Commit Date  
[#6125] ticket:342 svn repository commit email...
Tim Van Steenburgh Tim Van Steenburgh pushed [c42a25] by Yuriy Arhipov Yuriy Arhipov
2013-05-23 Tree
[#6256] use TMPDIR instead of /tmp everywhere
Tim Van Steenburgh Tim Van Steenburgh pushed [760cf5] by Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema
2013-05-23 Tree
[#6232] ticket:351 Skip tarball test if zip bin...
Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema pushed [680be1] by Igor Bondarenko Igor Bondarenko
2013-05-16 Tree
[#6232] ticket:351 Use binary zip to generate s...
Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema pushed [3944f9] by Igor Bondarenko Igor Bondarenko
2013-05-16 Tree
[#5644] ticket:332 Fixes for svn feed
Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema pushed [e7b5be] by Igor Bondarenko Igor Bondarenko
2013-05-15 Tree
[#5644] ticket:332 Fix svn tests
Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema pushed [fb4b54] by Igor Bondarenko Igor Bondarenko
2013-05-15 Tree
[#5773] ticket:314 added full commit message, f...
Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema pushed [e14b56] by Yuriy Arhipov Yuriy Arhipov
2013-05-02 Tree
[#6172] Remove default TG file extension handling.
Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema pushed [724493] by Tim Van Steenburgh Tim Van Steenburgh
2013-04-30 Tree
[#6069] ticket:324 added prefix to zip tarball
Cory Johns Cory Johns pushed [49933d] by Yuriy Arhipov Yuriy Arhipov
2013-04-26 Tree
[#6069] ticket:317 Change code snapshots to zip...
Cory Johns Cory Johns pushed [352b74] by Yuriy Arhipov Yuriy Arhipov
2013-04-26 Tree
[#6083] Improved empty repo checking
Tim Van Steenburgh Tim Van Steenburgh pushed [2e862b] by Cory Johns Cory Johns
2013-04-22 Tree
Apply Apache License 2.0 header where necessary
Tim Van Steenburgh Tim Van Steenburgh pushed [ddf08c] by Peter Hartmann Peter Hartmann
2013-04-18 Tree
[#6086] Don't create initial commit in svn repos
Cory Johns Cory Johns pushed [442cb9] by Tim Van Steenburgh Tim Van Steenburgh
2013-04-16 Tree
[#6068] fix paged_diffs return value when no Di...
[2dfbcf] by Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema
2013-04-08 Tree
[#5453] Fix svn test to work with user stats
Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema pushed [43731d] by Tim Van Steenburgh Tim Van Steenburgh
2013-04-04 Tree
[#5120] ticket:297 Change default urls for the ...
Cory Johns Cory Johns pushed [a07f13] by Yuriy Arhipov Yuriy Arhipov
2013-04-03 Tree
[#5120] ticket:307 beautiful urls only for bran...
Cory Johns Cory Johns pushed [c82342] by Yuriy Arhipov Yuriy Arhipov
2013-04-03 Tree
[#5973] remove pysvn dependency from Allura pac...
Tim Van Steenburgh Tim Van Steenburgh pushed [6db2bc] by Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema
2013-04-02 Tree
[#5969] ticket:306 Shard path name for code sna...
Cory Johns Cory Johns pushed [6ac00f] by Igor Bondarenko Igor Bondarenko
2013-03-25 Tree
Merge branch 'db/5755'
[1b4ce9] by Tim Van Steenburgh Tim Van Steenburgh
2013-03-12 Tree
[#2840] ticket:273 fixed errors
Cory Johns Cory Johns pushed [584a9d] by Yuriy Arhipov Yuriy Arhipov
2013-03-11 Tree
[#2840] ticket:272 task for code snapshots gene...
Cory Johns Cory Johns pushed [6ffde8] by Yuriy Arhipov Yuriy Arhipov
2013-03-11 Tree
[#2840] Tweak UI for snapshot download
[8b9054] by Cory Johns Cory Johns
2013-03-11 Tree
[#2840] Added gzip compression to snapshot
[b924f7] by Cory Johns Cory Johns
2013-03-11 Tree
[#2840] ticket:273 user interface for tarball
Cory Johns Cory Johns pushed [bb43fd] by Yuriy Arhipov Yuriy Arhipov
2013-03-11 Tree
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Showing results of 139