Dissemination Reporting Template
The templates are also available at: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnHM9cA-F0RzdFBVZkhFRzQyOFJqUEtKanBpVUIxY1E&usp=sharing (spreadsheet: Reporting Template)
Type: Participation in Conference / Workshop / Summit; Organization of Conference / Workshop / Panel / Summit
Event Name: The name of the event where this presentation took place
Venue: The location that the event took place
Date: The date that the event took place
Event objectives
Size of audience (approx.)
Dissemination Level: International, National/Regional/Local
Description of activity (~ 5 lines)
Title: The title of the presentation
Presenter: The name of the presenter
Other Partners Involved: In case your organisation collaborated with other partners for this activity you should indicate that here.
Type of Audience: "Select one or more of the following: 1. Enterprises and other beneficiaries; 2. Academia and Research; 3. Industry; 4. Developers; 5. FIA and Projects in 1.2; 6. OPENi UT Advisory Group; 7. OPENi EI Advisory Group; 8. Other diverse stakeholders including mass communication media and quasi non-governmental organisations (please specify)."
Hash tags for Social Media Dissemination: #hashtag1 #hashtag2 #hashtag3
URL: Provide a relevant URL for the event (with the link to the presentation, if one exists)
* Relevant Resources: "Attachments such as: (please indicate filenames or URLs): • Photos (at least 1 to be used in the OPENi website); • Agenda (preferably in MS Word format); • Youtube * Videos; • Presentations (in Slideshare or ppt / pdf format)"
Full citation: The full citation of the paper
Responsible: The person who was responsible for the paper, typically the first author.
Partners Involved: The name of the partners involved in this paper
Hash tags for Social Media Dissemination: #hashtag1 #hashtag2 #hashtag3
URL: Provide a relevant URL, if one exists
Attachments: The final (camera ready) version of the paper e.g. in pdf or doc, as well as a link to the presentation (ppt or pdf)
Type: Bilateral Online Meeting / Bilateral Physical Meeting / Interaction in Event / Co-organization of Event / E-mail Communication
Title: The title of the collaboration activity
Projects Involved: Information about the projects involved
Venue: The location that the collaboration activity took place (if applicable)
Date: The date that the collaboration activity took place
Activity objectives (~ 5 lines)
Expected/realized impact: Brief description of the impact materialized or expected by the collaboration action if already realized or assessable
Expected follow-up actions: Brief description of the follow-up actions to this collaboration activity
URL: Provide a relevant URL, if one exists
Partners Involved: In case your organisation collaborated with other partners for this activity you should indicate that here.
Relevant Resources: "Attachments such as: (please indicate filenames or URLs): • Photos (at least 1 to be used in the OPENi website); • Agenda (preferably in MS Word format); • Presentations (in Slideshare or ppt / pdf format)"