Task Procedures
1. Planning
At first we plan what we'll do and divide this work into many little tasks
We use pivotal for that purpose and that's our project for the time being:
There we can choose the difficulty of each task and therefore the amount of time it is going to take for us to deliver.
We also use tags. It is under debate if each one of us is going to make their own tasks or they are going to be assigned by the task leader to us.
By using this application we can measure our "velocity" for each week, how many points we are able to gain as a team.
So, our efficiency is measurable although not a strict indicator of our work effort.
2. Sync our repository
We currently use github as our repository tracker.
Here is our repo: https://github.com/mpetyx/open-I
It is currently private, so ask the devs to give you permissions.
We are notified by an e-mail each time a new commit has occured to our repo by someone, so we know if we need to sync our local repo or not.
It's always best to check it anyway.
3. Code
By using our favorite IDE or Editor we make changes.
Change your pivotal tasks accordingly to what you are currently doing.
Here fit more specific procedures like:
- [New CBS]
- [New Object]
- [CBS Mapping]
Press Finish on the pivotal task state
4. Commit and Push back
Be sure to use details for any new commits to declare what you have changed
Press Deliver on the pivotal task state
5. Task Leader Approval
Task leader sees your commit, runs your tests and if everything ok merges code.
Task Leader Approves or Rejects your pivotal task
6. Tap yourself on the back
while(true) { repeat; }