Berlin Minutes
2nd Project Meeting
Berlin, March 7th-8th, 2013
1 Minutes and Actions
FOKUS – Robert Kleinfeld, Lukasz Radziwonowicz, Johannes Hange
WIT – Sinead Quealy, Leigh Griffin. Eric Robson and Donal McCarthy by phone.
NTUA – Fenareti (Teti) Lampathaki, Iosif (Joseph) Alvertis, Michalis (Michael) Petychakis
Logica – Claudia Villalonga, Susana Ortega
Velti – Theodoros Michalareas
Betapond – Peter Elger, Philip O’Brien
AmbieSense – Hans Myrhaug, Olfa Djebbi
Thursday 7th March
Sinead Quealy, opened meeting about requirement for partners to be available on Skype for conversations, feedback, advice and regular updates.
The clock is ticking and we cannot get behind on deliverables at this stage – it will be too difficult to make up the time.
Leigh Griffin stated the aim for meeting is to agree what are Cloudlets and to define the Architecture of OPENi.
Robert Kleinfeld has introduced Johannes Hange to the group, a student working fulltime on OPENi. We are going for dinner near Alexanderplatz tonight.
D2.4 - AmbieSense
Hans Myrhaug presented D2.4 Status
Following discussion of the group, it was agreed that the common denominator of OPENi is the use of different sources of information. Concern was expressed that delays in D2.4 could delay D2.5.
Update after lunch: SQ spoke to Logica, NTUA, Betapond, AmbieSense, Velti and FOKUS.
Actions agreed at meeting:
• Velti and Betapond will progress D2.5 with FOKUS as the advertising, shopping and platform user stories can be started.
• AmbieSense will work to conclude D2.4 by creating a family persona “A day in the life of a family” detailing how the family of cloudlets will interact with each other and the OPENi platform throughout the day.
• SQ will follow up with AmbieSense Tuesday 12th March to ensure that D2.4 is progressing as this is now a late deliverable.
D2.5 - FOKUS
Lukasz Radziwonowicz presented. Deadline end of March with updates required March 19th.
Fokus, Ambie, Betapond, Velti and Logica.
Agreed that WIT and NTUA will review D2.5 from a WP4 and WP5 implementation point of view to ensure the requirements can be delivered.
Eric Robson For the Month 12 or 13 requirements review – we may need to take a snapshot of user stories and requirements as we go on and progress through the project.
Actions agreed at meeting:
• Lukasz to circulate to partners a document giving a “HOW TO” of creating User Stories.
• WP2 previous deliverables do give background to the Platform.
• FOKUS start with Excel doc to capture our user stories.
• ALL PARTNERS While we know this timeline is ambitious we do need to have a goal to meet this.
According to DOW, the D2.5 is a “complete description of the behaviour of all OPENi subsystems to be specified and developed… It includes a set of use cases that describe all the interactions that the end user and developer will have with the platform.”
FOKUS will draft the platform related user stories.
Agreed - We need to be careful not to overload with application level user stories.
Action: SQ to clarify for Theo has commission cleared our idea for submission of the user stories Deliverable D2.5. Has commission approved Redmine?
- Clarification from the meeting – the D2.5 will be submitted in document form only and the user stories will start on an excel sheet – moving to Redmine for OPENi internal use – not for the Commission.
Cloudlet discussion - WIT
Leigh Griffin gave presentation on the questions remaining about Cloudlets.
Agreed: Storage as a service – we will store some user data but we will not replicate (won’t be pulling in data from Facebook etc. for permanent storage.)
Some further questions for consideration as we progress:
How much data do we store? – we offer some, but do not permanently copy data. Transient data storage.
Hybrid Deployment – How much client side?
From usability perspective – The platform will facilitate the lifecycle management of the cloudlet
-deletion…all CRUD tasks.
Agreed: User would be aware of OPENi Cloudlet therefore OPENi has to have a client side presence.
Gigya is open source. OPENi vs Gigya – information belongs to user in OPENi, to the service provider in Gigya.
