WP5 Weekly call - 15:00 - 15:30 May 7th 2014
NTUA: --
Velti: Timotheos Kastrinogiannis
TSG: Donal McArthy, Dylan Conway
Betapond: Philip O'brien
Ambiesense: --
CGI: Claudia Villalonga, Susana Ortega
Claudia reports that the deliverables will be dalayed till end of May.
Some code is expected for four out of six SE.
- Biometric SE
No updates so far.
Working on an open source component.
- Health SE
The REST API is available.
We can retrieve information (height and weight) from Velti's cloudlet.
The plan is having a very first version for this SE by the end of the month.
Susana asks for the "revision" field in the objects. Donald says it is a couchbase field for managing concurrency.
- Recommender SE
- Advertising SE
Apart from mockups, they plan an initial implementation of the UI design.
- Timeline SE
- Analitycs SE
There will be available mockups for the end of May, but not code.
They have privacy concerns.
Next steps
Organize our face to face meeting and issues to be discussed there.