# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import re
import os, allura
from mock import patch
from urllib import quote
from bson import ObjectId
from nose.tools import with_setup, assert_equal, assert_in, assert_not_in
from pylons import tmpl_context as c, app_globals as g
from ming.orm import ThreadLocalORMSession
from alluratest.controller import setup_basic_test, setup_global_objects
from allura import model as M
from allura.lib import helpers as h
from allura.tests import decorators as td
from forgewiki import model as WM
from forgeblog import model as BM
def setUp():
"""Method called by nose once before running the package. Some functions need it run again to reset data"""
def setup_with_tools():
def test_app_globals():
with h.push_context('test', 'wiki', neighborhood='Projects'):
assert g.app_static('css/wiki.css') == '/nf/_static_/wiki/css/wiki.css', g.app_static('css/wiki.css')
assert g.url('/foo', a='foo bar') == 'http://localhost:80/foo?a=foo+bar', g.url('/foo', a='foo bar')
assert g.url('/foo') == 'http://localhost:80/foo', g.url('/foo')
@with_setup(teardown=setUp) # reset everything we changed
def test_macros():
file_name = 'neo-icon-set-454545-256x350.png'
file_path = os.path.join(allura.__path__[0],'nf','allura','images',file_name)
curr_project = c.project
p_nbhd = M.Neighborhood.query.get(name='Projects')
p_test = M.Project.query.get(shortname='test', neighborhood_id=p_nbhd._id)
c.project = p_test
icon_file = open(file_path)
file_name, icon_file, content_type='image/png',
square=True, thumbnail_size=(48,48),
p_test2 = M.Project.query.get(shortname='test2', neighborhood_id=p_nbhd._id)
c.project = p_test2
icon_file = open(file_path)
file_name, icon_file, content_type='image/png',
square=True, thumbnail_size=(48,48),
p_sub1 = M.Project.query.get(shortname='test/sub1', neighborhood_id=p_nbhd._id)
c.project = p_sub1
icon_file = open(file_path)
file_name, icon_file, content_type='image/png',
square=True, thumbnail_size=(48,48),
p_test.labels = [ 'test', 'root' ]
p_sub1.labels = [ 'test', 'sub1' ]
# Make one project private
p_test.private = False
p_sub1.private = False
p_test2.private = True
with h.push_context(p_nbhd.neighborhood_project._id):
r = g.markdown_wiki.convert('[[projects]]')
assert '<img alt="test Logo"' in r, r
assert '<img alt="sub1 Logo"' in r, r
r = g.markdown_wiki.convert('[[projects labels=root]]')
assert '<img alt="test Logo"' in r, r
assert '<img alt="sub1 Logo"' not in r, r
r = g.markdown_wiki.convert('[[projects labels=sub1]]')
assert '<img alt="test Logo"' not in r, r
assert '<img alt="sub1 Logo"' in r, r
r = g.markdown_wiki.convert('[[projects labels=test]]')
assert '<img alt="test Logo"' in r, r
assert '<img alt="sub1 Logo"' in r, r
r = g.markdown_wiki.convert('[[projects labels=test,root]]')
assert '<img alt="test Logo"' in r, r
assert '<img alt="sub1 Logo"' not in r, r
r = g.markdown_wiki.convert('[[projects labels=test,sub1]]')
assert '<img alt="test Logo"' not in r, r
assert '<img alt="sub1 Logo"' in r, r
r = g.markdown_wiki.convert('[[projects labels=root|sub1]]')
assert '<img alt="test Logo"' in r, r
assert '<img alt="sub1 Logo"' in r, r
r = g.markdown_wiki.convert('[[projects labels=test,root|root,sub1]]')
assert '<img alt="test Logo"' in r, r
assert '<img alt="sub1 Logo"' not in r, r
r = g.markdown_wiki.convert('[[projects labels=test,root|test,sub1]]')
assert '<img alt="test Logo"' in r, r
assert '<img alt="sub1 Logo"' in r, r
r = g.markdown_wiki.convert('[[projects show_total=True sort=random]]')
assert '<p class="macro_projects_total">3 Projects</p>' in r, r
r = g.markdown_wiki.convert('[[projects show_total=True private=True sort=random]]')
assert '<p class="macro_projects_total">1 Projects</p>' in r, r
assert '<img alt="test2 Logo"' in r, r
assert '<img alt="test Logo"' not in r, r
assert '<img alt="sub1 Logo"' not in r, r
r = g.markdown_wiki.convert('[[projects show_proj_icon=True]]')
assert '<img alt="test Logo"' in r
r = g.markdown_wiki.convert('[[projects show_proj_icon=False]]')
assert '<img alt="test Logo"' not in r
c.project = curr_project
