[#6133] remove histogram, and matplotlib & numpy dependences

Only remaining use of matplotlib was a histogram (bar chart)
of a user's projects per trove category. This is a simple chart
and the data is available in a table, so not worth the very big
and complex dependencies of matplotlib and numpy and associated
workarounds due to them. So removing the histogram, dependencies,
and workarounds.

Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema 2013-05-05

Cory Johns Cory Johns 2013-05-06

removed Allura/allura/lib/graphics
removed Allura/allura/lib/graphics/__init__.py
removed Allura/allura/lib/graphics/graphic_methods.py
changed Allura/docs/conf.py
changed ForgeUserStats/forgeuserstats/controllers/userstats.py
changed ForgeUserStats/forgeuserstats/templates/index.html
changed vagrant/manifests/ubuntu-1204-server-amd64.pp
changed requirements-common.txt
File was removed.
Allura/docs/conf.py Diff Switch to side-by-side view
ForgeUserStats/forgeuserstats/controllers/userstats.py Diff Switch to side-by-side view
ForgeUserStats/forgeuserstats/templates/index.html Diff Switch to side-by-side view
vagrant/manifests/ubuntu-1204-server-amd64.pp Diff Switch to side-by-side view
requirements-common.txt Diff Switch to side-by-side view