git clone osp-allura-contrib

File Date Author Commit
command 2013-06-18 Tim Van Steenburgh Tim Van Steenburgh <Commit 24857cd4b032879a5d7db1d853a32a38225f9107> [#6366] Add option for reindex tasks to use alt...
config 2013-06-25 Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema <Commit 102791903711bf3f4c948b6da89dd2cc0d89c10f> [#6408] remove controller scanning from routes....
controllers 2013-07-23 Cory Johns Cory Johns <Commit 4ed7af81a3f595f4081f966f7d2547671e73f8b5> [#6456] Refactored ProjectImporterDispatcher to...
etc 2010-09-28 Rick Copeland Rick Copeland <Commit 28f675e83e19241381f1b1d63a921879ba6e4f50> Add restructured text as a supported mime type
ext 2013-07-18 Tim Van Steenburgh Tim Van Steenburgh <Commit 2dcec81c7d4e861fc47c348f25333ec3b547e510> [#5517] Add permission descriptions
i18n 2013-04-12 Peter Hartmann Peter Hartmann <Commit ddf08c46381352d02accc7a9f6d9878cfad8695b> Apply Apache License 2.0 header where necessary
lib 2013-07-30 Tim Van Steenburgh Tim Van Steenburgh <Commit 4343ee0366e682727db54bb4ac8694ef6f0ca391> [#5543] Require confirmation on post delete
model 2013-07-24 Anton Kasyanov Anton Kasyanov <Commit 6436aa54e610ca805edda2ef6e8287f8e5442e43> [#6446] ticket:400 removed trailing whitespaces
nf 2013-07-22 Cory Johns Cory Johns <Commit f70ea755870d647a4791adc64f325d192547281a> [#6456] Removed unnecessary !important
public 2013-06-18 Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema <Commit 454b327a043d1b4010f989886b3291a2fbfcf9d2> spell "irreversible" correctly
scripts 2013-06-24 Tim Van Steenburgh Tim Van Steenburgh <Commit a01e61f015a48fe47156bf5f7f2698552dd09323> [#6364] Set SVN checkout_url on clone
tasks 2013-07-22 Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema <Commit b2a00e8225b60e35cb1ab17172bee84cef9c229e> make log file analysis easier by putting a ":" ...
templates 2013-07-30 Tim Van Steenburgh Tim Van Steenburgh [0065ba] [#4931] Add download link for images in repo
tests 2013-07-29 Cory Johns Cory Johns <Commit 4b2d8c171aedf12c525d659470b0d807732afb9d> [#6460] Fixed security checks sometimes using i...
websetup 2013-03-25 Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema <Commit 2927da20f3434775705a190f3ba54a6d92814808> [#6007] Better installation of subproject in bo... 2013-04-12 Peter Hartmann Peter Hartmann <Commit ddf08c46381352d02accc7a9f6d9878cfad8695b> Apply Apache License 2.0 header where necessary 2013-07-23 Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema <Commit 61d0ca575cf4583f5e6d14a8017fd456315af1b8> [#5517] add permission_desc docstring; remove c... 2013-04-15 Peter Hartmann Peter Hartmann <Commit c17704dbecce85a7ebaaacb69068f31994cf3756> [#4648] Add missing license headers 2013-04-12 Peter Hartmann Peter Hartmann <Commit ddf08c46381352d02accc7a9f6d9878cfad8695b> Apply Apache License 2.0 header where necessary