r = g.markdown_wiki.convert('[[download_button]]')
assert_equal(r, '<div class="markdown_content"><p><span class="download-button-%s" style="margin-bottom: 1em; display: block;"></span></p>\n</div>' % p_test._id)
h.set_context('--init--', 'wiki', neighborhood='Projects')
r = g.markdown_wiki.convert('[[neighborhood_feeds tool_name=Wiki]]')
assert 'Home modified by' in r, r
orig_len = len(r)
# Make project private & verify we don't see its new feed items
proj = M.Project.query.get(shortname='test', neighborhood_id=p_nbhd._id)
c.user = M.User.anonymous()
proj.acl.insert(0, M.ACE.deny(
c.user.project_role(proj)._id, 'read'))
pg = WM.Page.query.get(title='Home', app_config_id=c.app.config._id)
pg.text = 'Change'
r = g.markdown_wiki.convert('[[neighborhood_feeds tool_name=Wiki]]')
new_len = len(r)
assert new_len == orig_len
p = BM.BlogPost(title='test me', neighborhood_id=p_test.neighborhood_id)
p.text = 'test content'
p.state = 'published'
r = g.markdown_wiki.convert('[[neighborhood_blog_posts]]')
assert 'test content' in r
@with_setup(teardown=setUp) # reset everything we changed
def test_macro_members():
p_nbhd = M.Neighborhood.query.get(name='Projects')
p_test = M.Project.query.get(shortname='test', neighborhood_id=p_nbhd._id)
p_test.add_user(M.User.by_username('test-user'), ['Developer'])
p_test.add_user(M.User.by_username('test-user-0'), ['Member'])
r = g.markdown_wiki.convert('[[members limit=2]]')
'<div class="markdown_content">'
'<h6>Project Members:</h6>'
'<ul class="md-users-list">'
'<li><a href="/u/test-admin/">Test Admin</a> (admin)</li>'
'<li><a href="/u/test-user/">Test User</a></li>'
'<li class="md-users-list-more"><a href="/p/test/_members">All Members</a></li>'
@with_setup(teardown=setUp) # reset everything we changed
def test_macro_project_admins():
user = M.User.by_username('test-admin')
user.display_name = u'Test ��dmin'
r = g.markdown_wiki.convert('[[project_admins]]')
assert_equal(r, u'<div class="markdown_content"><h6>Project Admins:</h6><ul class="md-users-list"><li><a href="/u/test-admin/">Test ��dmin</a></li></ul>\n</div>')
@with_setup(teardown=setUp) # reset everything we changed
def test_macro_project_admins_one_br():
p_nbhd = M.Neighborhood.query.get(name='Projects')
p_test = M.Project.query.get(shortname='test', neighborhood_id=p_nbhd._id)
p_test.add_user(M.User.by_username('test-user'), ['Admin'])
r = g.markdown_wiki.convert('[[project_admins]]\n[[download_button]]')
assert not '</a><br /><br /><a href=' in r, r
assert '</a></li><li><a href=' in r, r
def test_macro_include_extra_br():
p_nbhd = M.Neighborhood.query.get(name='Projects')
p_test = M.Project.query.get(shortname='test', neighborhood_id=p_nbhd._id)
wiki = p_test.app_instance('wiki')
with h.push_context(p_test._id, app_config_id=wiki.config._id):
p = WM.Page.upsert(title='Include_1')
p.text = 'included page 1'
p = WM.Page.upsert(title='Include_2')
p.text = 'included page 2'
p = WM.Page.upsert(title='Include_3')
p.text = 'included page 3'
md = '[[include ref=Include_1]]\n[[include ref=Include_2]]\n[[include ref=Include_3]]'
html = g.markdown_wiki.convert(md)
expected_html = '''
<div class="markdown_content">
<div><div class="markdown_content"><p>included page 1</p></div></div>
<div><div class="markdown_content"><p>included page 2</p></div></div>
<div><div class="markdown_content"><p>included page 3</p></div></div>
'''.strip().replace('\n', '')
assert html.strip().replace('\n', '') == expected_html, html
def test_markdown_toc():
r = g.markdown_wiki.convert("""[TOC]
# Header 1
## Header 2""")
assert '''<ul>
<li><a href="#header-1">Header 1</a><ul>
<li><a href="#header-2">Header 2</a></li>
</ul>''' in r, r
def test_wiki_artifact_links():
text = g.markdown.convert('See [18:13:49]')
assert 'See <span>[18:13:49]</span>' in text, text
with h.push_context('test', 'wiki', neighborhood='Projects'):
text = g.markdown.convert('Read [here](Home) about our project')
assert '<a class="" href="/p/test/wiki/Home/">here</a>' in text, text
text = g.markdown.convert('[Go home](test:wiki:Home)')
assert '<a class="" href="/p/test/wiki/Home/">Go home</a>' in text, text
