Dylan conway

18/01/13 Cloudlet and Architecture Discussion

Date, Time

18/01/13 - 14.30 CET


Dónal McCarthy,
Eric Robson,
Fenareti Lampathaki,
Leigh Griffin,
Lukasz Radziwonowicz,
Michael Petychakis,
Peter Elger,
Robert Kleinfeld,
Rodrigo llera,
Susana Ortega,
Theodoros Michalareas.


TSSG - ask "Where is the Data Stored?"
Velti - envision 3 types of data which they categorise into: 1) users personal data, 2) users behavioural data i.e. interaction with device/data, and 3) device data i.e. location, battery, etc,
Velti - questioned whether the users preference will be stored on the device,
Logica - envisioned server based storage as mobile devices are limited in storage capability,
Logica - proposed the idea of storage as a service,
NTUA - suggested a hybrid approach, where data is stored with 3rd party service and a reference is stored in the cloudlet,
VELTI - raised the issue of data ownership, with users owning their data, operator provided data, data from OPENi, federated approach to data,
VELTI - suggest that we document our model of the world to data ownership,
NTUA - pointed out that for OPENi to have any value it has to store the data,
TSSG - ask 'Is the Cloudlet a “middle man” service?',
Velti - see OPENi as a middleman is two ways, 1) between consumer and service provider and 2) as protection/firewall between consumer and regulatory bodies,
ALL - yes it is a middleman service,
Logica - pointed out a weakness of mobile clients in that they are prone to security vulnerabilities,
Logica - server side cloudlet is more robust from a security point of view,
FOKUS - not happy with the idea of a hybrid approach as it would require developing multiple clients for a number of OSs. This would require substantial development effort, they would prefer a server side approach,
Velti - would prefer to have some preferences stored on the device, with the API falling back to the server if it cannot locate the data on the device,
ALL - that we go with a server side approach which would leave the door open to the hybrid approach which may be added at a later date,
TSSG - "Will the Cloudlet be specified at a high level of abstraction for T2.2 and specified in detail in WP3?",
ALL - yes


VELTI - Some functionality happening on the device, e.g. GPS & Accelerometer?,
BETAPOND - agree that there is merit in storing small amounts of data on device,
Logica - raised concerns for a user with multiple devices,
NTUA - suggested a native app runtime for a few operating systems,
BETAPOND - suggested a cross platform implementation on the likes of PhoneGap,
TSSG - raised concerns with the development effort required for native and phone gap implementations,
TSSG - suggested a lightweight Javascript component for mobile web-apps which could later be integrated/ported to PhoneGap and/or native applications,
TSSG - outlined the technologies that they are going to investigate as part of T3.2 and how they will evaluate.


TSSG (http://gitlab.openi-ict.eu/t2_2/tree/master/Presentation/17-01-2013%20Cloudlet.pdf)
TSSG (http://gitlab.openi-ict.eu/wp3/tree/master/Presentations/OPENi_Architecture.pdf)
TSSG (http://gitlab.openi-ict.eu/wp3/tree/master/Presentations/OPENi_FOKUS_Architecture_Discussion_17_01_2013.pdf)


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