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Third-party Data Migration

Allura provides means to migrate existing project data hosted in other applications. At this time, tracker/ticket import is available. The migration procedure is as follows:

  1. Export data from your application into ForgePlucker JSON-based interchanged format (
  2. Prepare a tracker in Allura project for import.
  3. Validate import data.
  4. Request/Generate Import API Ticket.
  5. Perform actual migration.

Subsections below discuss each step in more detail.

Exporting data

The aim of migration services in Allura was to support various applications and data tools. This is achieved by using intermediate format to represent data which were exported from 3rd-party application and will be imported into Allura. This formated is based on proposals of ForgePlucker project ( and is relatively simple JSON-based format. Please note that there some differences to the format as described in ForgePlucker documents, because ForgePlucker format is itself not finalized, and there was need to tweak format based on actual usecases with Allura. There is currently no standalone description of format understood by Allura, output produced by sample exporter(s) provided should be taken as the reference.

At this time, only single-tracker imports are supported.

There is a proof-of-concept Trac exporter provided. It is expected that it will be elaborated, and more exporters written on as-needed basis, both by Allura developers and community. We will be glad to integrate any useful contributions.

Preparing for import

Allura strives to provide as faithful and lossless import as possible. However, to achieve this, some help from user is required. The most important part of it is ensuring that users referenced in the import JSON are available in Allura. If, during import, some user does not exist, corresponding field in a ticket will be set to Nobody/Anonymous.

It oftentimes not possible or plausible to ensure that all submitting users have account on the forge, but it is usually more important to make sure that assigned-to users do. Assigned-to users are usually a smaller set, like members of your project, so it's good idea to ask them to register an account before performing import.

Another common issue is that username in original tracker and in the forge do not match. The import service provides the ability to specify user mapping to overcome this. For example, you can specify that user "john" as appearing in JSON should be translated to "john2" in the forge. Mapping should be prepared in the form of JSON dictionary, e.g. {"john": "john2"}.

Other issue is extra ticket fields appearing in the original tracker. Allura tracker by default support small number of generally usable fields. More fields can be created as "custom" ones. Import service has the to automatically create custom fields for unknown fields appearing in import JSON. However, it will use "string" type for them. If that's not what you want, you should pre-create all custom fields in the custom tracker with correct types.

Validating import data

Before you do actual import, it makes sense to perform "dry run" import to catch any issues. This is especially true as real import requires special permission granted by an "API ticket" (more on this below).

Both validating and actual import is executed using a REST API call. There's however a script provided which takes command-line arguments, pre-processes them and executes need REST API call. This script is called To run it in the validation mode:

python -u \
  -a <API key> -s <Secret key>
  -p test -t bugs \
  --user-map=users.json \
  --validate import.json

Getting Import API ticket

To perform actual import, you should request an Import API ticket from site administrator. For user-facing documentation for, please refer to the corresponding section at .

Below are described site admin's step to generate an API ticket on user's request.

Visit /nf/admin/ link of the site for Site Admin pages. Select "API Tickets" from left navigation menu. There will be a form to generate a new ticket and a list of existing API tickets (most recently generated first) below it. To create a ticket, fill in following information:

  • Username - all actions performed using the ticket will be tied to this account.
  • Capabilities (JSON) - all API tickets must have capabilities (represented with JSON dictionary) set. For import, this should be {"import": [<nbhd_name>, <project_shortname>}, e.g. {"import": ["Projects", "test"]}. For multiple projects, several tickets must be created.
  • Expiration date - All API tickets are time-limited, with default active duration of 48 hours, all actions using the ticket must be performed within this timeframe.

Once a ticket is generated (will be shown topmost in the list), API ticket and secret key values must be passed securely to the requesting user.

Performing actual import

The same script, is used for actual import, you just should omit --validation option and use API ticket/secret pair:

python -u \
  -a <API ticket> -s <ticket secret>
  -p test -t bugs \
  --user-map=users.json \