text = g.markdown.convert('See [test:wiki:Home]')
assert '<a class="alink" href="/p/test/wiki/Home/">[test:wiki:Home]</a>' in text, text
def test_markdown_links():
text = g.markdown.convert('Read [here](http://foobar.sf.net/) about our project')
assert_in('href="http://foobar.sf.net/">here</a> about', text)
text = g.markdown.convert('Read [here](/p/foobar/blah) about our project')
assert_in('href="/p/foobar/blah">here</a> about', text)
text = g.markdown.convert('Read <http://foobar.sf.net/> about our project')
assert_in('href="http://foobar.sf.net/">http://foobar.sf.net/</a> about', text)
def test_markdown_and_html():
r = g.markdown_wiki.convert('<div style="float:left">blah</div>')
assert '<div style="float: left;">blah</div>' in r, r
def test_markdown_within_html():
r = g.markdown_wiki.convert('<div style="float:left" markdown>**blah**</div>')
assert '''<div style="float: left;">
</div>''' in r, r
def test_markdown_basics():
with h.push_context('test', 'wiki', neighborhood='Projects'):
text = g.markdown.convert('# Foo!\n[Home]')
assert '<a class="alink" href=' in text, text
text = g.markdown.convert('# Foo!\n[Rooted]')
assert '<a href=' not in text, text
assert '<br' in g.markdown.convert('Multi\nLine'), g.markdown.convert('Multi\nLine')
assert '<br' not in g.markdown.convert('Multi\n\nLine')
g.markdown.convert("<class 'foo'>") # should not raise an exception
assert '<br>' not in g.markdown.convert('''# Header
Some text in a regular paragraph
for i in range(10):
print i
assert 'http://localhost/' in g.forge_markdown(email=True).convert('[Home]')
assert 'class="codehilite"' in g.markdown.convert('''
def foo(): pass
def test_markdown_autolink():
tgt = 'http://everything2.com/?node=nate+oostendorp'
s = g.markdown.convert('This is %s' % tgt)
s, '<div class="markdown_content"><p>This is <a href="%s" rel="nofollow">%s</a></p></div>' % (tgt, tgt))
assert '<a href=' in g.markdown.convert('This is http://sf.net')
# beginning of doc
assert_in('<a href=', g.markdown.convert('http://sf.net abc'))
# beginning of a line
assert_in('<br />\n<a href="http://', g.markdown.convert('foobar\nhttp://sf.net abc'))
# no conversion of these urls:
assert_in('a blahttp://sdf.com z',
g.markdown.convert('a blahttp://sdf.com z'))
assert_in('literal <code>http://sf.net</code> literal',
g.markdown.convert('literal `http://sf.net` literal'))
assert_in('<pre>preformatted http://sf.net\n</pre>',
g.markdown.convert(' :::text\n'
' preformatted http://sf.net'))
def test_markdown_autolink_with_escape():
# \_ is unnecessary but valid markdown escaping and should be considered as a regular underscore
# (it occurs during html2text conversion during project migrations)
r = g.markdown.convert('a http://www.phpmyadmin.net/home\_page/security/\#target b')
assert 'href="http://www.phpmyadmin.net/home_page/security/#target"' in r, r
def test_macro_projects():
r = g.markdown.convert('[[projects]]')
assert '[[projects]]' in r, r
with h.push_context(M.Neighborhood.query.get(name='Projects').neighborhood_project._id):
r = g.markdown_wiki.convert('[[projects]]')
assert '<div class="border card">' in r, r
def test_macro_include():
r = g.markdown.convert('[[include ref=Home id=foo]]')
assert '<div id="foo">' in r, r
assert 'href="../foo"' in g.markdown.convert('[My foo](foo)')
assert 'href="..' not in g.markdown.convert('[My foo](./foo)')
def test_macro_nbhd_feeds():
with h.push_context('--init--', 'wiki', neighborhood='Projects'):
r = g.markdown_wiki.convert('[[neighborhood_feeds tool_name=Wiki]]')
assert 'Home modified by ' in r, r
def test_sort_alpha():
p_nbhd = M.Neighborhood.query.get(name='Projects')
with h.push_context(p_nbhd.neighborhood_project._id):
r = g.markdown_wiki.convert('[[projects sort=alpha]]')
project_list = get_project_names(r)
assert project_list == sorted(project_list)
def test_sort_registered():
p_nbhd = M.Neighborhood.query.get(name='Projects')
with h.push_context(p_nbhd.neighborhood_project._id):
r = g.markdown_wiki.convert('[[projects sort=last_registered]]')
project_names = get_project_names(r)
ids = get_projects_property_in_the_same_order(project_names, '_id')
