Commit | Date | |
Apply Apache License 2.0 header where necessary
2013-04-18 | Tree |
[#5481] Removed inline styles and use ULs for a...
[195859] by |
2013-04-15 | Tree |
[#5481] ticket:313 fixed Project Admins
2013-04-15 | Tree |
[#5481] ticket:313 fixed @, html and tests
2013-04-15 | Tree |
[#5481] Refactored and improved [[members]] mac...
[69153a] by |
2013-04-15 | Tree |
[#5481] ticket:313 project members page
2013-04-15 | Tree |
[#2835] ticket:288 Fix failing tests due to cha...
2013-03-26 | Tree |
[#5933] Add test to cover unicode display names
2013-03-07 | Tree |
[#5845] ticket:280 Updated tests for markdown m...
2013-02-28 | Tree |
[#5358] Markdown autolink pattern handles escap...
[a3e82f] by |
2013-02-21 | Tree |
[8b8b48] by |
2013-02-21 | Tree |
Revert "[#5358] allow markdown escapes within a...
[cb0892] by |
2013-02-20 | Tree |
[#5837] better test isolation
2013-02-19 | Tree |
[#5837] one-line import changes to remove pylon...
2013-02-19 | Tree |
[#5358] split up markdown tests, clean up & spe...
2013-02-18 | Tree |
[#5358] allow markdown escapes within autolinke...
2013-02-18 | Tree |
[#5538] ticket:253 Show invalid artifact links ...
2013-01-28 | Tree |
[#5290] ticket:220 prevent extra br tags insert...
2012-12-18 | Tree |
[#5343] Remove invalid test
[d765ac] by |
2012-12-13 | Tree |
Merge branch 'master' of https://git-wip-us.apa...
[4c7b81] by |
2012-12-12 | Tree |
Merge commit '186d366721f0f810cb8f357aba55253c6...
[1cb7c1] by |
2012-12-05 | Tree |
Merge remote-tracking branch 'temp/ticket-5357'
[d32c7e] by |
2012-12-05 | Tree |
[#5316] allow markdown within html tags, and do...
2012-12-03 | Tree |
[#5315] ticket:218 artifact links don't show br...
2012-11-26 | Tree |
[#5245] use the standard nl2br extension instea...
[d68805] by |
2012-11-09 | Tree |