			codeElement <- src.extendedOperands -> collect(e | thisModule ->
+					filterExpression(e)) -> flatten()
+		)
+-- InstanceofExpression
+rule InstanceofExpressionToActionElement extends ASTNodeToAbstractCodeElement {
+	from
+		src: java!InstanceofExpression
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!ActionElement (
+			kind <- 'instanceof',
+			name <- 'instanceof' -- referenced elements
+			,
+			codeElement <- thisModule -> filterExpression(src.leftOperand),
+			actionRelation <- if (src.rightOperand.oclIsUndefined()) then
+					Sequence{}
+				else
+					thisModule -> CreateUsesType(src.rightOperand)
+				endif
+		)
+-- MethodInvocation
+rule MethodInvocationToActionElement extends ASTNodeToAbstractCodeElement {
+	from
+		src: java!MethodInvocation
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!ActionElement (
+			kind <- 'method invocation',
+			name <- 'method invocation' -- referenced elements
+			,
+			codeElement <- thisModule -> filterExpression(src.expression),
+			codeElement <- src.arguments -> collect(e | thisModule ->
+					filterExpression(e)) -> flatten(),
+			actionRelation <- if (src.method.oclIsUndefined()) then
+					Sequence{}
+				else
+					if (src.method.typeParameters.isEmpty()) then
+						thisModule -> CreateCalls(src)
+					else
+						thisModule -> CreateCallsForGenericMethod(src)
+					endif
+				endif
+		)
+-- NullLiteral
+rule NullLiteralToActionElement extends ASTNodeToAbstractCodeElement {
+	from
+		src: java!NullLiteral
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!ActionElement (
+			kind <- 'null',
+			name <- 'null'
+		)
+-- NumberLiteral
+rule NumberLiteralToValue extends ASTNodeToAbstractCodeElement {
+	from
+		src: java!NumberLiteral
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!Value (
+			name <- 'number literal',
+			ext <- src.tokenValue -- TODO : find the real type (int, float, ...)
+			,
+			type <- kdm!IntegerType.allInstances() -> first()
+		)
+-- ParenthesizedExpression
+rule ParenthesizedExpressionToActionElement extends ASTNodeToAbstractCodeElement {
+	from
+		src: java!ParenthesizedExpression
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!ActionElement (
+			kind <- 'parenthesized',
+			name <- 'parenthesized' -- referenced elements
+			,
+			codeElement <- thisModule -> filterExpression(src.expression)
+		)
+-- PostfixExpression
+rule PostfixExpressionToActionElement extends ASTNodeToAbstractCodeElement {
+	from
+		src: java!PostfixExpression
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!ActionElement (
+			kind <- 'postfix expression',
+			name <- src.operator.toString() -- referenced elements
+			,
+			codeElement <- thisModule -> filterExpression(src.operand)
+		)
+-- PrefixExpression
+rule PrefixExpressionToActionElement extends ASTNodeToAbstractCodeElement {
+	from
+		src: java!PrefixExpression
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!ActionElement (
+			kind <- 'prefix expression',
+			name <- src.operator.toString() -- referenced elements
+			,
+			codeElement <- thisModule -> filterExpression(src.operand)
+		)
+-- StringLiteral
+rule StringLiteralToValue extends ASTNodeToAbstractCodeElement {
+	from
+		src: java!StringLiteral (
+			-- TODO waiting for a strategy for storing enum constant arguments
+		not src.refImmediateComposite().oclIsKindOf(java!EnumConstantDeclaration)
+		)
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!Value (
+			name <- 'string literal',
+			ext <- src.escapedValue,
+			type <- kdm!StringType.allInstances() -> first()
+		)
+-- SuperFieldAccess
+rule SuperFieldAccessToActionElement extends ASTNodeToAbstractCodeElement {
+	from
+		src: java!SuperFieldAccess
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!ActionElement (
+			kind <- 'super field access',
+			name <- 'super field access' -- referenced elements
+			,
+			actionRelation <- if (src.field.oclIsUndefined()) then
+					Sequence{}
+				else
+					thisModule -> CreateUsesType(src.field)
+				endif,
+			actionRelation <- if (src.qualifier.oclIsUndefined()) then
+					Sequence{}
+				else
+					if (src.qualifier.oclIsTypeOf(java!SingleVariableAccess)) then
+						thisModule -> CreateReads(src.qualifier)
+					else
+						-- because it might apply to a type sometimes
+									-- YourType.super.yourmethod();
+						Sequence{}
+					endif
+				endif
+		)
+-- SuperMethodInvocation
+rule SuperMethodInvocationToActionElement extends ASTNodeToAbstractCodeElement {
+	from
+		src: java!SuperMethodInvocation
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!ActionElement (
+			kind <- 'super method invocation',
+			name <- 'super method invocation' -- referenced elements
+			,
+			codeElement <- src.arguments -> collect(e | thisModule ->
+					filterExpression(e)) -> flatten(),
+			actionRelation <- if (src.method.oclIsUndefined()) then
+					Sequence{}
+				else
+					if (src.method.typeParameters.isEmpty()) then
+						thisModule -> CreateCalls(src)
+					else
+						thisModule -> CreateCallsForGenericMethod(src)
+					endif
+				endif,
+			actionRelation <- if (src.qualifier.oclIsUndefined()) then
+					Sequence{}
+				else
+					if (src.qualifier.oclIsTypeOf(java!SingleVariableAccess)) then
+						thisModule -> CreateReads(src.qualifier)
+					else
+						-- because it might apply to a type sometimes
+									-- YourType.super.yourmethod();
+						Sequence{}
+					endif
+				endif
+		)
+-- ThisExpression
+rule ThisExpressionToActionElement extends ASTNodeToAbstractCodeElement {
+	from
+		src: java!ThisExpression
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!ActionElement (
+			kind <- 'this',
+			name <- 'this' -- referenced elements
+			,
+			actionRelation <- if (src.qualifier.oclIsUndefined()) then
+					Sequence{}
+				else
+					thisModule -> CreateUsesType(src.qualifier)
+				endif
+		)
+-- TypeLiteral
+rule TypeLiteralToValue extends ASTNodeToAbstractCodeElement {
+	from
+		src: java!TypeLiteral
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!Value (
+			name <- 'type literal',
+			type <- src.type -> getType()
+		)
+-- VariableDeclarationExpression
+rule VariableDeclarationExpressionToActionElement extends ASTNodeToAbstractCodeElement {
+	from
+		src: java!VariableDeclarationExpression
+	to
+		tgt: kdm!ActionElement (
+			kind <- 'variable declaration',
+			name <- 'variable declaration' -- referenced elements
+			,
+			codeElement <- src.fragments -> collect(e | thisModule ->
+					filterExpression(e)) -> flatten(),
+			actionRelation <- if (src.type.oclIsUndefined()) then
+					Sequence{}
+				else
+					thisModule -> CreateUsesType(src.type)
+				endif
+		)