Dylan conway

Questions that need to be answered for T31

  • Can we retrieve content that has not been published through OPENi?

If yes, do we store tracked objects in a Cloudlet?
If yes, do we need to interrelate them among different Services?
If yes, where does the user action is posted (context API?)

  • Do we track changes in CBS without a user request?
  • How do we manage Accounts (actors)?
  • What is context data?

Additional attributes created by the OPENi user who owns the object, and created after the object creation?
They are static by the platform?
Can a developer create his own contextual attributes

  • What is context API?

Storing, editing & querying these extra attributes?

  • Do we need data structures? (e.g. location=long + lat+height, user_profile= name+surname+birthdate+...)
  • Can an extra attribute be an object or just string values?
  • Context data structures, apply to the OPENi object or to a join query from different services?
  • A new property on Context data, overwrites an existing one?
  • A superclass representing a generic item (photo, a video, a comment, a post, an attached file, etc.) should be implemented. This would be useful for performing authorisation on objects and desired actions over them. Do we have an approach for this at present?

  • It is necessary to agree in the relationship between credentials and accounts. Does an account object have a credential as a property or the other way around? This is necessary in order to define methods for authentication.


Wiki: T31-_OPENi_APIs_Specification
Wiki: T3.1- OPENi APIs Specification