T31 Telco May 8th 2013
Iosif, Michael (NTUA)
Philip (Betabond)
Meletis, Timotheos (Velti)
Olfa (Ambiesense)
Suzana, Beatriz (CGI)
Iosif started the presentation : http://gitlab.openi-ict.eu/openi/tree/master/Partner%20Teleconferences/T3_1%20-%20OPENi%20APIs%20Specification/2013_5_08
- a first overview of the current state of t3.1, with input from other Tasks, meetings and work in progress
- a small outline of the APIs that have been identified (slide 3). It is not an Architectural approach. Suzana pointed out that A&A are inside the service enablers, Iosif agreed but tried to show the appearance in different levels.
- Discussion about the Cloudlet API ( what is being discussed until now and what are the open issues). It must be described by technical partners from other WP3 tasks, in order to describe an API for its purposes. T3.1 is relative only to document how a developer may create new objects & properties, but also an interface to manage a consumer's data (2 stakeholders). An email to ask contribution will be circulated.
- Discussion on the Graph Generic API - status and problems. Iosif points out that it is the static objects and properties, created and owned by the platform. Developers may not overwrite OPENi objects. It must be designed independently to the Cloudlet API.
- About Service Enablers. Based on existing descriptions, Iosif asked to identify dependency with other APIs. Suzana says that every service enabler should access the Cloudlet API. Timos pointed out that even the Graph Generic API can be considered a Service Enabler. Iosif mentioned that it is expected for the Service Enablers to connect with the Cloudlet API, thus limitations from it should be considered. Nevertheless, there is dependency between different APIs, like the Context API is integrated in a response generated for the Graph Generic API.
- Iosif gives a description of what contextual data are considered, and what is a Context API, as a result of the NTUA-Velti meetings. Velti will finalize in Redmine the definitions. Timotheos asks again who is going to access the contextual properties that are created by a specific developer-application, only the developer or every developer of the platform. Logica suggests that authorization needs contextual data in order to work.
- discussion on authentication and authorization regarding the affection on T3.1, this task is responsible to document the A&A.
- Getting into detail on Response Structure of the Graph Generic API. Presentation of such response with two json examples by Iosif. There is a common understanding and agreement for what contextual data is (Velti-NTUA- CGI). Example of user timeline with multiple objects in one request aggregation raises many issues.Velti raises concerns on the activity described on the example. Iosif suggest that to resolve the concerns the best approach is to create some more examples and agree on those. While we must clarify how we package an aggregated response under an activity, after the preposition from NTUA.
Summarization of iosif presentation. Timos points out that we take decisions that need to be inline with what is being discussed on T3.3 Iosif suggests that all the WP3 partners should discuss together next week.
Logica starts their presentation . They show their redmine contribution.They start with the authentication se api http://redmine.openi-ict.eu/projects/openi/wiki/authentication_se_api
- discussion on http://redmine.openi-ict.eu/projects/openi/wiki/Credentials
- presenting http://redmine.openi-ict.eu/projects/openi/wiki/monitor_se_api
- talking on http://redmine.openi-ict.eu/projects/openi/wiki/authorization_se_api
- Iosif recognizes the dependency of the above conversation with T3.3. Gives feedback for authentication credentials, and will be back for comments. Timos also agrees. For Monitor API, Iosif proposes to identify the 3 involved stakeholders (developers, consumers & cloudlet providers). For authorization Iosif asks for a greater framework, but recognized the dependency with T3.3 and properties from T3.1. Logica says will wait for feedback on that and continue the conversation.
- Iosif asked from Velti to come back with comments on CGI's work.
In total, the decisions will be communicated with WP3 partners.
Timos asked for general rules that will drive the work on T3.1, Iosif responded that there are work in progress here: https://redmine.openi-ict.eu/projects/openi/wiki/Graph_API_Generic_Rules
For dependencies and decisions with other WP3 tasks, there is a relative page: http://redmine.openi-ict.eu/projects/openi/wiki/questions_that_need_to_be_answered_for_t31
A telco will run next week, and needs also a WP3 meeting.