WP5 Weekly call - 15:00 - 15:10 April 2nd 2014
Fokus: Not connected
NTUA: Evmorfia Biliri
Velti: Timotheos Kastrinogiannis
TSG: Not connected
Betapond: Philip O'brien
Ambiesense: Not connected
CGI: Claudia Villalonga, Susana Ortega
A first prototype must be ready by the end of the month.
We have to document what should be done and what is done.
- Biometric SE
Work restarted on this SE.
There are not much results, but we are testing the identification by a photo.
- Health SE
Not much progress. Keep on working with the REST API.
- Recommender SE
Not much progress due to D4.1 works.
Started implementation for components that have no dependencies with WP4.
- Advertising SE
They are working on UI design, algorithms and interface implementation.
- Analitycs SE
Done overview of SOTA.
- Timeline SE
Ambiesense did not connect.
Next steps
We have to put together what can be demonstrated at this first version.
Betapond asks for the dates for the SEs development and when contributions are expected.
Velti proposes to have a back up plan to avoid WP4 dependencies.
Will be WP5 delayed due to WP4?
CGI will report this issues to Eric.