assert ids == sorted(ids, reverse=True)
def test_sort_updated():
p_nbhd = M.Neighborhood.query.get(name='Projects')
with h.push_context(p_nbhd.neighborhood_project._id):
r = g.markdown_wiki.convert('[[projects sort=last_updated]]')
project_names = get_project_names(r)
updated_at = get_projects_property_in_the_same_order(project_names, 'last_updated')
assert updated_at == sorted(updated_at, reverse=True)
def test_filtering():
# set up for test
from random import choice
random_trove = choice(M.TroveCategory.query.find().all())
test_project = M.Project.query.get(name='test')
test_project_troves = getattr(test_project, 'trove_' + random_trove.type)
p_nbhd = M.Neighborhood.query.get(name='Projects')
with h.push_context(p_nbhd.neighborhood_project._id):
r = g.markdown_wiki.convert('[[projects category="%s"]]' % random_trove.fullpath)
project_names = get_project_names(r)
assert [test_project.name, ] == project_names
def test_projects_macro():
two_column_style = 'width: 330px;'
p_nbhd = M.Neighborhood.query.get(name='Projects')
with h.push_context(p_nbhd.neighborhood_project._id):
# test columns
r = g.markdown_wiki.convert('[[projects display_mode=list columns=2]]')
assert two_column_style in r
r = g.markdown_wiki.convert('[[projects display_mode=list columns=3]]')
assert two_column_style not in r
# test project download button
r = g.markdown_wiki.convert('[[projects display_mode=list show_download_button=True]]')
assert 'download-button' in r
r = g.markdown_wiki.convert('[[projects display_mode=list show_download_button=False]]')
assert 'download-button' not in r
def test_limit_tools_macro():
p_nbhd = M.Neighborhood.query.get(name='Adobe')
with h.push_context(p_nbhd.neighborhood_project._id, 'wiki'):
r = g.markdown_wiki.convert('[[projects]]')
assert '<span>Admin</span>' in r
r = g.markdown_wiki.convert('[[projects grid_view_tools=wiki]]')
assert '<span>Admin</span>' not in r
r = g.markdown_wiki.convert('[[projects grid_view_tools=wiki,admin]]')
assert '<span>Admin</span>' in r
def test_myprojects_macro():
h.set_context('u/%s' % (c.user.username), 'wiki', neighborhood='Users')
r = g.markdown_wiki.convert('[[my_projects]]')
for p in c.user.my_projects():
if p.deleted or p.is_nbhd_project:
proj_title = '<h2><a href="%s">%s</a></h2>' % (p.url(), p.name)
assert proj_title in r
h.set_context('u/test-user-1', 'wiki', neighborhood='Users')
user = M.User.query.get(username='test-user-1')
r = g.markdown_wiki.convert('[[my_projects]]')
for p in user.my_projects():
if p.deleted or p.is_nbhd_project:
proj_title = '<h2><a href="%s">%s</a></h2>' % (p.url(), p.name)
assert proj_title in r
def test_hideawards_macro():
p_nbhd = M.Neighborhood.query.get(name='Projects')
app_config_id = ObjectId()
tool_version = {'neighborhood': '0'}
award = M.Award(app_config_id=app_config_id, tool_version=tool_version)
award.short = u'Award short'
award.full = u'Award full'
award.created_by_neighborhood_id = p_nbhd._id
project = M.Project.query.get(neighborhood_id=p_nbhd._id, name=u'test')
award_grant = M.AwardGrant(award=award,
with h.push_context(p_nbhd.neighborhood_project._id):
r = g.markdown_wiki.convert('[[projects]]')
assert '<div class="feature">Award short</div>' in r, r
r = g.markdown_wiki.convert('[[projects show_awards_banner=False]]')
assert '<div class="feature">Award short</div>' not in r, r
def get_project_names(r):
Extracts a list of project names from a wiki page HTML.
# projects short names are in h2 elements without any attributes
# there is one more h2 element, but it has `class` attribute
#re_proj_names = re.compile('<h2><a[^>]>(.+)<\/a><\/h2>')
re_proj_names = re.compile('<h2><a[^>]+>(.+)<\/a><\/h2>')
return [e for e in re_proj_names.findall(r)]
def get_projects_property_in_the_same_order(names, prop):
Returns a list of projects properties `prop` in the same order as
project `names`.
It is required because results of the query are not in the same order as names.
projects = M.Project.query.find(dict(name={'$in': names})).all()
projects_dict = dict([(p['name'],p[prop]) for p in projects])
return [projects_dict[name] for name in names]