Commit | Date | |
[#5453] `from PIL import Image` doesn't work al...
[b08571] by |
2013-04-04 | Tree |
[#5453] Remove old file, improve users...
2013-04-04 | Tree |
[5453] Allowing to hide stats
2013-04-04 | Tree |
[#5453] Moving userstats into a tool
2013-04-04 | Tree |
[#5453] Setting userstats tool as anchored for ...
2013-04-04 | Tree |
[5453] Implemented loop to load other listeners...
2013-04-04 | Tree |
[5453] Moved loop through stats listeners
2013-04-04 | Tree |
[5453] Logins count
2013-04-04 | Tree |
[5453] adding support for user stats
2013-04-04 | Tree |
[#5120] ticket:297 Use prettier branch and tags...
2013-04-03 | Tree |
[#5120] ticket:297 Quote branch name in urls
2013-04-03 | Tree |
[#5973] remove pysvn dependency from Allura pac...
2013-04-02 | Tree |
Output the URL being used to import tickets whe...
2013-03-28 | Tree |
[#5951] Fixed javascript error when adding mile...
2013-03-28 | Tree |
[#2835] ticket:303 Append all fields into insi...
2013-03-26 | Tree |
[#2835] ticket:303 Get rid of `title_s`, use `t...
2013-03-26 | Tree |
[#2835] ticket:288 Preserve old indexation logi...
2013-03-26 | Tree |
[#2835] ticket:288 Always use an empty string i...
2013-03-26 | Tree |
[#2835] ticket:288 Show artifact type next to t...
2013-03-26 | Tree |
[#2835] ticket:288 Change indexing
2013-03-26 | Tree |
[#2835] ticket:287 Add ago_string helper
2013-03-26 | Tree |
[#2835] ticket:287 Center radiobuttons and chec...
2013-03-26 | Tree |
[#2835] ticket:287 Search results styles (with ...
2013-03-26 | Tree |
[#2835] ticket:287 Make search field bigger, ad...
2013-03-26 | Tree |
Remove fork listing from changehistory page
2013-03-26 | Tree |