Commit Date  
[#6464] Google Code Tracker Importer via web sc...
[419ef9] by Cory Johns Cory Johns
2013-08-20 Tree
[#6464] Fixed attribute error on missing / empt...
[4b3208] by Cory Johns Cory Johns
2013-08-20 Tree
[#6464] Refactored plain2markdown to Allura hel...
[851c96] by Cory Johns Cory Johns
2013-08-20 Tree
[#6464] Use plain2markdown to escape ticket des...
[97102b] by Cory Johns Cory Johns
2013-08-20 Tree
[#6464] Changed tool_label on GC code importer
[acc946] by Cory Johns Cory Johns
2013-08-20 Tree
[#6464] Added skip_mod_date to GC tracker importer
[b9c9b5] by Cory Johns Cory Johns
2013-08-20 Tree
[#6422] Added "incubating" to NOTICE files
[6ce8ed] by Cory Johns Cory Johns
2013-08-20 Tree
Fixed tab indents
[d92483] by Cory Johns Cory Johns
2013-08-19 Tree
[#6532] ticket:412 ignore forks with non existi...
Cory Johns Cory Johns pushed [ba700e] by Anton Kasyanov Anton Kasyanov
2013-08-19 Tree
Fixed syntax documentation of Gittip button for...
[ed2ca5] by Cory Johns Cory Johns
2013-08-19 Tree
Added Gittip macro for Wiki tool
Cory Johns Cory Johns pushed [e81ffc] by Wayne Witzel III Wayne Witzel III
2013-08-19 Tree
[#6422] Added CHANGES file for ASF release
[afb7bb] by Cory Johns Cory Johns
2013-08-19 Tree
[#6480] add Apache License header to Allura/all...
[1c6231] by Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema
2013-08-16 Tree
[#6506] Added TracWikiImporter to requirements-...
[2b0a10] by Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema
2013-08-16 Tree
[#6506] Added TracWikiImporter to requirements-...
[3e67aa] by Cory Johns Cory Johns
2013-08-16 Tree
[#6506] Fixed unicode and attribute errors
[087586] by Cory Johns Cory Johns
2013-08-15 Tree
[#6506] Shortened Trac Ticket Importer tool_label
[37aacc] by Cory Johns Cory Johns
2013-08-15 Tree
[#6506] Minor mocking cleanup
[3f6bf3] by Cory Johns Cory Johns
2013-08-15 Tree
[#6506] Add custom User-Agent and auto-retries ...
Cory Johns Cory Johns pushed [490c83] by Tim Van Steenburgh Tim Van Steenburgh
2013-08-15 Tree
[#6480] Improvements to Trac importer
Cory Johns Cory Johns pushed [675495] by Tim Van Steenburgh Tim Van Steenburgh
2013-08-15 Tree
[#6553] fix tests corresponding to taskd error ...
[665780] by Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema
2013-08-14 Tree
[#4818] add admin extensions
Tim Van Steenburgh Tim Van Steenburgh pushed [5f836b] by Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema
2013-08-14 Tree
[#4818] don't error if tool doesn't exist any more
Tim Van Steenburgh Tim Van Steenburgh pushed [c0dbb7] by Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema
2013-08-14 Tree
[#4818] sort entry points for reliable ordering
Tim Van Steenburgh Tim Van Steenburgh pushed [c70060] by Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema
2013-08-14 Tree
[#4818] add documentation for extensions
Tim Van Steenburgh Tim Van Steenburgh pushed [df942c] by Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema
2013-08-14 Tree
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Showing results of 6027