Dylan conway


T3.3 Meeting: 09:15am GMT

Ateendees: Leigh, Claudia, Susana, Iosif, Hans, Lukasz

  • Lukasz presented the overview of Security & Privacy aspects in OPNEi platform
  • 5 main topics were defined in T3.3
  • Claudia concerns that all WP3 tasks overlap and the work can be done twice
  • AP: agreed that T3.1 should describes API and T.3.3 should describe components that implement these API's
  • Hans mentioned that it would be good to use JSON to describe policies
  • AP: discussion about T3.3 content
  • AP: agreed that T3.3 based on T2.3 and should describe in-depth protocols and standards used by OPENi platform
  • Lukasz, Claudia: different view on Service Enabler component
  • AP: agreed to the next call on 11-APR-2013; there is a need to discuss if the Authorization and Authentication are OPENi components or are implemented as Service Enablers, clarify definition of Service Enablers
  • The meeting concluded at 09:55am GMT


Wiki: WP3 Telco Minutes