Dylan conway

WP3 - Architectural design and Security frameworks

This work package is the first implementation work package within the OPENi project. The outputs of this work package will dictate the architectural design of the OPENi platform as well as the vision for the implementation and realization of the use cases designed in T2.4

From the work performed in the Berlin meeting, two slides were presented to the partners from WIT and NTUA. The slide sets can be found at:

WIT presentation: http://gitlab.openi-ict.eu/openi/tree/master/Partner%20Meetings/Berlin/Presentations/T3.2%20Berlin%20Presentation.pptx
NTUA presentation: http://gitlab.openi-ict.eu/openi/tree/master/Partner%20Meetings/Berlin/Presentations/OPENi_Thoughts%20on%20Architecture_NTUA-%20Berlin%20meeting.pptx


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