Shaycock Susana ortega

WP5 Telco Minutes

WP5 Action Points

Last update: 04/10/2013

Action Point Owner Creation date Deadline Status Comments
Present the proposal of SE’s allocation and SE-centric way of working to Management Level WP5 Leader 3/10/2013 ASAP New -
Ask FOKUS about their interests about their collaboration in SE’s implementation WP5 Leader 3/10/2013 ASAP New -
Identify the core platform functionalities necessary towards the implementation of each SE. SE responsible 3/10/2013 Before next WP4-WP5 meeting New -
Set regularity of WP5 meetings WP5 Leader 3/10/2013 ASAP New -


Wiki: WP5 Kick-off Meeting - October 3rd,2013
Wiki: WP5 Weekly call - March 5th,2014
Wiki: WP5 Weekly call - March 12th, 2014
Wiki: WP5 Weekly call - March 19th, 2014
Wiki: WP5 Weekly call - March 26th, 2014
Wiki: WP5 Weekly call - April 2nd, 2014
Wiki: WP5 Weekly call - April 9th, 2014
Wiki: WP5 Weekly call - April 16th, 2014
Wiki: WP5 Weekly call - May 7th, 2014
Wiki: WP5 Weekly call - May 14th, 2014
Wiki: WP5 Weekly call - May 28th, 2014
Wiki: WP5 Weekly call - June 4th, 2014
Wiki: WP5 Weekly call - June 18th, 2014
Wiki: WP5 Weekly call - July 30th, 2014
Wiki: WP5 Weekly call - August 6th, 2014
Wiki: WP5 Weekly call - September 24th, 2014
Wiki: WP5 Weekly call - October 1st, 2014
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