--- a/pyforge/docs/install.rst
+++ b/pyforge/docs/install.rst
@@ -129,10 +129,10 @@
(anvil)~/src/forge/pyforge$ paster smtp_server development.ini
SOLR server
- This is our search and indexing server. We can use the example schema directly from the
- SOLR download::
- (anvil)~/<path_to_solr>/example$ java -jar start.jar
+ This is our search and indexing server. We have a custom config in
+ ~/src/forge/solr_config::
+ (anvil)~/<path_to_solr>/example$ java -Dsolr.solr.home=~/src/forge/solr_config -jar start.jar
TurboGears application server
This is the main application that will respond to web requests. We'll get into
@@ -159,4 +159,57 @@
already configured; to configure more, you can visit the `Admin` plugin
(accessible in the top navigation bar when inside the `test` project).
+Running the Tests
+The test setup is a little bit different from the dev/production setup so as not
+to create conflicts between test data and development data. This section will
+tell you how to set up your test environment.
+ We'll need a test MongoDB server to keep from stomping on our development data::
+ (anvil)~/src$ mkdir -p ~/var/mongodata-test
+ (anvil)~/src$ mongod --port 27108 --dbpath ~/var/mongodata-test
+ Here, we'll set up a second virtual host for testing. We also need to set up
+ the RabbitMQ queues using reactor_setup::
+ (anvil)~/src$ sudo rabbitmqctl add_vhost vhost_testing
+ (anvil)~/src$ sudo rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p vhost_testing testuser "" ".*" ".*"
+ (anvil)~/src$ cd forge/pyforge
+ (anvil)~/src/forge/pyforge$ paster reactor_setup test.ini
+SOLR server
+ We are using the multicore version of SOLR already, so all the changes to use
+ core1 (the testing core) rather than core0 (the dev core) are encapsulated in
+ test.ini.
+To actually run the tests, just go to the plugin directory you wish to test (or
+to the pyforge directory) and type::
+ (anvil)~/src/forge/pyforge$ nosetests
+Some options you might find useful for nosetests:
+ Drops into a PDB prompt on unexpected exceptions ("errors" in unittest
+ terminology)
+ Drops into a PDB prompt on AssertionError exceptions in tests ("failures" in unittest
+ terminology)
+ Do *not* capture stdout. This is essential if you have embedded pdb
+ breakpoints in your test code. (Otherwise, you will not see the prompt; your
+ test will just mysteriously hang forever.)
+ Print the name of the test as it runs. This is useful if the test suite takes a while
+ to run and you want to let it continue to run while you begin debugging the
+ first (few) failures.
Happy hacking!