Dylan conway


OPENi Architecture Discussion: 11am GMT

Leigh, Hans, Iosif, Meletis, Michael, Peter, Philip, Robert, Lukasz, Sotiris, Timotheos, Beatriz, Susana, Teti, Giannis


  • Leigh Discussed the high level architecture and goals of the architecture as per the DoW
  • Discussion today was to focus on the management of the Cloudlet and how to create it
  • Peter sees it as a data store and Hans reaffirmed this.
  • The possibility of the cloudlet profile really being an API was discussed
  • Peter cautioned that the creation of the cloudlet should not hinder usage of an application or adoption will not happen
  • Iosif mentioned that data management for the cloudlet is something that NTUA are looking at and this links into 3.2's specification
  • Hans reinforced viewpoints on the cloudlet and storage via pointers
  • Timotheos, Leigh and Hans had a discussion around the importance of context to the cloudlet and the platform. Leigh agreed it is central to the platform from the DoWs perspective and that of T2.4 and T2.5. Hans reiterated the importance of context from their experience and centered the talk around security and privacy issues
  • AP: Leigh to confirm a call between FOKUS and WIT for more in depth discussion on 3.2 and the cloudlet management.
  • AP: Leigh to involve Betapond in the call or in an offline whiteboard session
  • AP: WIT to bring the results back to the overall consortium for consensus the following week
  • Lukasz reminded people that the DoW specified that the cloudlet has portability and can be moved in a distributed manner
  • Peter gave a view of a centralised cloudlet platform to avoid complexity and help adoption.
  • Everybody agreed that this would be a sensible course of action and that the current task of a centralised system is still very complex.
  • Peter asked for a simplification of the diagrams and Hans asked for supporting text to flesh out ideas
  • Lukasz gave a brief update on T3.3 saying that work will be allocated next week and a call would be organised
  • CGI wished to confirm that a call would occur
  • Leigh suggested that as WIT and FOKUS are involved in T3.2 and T3.3 that the 3.2 call could be extended to include a discussion on 3.3 and could happen on the same day
  • The meeting concluded at 11:55 GMT.


Wiki: WP3 Telco Minutes