Context API
Context of Context and Context API Goals.
[Context API Overview and Key Decisions]
Context Represenation and Context API Structure.
+A+ Context API Structured and Unstructured Nature
+B+ Context Data Privacy and Accesibility
Context API Set of Attributes.
[Table of Context API Set of Properties] (Superset of Objects Contextual Attributes)
Below there are the generally supported methods by Context API.
Method | Details | Call Method | API path | Parameters | Response |
Get all context properties | This method returns all the context properties of an object | [REST] #GET | API_PATH/{OBJECT_ID}/context | OBJECT_ID | A collection of properties |
Get a single context property | This method returns a single context property of an object | [REST] #GET | API_PATH/{OBJECT_ID}/context/{PROPERTY_NAME} | OBJECT_ID, PROPERTY_NAME | A property (string or object) |
Add/Update context property | This method updates an existing property (or adds it if not already there) | [REST] #PUT | API_PATH/{OBJECT_ID}/context/{PROPERTY_NAME} e.g. API_PATH/12312313/location | OBJECT_ID, PROPERTY_NAME, property_value | A success or error code |
Delete a context property | This method deletes a context property from an object | [REST] #POST | POST]] | API_PATH/{OBJECT_ID}/context/{PROPERTY_NAME} | OBJECT_ID, PROPERTY_NAME |
Useful references
Interrelations to Generic APIs: [proposal from work on Generic APIs]
[context objects]
Wiki: Graph API Generic Rules
Wiki: OPENi Service Enablers
Wiki: OPENi_Service_Enablers
Wiki: T31-_OPENi_APIs_Specification
Wiki: T3.1- OPENi APIs Specification
Wiki: Graph API Generic Rules v1.0