T31 Telco July 26th 2013
Iosif Alvertis, Michael Petychakis, Fenareti Lampathaki (NTUA)
Timotheos Kastrinogiannis (Velti)
Beatriz Acosta, Susana Ortega (CGI)
Philip O'Brien (Betapond)
Hans Myrhaug (Ambiesense)
Dónal McCarthy (WIT)
Presentation: http://gitlab.openi-ict.eu/wp3/tree/master/T3.1/Presentations/2013_07_26%20T3_1%20Weekly%20update.pptx
Results from WP3 task leaders meeting presented:
- Introduction from Iosif about the current status of T3.1. Cloudlets are separate and accessed as services. There is still a central API platform.The graph API still remains in the description of the platform.
- Hans commented on the service enablers API raising some concerns. Hans asks for UML diagrams for the architecture.
- Fenareti answers that they are going to be shared also next week.
- Iosif says that it is still work in progress among WP3 leaders, close to be finalized, and regarding the API platform Hans will have clear view with the upcoming draft deliverable.
Presentation of the ToC for T3.1:
- Iosif describes the current work done on the d3.1. He analyzes the allocation of the chapters. Initially a complete overview that will keep in line all the Deliverables will be included.
- CGI is ok with their allocation and their chapters.
- Velti is ok with the allocation
Milestones for Task 3.1:
- Iosif analyzes the plan for the next months regarding Deliverable 3.1
- CGI agrees to give a list of service enablers until next week and until end of august a complete description.
- Velti is ok with the plan
- Hans, Donal agree with the proposed plan, as major reviewers.
Everyone agrees finally in the plan regarding tasj 3.1 (slide 3 of the presenation). Next week the 1st draft will be circulated so that everyone can have more clear view.