Dylan conway

Search API

The Search API allows to the authenticated user to search through specific properties of objects and their context and their connections based on free text and specific properties. The Search API can be applied on every object, primary or secondary (i.e. connection), and aggregation, unless it is clearly filtered by the appropriate searching properties given on the advanced search.

The Search API searches both for objects stored in the cloudlet of the authenticated user, but also for content coming from the proper searching methods allowed by cloud-based services (CBS). Of course priority is given to content coming from cloudlet in the shown results. The developer may limit the services where the query is targeted, to improve performance or accuracy, by using the relative search properties.

Note: The search property applies on the objects owned by the authenticated user


e.g. API_PATH/search?q=trip+at+milan

e.g. API_PATH/search?q=trip+at+milan&object=photo

Search properties Description Value
q (query) A free text property that will be searching on the description, title
Search properties Description Value
object the name of the object, e.g. photo string
title The title of the object, if available. string
long The longitude property of the search query, must be followed with latitude
lat The latitude property of the search query, must be followed with longitude
rad The radius in kilometers where the search will apply, needs a long & latitude property. The default value is 1km if omitted.
tag The categories where the object is tagged
date_from The starting point for the search, given in date format. This property may look up to the published datetime, to contextual properties and every other time-based property. DD-MM-YYYY
date_to The ending point of the timeframe where to search for an object. If no closing point is given, the search is limited on the day declared by the date_from property DD-MM-YYYY


Wiki: T31-_OPENi_APIs_Specification
Wiki: T3.1- OPENi APIs Specification