T31 Telco March 20th 2013
- As a follow-up to the discussions that took place in the Berlin project meeting, NTUA presented in depth the approach to be applied on T3.1 for the OPENi API Specification.
- The methodology step-by-step was analyzed, while the Graph API logic towards user centric design was extensively discussed.
- All documentation and working material on the task is available in Redmine at: http://redmine.openi-ict.eu/projects/openi/wiki/T31-_OPENi_APIs_Specification (including templates to be used for the API documentation)
- Shortly after the meeting, the presentation was uploaded in GitLab at: http://gitlab.openi-ict.eu/openi/tree/master/Partner%20Teleconferences/T3_1%20-%20OPENi%20APIs%20Specification
- All partners should provide their comments on the approach to be followed by Friday March 29th, 2013 (extended deadline).
- The initial approach / methodology on the Context API and Service Enablers API should be prepared by VELTI and LOGICA (according to the assignments agreed in the Berlin project meeting) by April 8th, 2013.
- A next dedicated telco will be arranged afterwards to discuss issues and progress on T3.1. During the weekly WP3 telcos, updates on progress should be provided by all partners.
Participants: Teti & Iosif (NTUA), Sinead & Leigh (TSSG), Timos, Meletis & Basilis (VELTI), Susana & Beatriz (LOGICA), Philip (BETAPOND).