20-21112013 Berlin
Minutes - OPENi Meeting - Berlin, 20-21.11.2013
FOKUS – Robert Kleinfeld, Lukasz Radziwonowicz, Johannes Hange
WIT – Eric Robson, Donal McCarthy, Gary Mc Manus.
NTUA – Fenareti (Teti) Lampathaki, Michalis (Michael) Petychakis
Logica – Claudia Villalonga, Susana Ortega
Velti – Theodoros Michalareas
Betapond – Philip O’Brien
AmbieSense – Hans Myrhaug, Ayse Goker, Juan Millan
Robert: started the meeting, presented agenda.
Eric: Overall project status
deliverables overview and justification for a delay
revised schedule
Claudia - amendment for electronic submission
Aysa - iterative development, agile fashion
Hans - three continuous WP
CA signed and collated, agree for an open source license before review
review preparation, each partner presents its deliverable, WP4 demonstration?
* dissemination & standards Teti - plan for the future, collaboration with other projects
Johannes: T4.2
presented cloud framework
model - goals: interoperability and extendibility
cloudlet API - entry points: /data, /type, /binary; examples
Timos - mobile client, JS library, OPENi SDK (Android - PhoneGap wrapper)
prototypes: medical and game applications
** Philip - data aggregation component - lambda architecture: batch, serving, speed layers
Michael: T4.1
prototype implementation of API platform by NTUA
API framework - RESTful interface
API Builder for a developers, to add new objects and connectors, to extend objects; timeline presented, dynamically create new API
Timos: Context API prototype; UI rendering mechanism
Claudia: how to integrate two technologies?* Context API - AmbieSense vs. Velti, postpone discussion
Claudia: T4.3
work distribution
Client Encryption Extension - encrypt/decrypt user data in the cloudlet, roadmap
Hans: comment about on-the-fly diagrams, good to present for the review
Timos: permission visualization; auditing system
Johannes: authentication and authorization, OAuth 2.0, OpenID Connect, own implementation vs. already existing projects (not always up to date)
- Claudia: question about adding new user stories to D2.5 - Eric: we don't want to change D2.5, we'll add new stories as an annex
- Johannes pointed out that policies are not included
Context API
context sources: user, mobile device, social, application context
locations & time, behavioural, social, application context
interoperability - new applications can use the context data
context attributes/properties
** Johannes: is context stored with objects?
search is a journey, conversation
search interface, no context information
context: location, physical area, device; social, task, personal, environment, spatio-temporal context
automatic detection of session boundaries
Search API
* Johannes: is it for developers or end-users?
Partners agreed to Context API (Velti) and context-aware Search API (AmbieSense) - discussion postpone for tomorrow
Johannes: Authentication and authorization
federation support, promote registry - one central trust point for a developers, dev needs to create account
tombstone (redirect) for migrated cloudlet data
where do we store credentials - on authentication platform
forms of sharing
Hans: duplication/share should be supported on cloudlets level ?
how to API builder interact with registry
sharing on application level
cloudlet discovery
cloudlet identifier vs. OpenID identifier sharing scenario - which id do we provide?
* registry provides search for types
Open Source licence
TSSG, FOKUS, NTUA, Betapond - MIT or Apache 2 licence for platform (core and SE) and applications
platform (WP4 & WP5) - open source, applications (WP6) - proprietary?
each partner that develop app in WP6 can choose the licence
Ayse: application should be proprietary, maybe SE also?
which aspects of Timeline App is open source or proprietary?
ACTION: Each partner verify which open source licences are preferred in his organisation
Eric: DoW states - open source licence for WP4 & WP5
* how to show the collaborative work in EU project?
- which licences are used in the project?
AmbieSense - Ayse: grey zone for some SE
Review discussion
Claudia: do we say that we shift WP4 & WP5?
Eric: we've to check PM's allocation, Gary will check PM's allocation
justifying delay
ACTION: WIT will check the delay, 2 or 3 months delay? -> 2 moths delay for D2.4 and 1 month for D2.5
Message: collaborative work, ...
Presentations: the whole review ends at 4:30pm
project overview, explain delay, budget and efforts
overall architecture (Donal)
WP presentations: WP leader introduce the topic, task leaders presents deliverables (task leader is responsible for deliverables)
WP4 (only status update, outlook for the future, methodology)
WP5 (SE overview)* WP7
prepare the list of the possible/typical questions
Hans: OPENi is SaaS, PaaS or IaaS? why open stack?
Philip: Do we have plan to prevent the delays next year?
** How do we want to disseminate project to the community? -
ACTION: 25-26.11.2013 Eric: prepare and send agenda for a review meeting ACTION: 29.11.2013 - deadline for presentation slides for a review -
dissemination manager (Teti), exploitation manager (Yanis)
Hans: WP7 maybe after project overview presentation
Claudia: maybe we can start with use cases presentation
Eric: impact of the project, what is the message
Ayse: use cases with the technology challenges list
Claudia: maybe we should present deliverables in other way D2.1 with D3.1 (D2.2 - D3.2, D2.3 - D3.3)
Hans: plan for the future - periodic report
** Gary: risk analysis
WP5 - Service Enablers
Timeline SE:
Johannes: we can store the index in cloudlet
Timos: does we allow separate SE SDK's? Philip: integrate all SDK's in ons OPENi SDK
Health SE:
Biometrical SE:
* identification methods: voice, facial, motion, touch, BMBA, retina recognition
Recommender SE:
recommendation: places, products, services, applications
content based recommendation
Advertising SE:
mobile marketing campaign
potential extensions: applications recommender
Analytics SE:
Analytics vs. advertising SE
basic analytics
6 options
ZeroMQ - preferred option
ACTION: T4.1 partners will evaluate ZeroMQ
ACTION: next T4.1 call (Tuesday 26th Nov) - prepare a list of the API's, define which partner is responsible for which API, justification for PM's