T3.1 OPENi APIs Specification: Status, Work to Date, Next Steps, Partner Discussion NTUA
NTUA gave presentation on “Architecture from a functional perspective”.
There was a detailed conversation around “Graph API”.
Architecture Discussion - Betapond
Peter Elger presented
Three issues regarding the platform
1. User centric a user who doesnt care an wants to share his data or check his data (NTUA looks at this)
2. Innovative app development built on the OPENi tools with added value
3. App developers that are current users of Facebook / Twitter etc. Peters approach gets them on board and drives data to openi, which they can use the tools and bring out applications that fall into 2.
i.e. it gets them on board and gives them a teaser
Linking 3 into 1 is the current discussion -- making a user aware of OPENi
progress though and traction to one idea
Agreed: This is a very good idea. Needs further thought by the group before adoption.
Architecture continued:
Leigh Griffin presented.
Agreed: SQ and Leigh will add Michael’s and Leigh’s slide to Redmine Wiki and ALL partners feedback by end of March.
WP3 introduction of discussion:
T3.1,(1st draft April 30th) T3.2 (1st draft March 30th), T3.3 (1st draft - TBC)
Deliverables due at end of May.
• These require weekly stand up meetings and communication across partners because of the interdependency among the tasks.
• Mondays 12.30 CET 10 minutes suggested – Sinead will confirm with partners.
• TSSG and FOKUS to contribute to 3.1.
Project Management – Sinead Quealy
Discussion around our next meeting.
- SQ Doodle poll for June meeting in Madrid/Scotland/London
- Sinead working with individual partners on the next two meetings – FIA Dublin and a summer meeting
- Agreed that all future two day meetings will only take place on Tuesday/Wednesday or Wednesday/Thursday combination to facilitate full attendance both days.
Friday 8th March
Project Management continued
Eric Robson – project management review. WIT will create and circulate the templates for White Papers, posters and presentations.
- ALL partners to upload high quality logos to Gitlab.
- Turnitin software – Eric and Leigh communicated that ALL deliverables will be run through this software to prevent plagiarism.
- WIT will arrange a call to run through the Turnitin software with all partners next week to enable partners to run their deliverables through Turnitin prior to submission.
WP7 Dissemination
Teti Lampathaki presented the progress in the dissemination work package.
FIA – project needs to respond to call from commission to ensure OPENi is visible on FIA website.
• SQ to alert OPENi to any relevant FIA updates as soon as they are live.
• ALL partners to follow OPENi on twitter
• ALL partners must be aware of and circulate opportunities of conferences – update the link on Redmine to the Google Doc list of conferences. Following events partners need to update this conference list.
• Leigh Griffin – ask Bernard Butler (WIT) for publication excel sheet.
• By March 18th ALL work package leaders in Work Package 2 must provide blog posts based on OPENi
• WIT/NTUA FIA- workshop, gather contact details and start mailing list for newsletters.
• ALL Approach other EU projects we have contacts with to provide their newsletters with article updates on OPENi regularly.
Advisory Body
Betapond leading this task.
The advisory board will be established by end March 2013 (month 6).
• Philip will circulate draft advisory board report early week of 11th and will require ALL partners to have contributed suggested members of advisory board by Friday March 15th.
Legal Board
Velti and AmbieSense leading this task.
• Hans will circulate draft legal board report early week of 11th and will require ALL partners to have contributed suggested members of advisory board by Friday March 15th.
• Hans also approaching local Scottish academic institutions to see if there is current research underway in ethical and legal issues appropriate to OPENi with a view to including someone on the legal board.
• Sinead Quealy to approach Paul Malone to discuss previous experience of ethical and legal boards and will feedback to Hans.
Collaborating projects
Logica presented list of projects we have similarities with.
• Susana will create document based on her presentation to start the list of projects that we would like to approach.
• ALL partners @FIA to add to the list of projects by adding projects we see demonstrating in Dublin with similarities to OPENi.
Meeting formally closed.