Dylan conway

Context API

Context of Context and Context API Goals.

[Context API Overview and Key Decisions]

Context Represenation and Context API Structure.

+A+ Context API Structured and Unstructured Nature
+B+ Context Data Privacy and Accesibility

Context API Set of Attributes.

[Table of Context API Set of Properties] (Superset of Objects Contextual Attributes)


Below there are the generally supported methods by Context API.

Method Details Call Method API path Parameters Response
Get all context properties This method returns all the context properties of an object [REST] #GET API_PATH/{OBJECT_ID}/context OBJECT_ID A collection of properties
Get a single context property This method returns a single context property of an object [REST] #GET API_PATH/{OBJECT_ID}/context/{PROPERTY_NAME} OBJECT_ID, PROPERTY_NAME A property (string or object)
Add/Update context property This method updates an existing property (or adds it if not already there) [REST] #PUT API_PATH/{OBJECT_ID}/context/{PROPERTY_NAME} e.g. API_PATH/12312313/location OBJECT_ID, PROPERTY_NAME, property_value A success or error code
Delete a context property This method deletes a context property from an object [REST] #POST POST]] API_PATH/{OBJECT_ID}/context/{PROPERTY_NAME} OBJECT_ID, PROPERTY_NAME

Useful references

Interrelations to Generic APIs: [proposal from work on Generic APIs]

[context objects]
CQL : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contextual_Query_Language
Intel: http://software.intel.com/cloudservicesplatform/documentation/intel-cloud-services-platform-beta-context-services-rest-api-reference
and: http://software.intel.com/cloudservicesplatform/documentation/context-services-working-context-types#Find_Out_What_Types_of_Context_Are_Available


Wiki: Graph API Generic Rules
Wiki: OPENi Service Enablers
Wiki: OPENi_Service_Enablers
Wiki: T31-_OPENi_APIs_Specification
Wiki: T3.1- OPENi APIs Specification
Wiki: Graph API Generic Rules v1.0