WP7 Telco Minutes
WP7 Telco February 15th, 2013 (13:00-14:00 CET)
A brief introduction to the Dissemination Activities was provided by NTUA.
The proposal for an OPENi session entitled “Boosting the App Economy: What’s the role of APIs, Cloudlets and Data Driven Services?” and prepared by TSSG and NTUA has been accepted. The session will be organized in the context of the 2013 Future Internet Assembly (FIA) event, which will be held in Dublin, Ireland on May 8th - 10th, 2013. More details will follow in due time.
A list of events / conferences / journals of interest to OPENi is prepared by NTUA and available at: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnHM9cA-F0RzdFBVZkhFRzQyOFJqUEtKanBpVUIxY1E&usp=sharing
The spreadsheet “General Conferences List” contains the title and the acronym of each conference along with its ranking according to the ERA Conference Ranking (http://www.core.edu.au/index.php/categories/conference%20rankings/1), its venue, dates, paper deadlines and URL. With green, conferences organized in Europe that represent good opportunities are highlighted, with orange conferences in US and with yellow outside Europe and US, while with red font conferences for which the deadline is over, yet we can have them in mind for the next year. The spreadsheet “General Journals List” contains the Title, Acronym, Publisher and ISSN of each journal along with information related to its Impact Factor according to the 2010 JCR Science Edition. In case a relevant special issue is open, additional information is provided.
The spreadsheet “Dissemination Activities Planning” contains the list of activities we are aware of.
The spreadsheet “Reporting Template” includes the templates that should be used to inform us about your participation to events (representing OPENi), the publications (containing the OPENi acknowledgement), the collaboration and standardization activities.
* Please also inform us about the conferences / journals you intend to send a paper to keep track of the planned activities, apart from sending a report afterwards.
Regarding the blog posts for the website, the initial blog on the idea to be prepared by John (TSSG) and George (NTUA) is put on hold, so we should directly proceed to the blogs with our results: At least 1 draft blog post should be prepared for each deliverable (D2.1, D2.2, D2.3) by Monday March 4th, 2013 eob.
A complete analysis of the WP7 activities will be provided in Berlin.
With regard to the Advisory Groups*, both advisory groups should be in place by M6 according to our DoW. All meetings will be carried out via teleconference. An outline of the Ethical Issues Advisory Group (EIAG) was presented by AmbieSense. It will consist of professionals dealing with issues from diverse perspectives: Their role is to consult and propose enhancement of ethical and privacy aspects within the OPENi activities. It was the agreed that the EIAG should bring a broad coverage of expertise related to privacy, data protection rules, legal frameworks to cover both the specific country and the EU dimensions. It needs to be taken into account though that permission for storage and use of data will be granted by the users and all data shall be deleted upon request of the user.
An outline of the User Team Advisory Group was discussed by BETAPOND. The User Team (UT) will consist of the industry partners, their role is to consult and propose enhancement of current SoTA aspects within the OPENI activities and the current market activates. BETAPOND has created a google doc in order for each partner to share experts to be invited.
All partners should provide their suggestions for members as soon as possible (as the official deadline set during the telco was 20/2 eob). An invitation for the members to join both groups will be prepared by AmbieSense and BETAPOND.
A proposal was made by VELTI whether we could have a physical meeting with both groups in Dublin in the context of FIA or even in Berlin during the project meeting.
The discussion on both groups (experts to be invited, what is expected from them and what can we offer to them) will be further discussed in the Berlin project meeting. Collaboration activities (mobilized by LOGICA): relevant projects already identified by D2.1 (NTUA), D2.2 (TSSG), D2.3 (LOGICA). An initial list together with contact points should be prepared by LOGICA and enhanced by all partners with their own contact points. The list should be available before the Berlin meeting in order to prioritize who we approach first during the meeting. (An example template has been prepared by NTUA in the Dissemination google spreadsheet – please modify it as you consider appropriate).
Standardization activities* (mobilized by FOKUS): in addition to DoW, relevant committees already identified by D2.1 (NTUA), D2.2 (TSSG), D2.3 (LOGICA). Work to start in the next months, but preparatory activities to be decided in Berlin. (it was not discussed as a last-minute engagement prevented FOKUS from being present in the telco). (An example template has been prepared by NTUA in the Dissemination google spreadsheet – please modify it as you consider appropriate).
Participants: Eric (TSSG), Teti (NTUA), Susana (LOGICA), Hans & Olfa (AmbieSense), Theodore (VELTI), Peter (BETAPOND).